dirkdady3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Forming new studio and in talks with Sony per Japanese major newspaper.
Pic of kojima and mark together recently - foreshadowing?

Sony, Adam Boyes, Shu give this man all the money he needs!
Can we expect a Sirens or Syphon Filter reboot or new IP all together?

If u don't know siren check this out:

MightyNoX3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Sony's Kojima"s best choice. They're generous with their budget and encourage new IPs...unlike Microsoft.

@YinYang: Must've missed the part where Naughty Dog is renamed 'Uncharted Productions' or Guriella into 'Killzone Factory'

I look forward to playing Shangheist.

YinYangGaming3112d ago

As a playstation & kojima fan for years and years I agree wholeheartedly with the first part of what you said but the second part about Microsoft you went full fanboy... Never go full fanboy

Gazondaily3112d ago

He cant help it Ying :P

Would be a massive coup for Sony though and a more natural fit I imagine.

Mikefizzled3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Meanwhile in Microsoft's 2016 publishing lineup:
Quantum Break
Sea of Thieves
The real reason Sony is his best choice is because Microsoft doesn't have any experience assisting with setting up studios in Japan. He would do much better in Tokyo with support from SCE Japan studio.

dirkdady3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )


I disagree that is the "real" reason if he truly is joining SCE as its yet to be confirmed. That may be part of the reason but I think it's mainly about the goo relationship that exists and sonys world class new studio incubation program along with pub fund and other programs.

Regarding ur list honestly all of those are sort of iffy if they will truly turn out good with some exception to quantum break. Loved Alan wake but it wasn't critically acclaimed Scored in the 80s on meta and the whole TV show intertwining is sort of suspect. Optimistically positive though.

Gazondaily3112d ago


"Hmmm all of those are sort of iffy"

Sort of iffy eh?

"Optimistically positive though."

You sure don't sound optimistic lol. Sounds pretty forced tbh.

dirkdady3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Optimistic about quantum break. I spent many hours in the world of Alan wake, truly did a fine job of fleshing out a place like twin peaks down to the zany dinner and odd hillbilly characters. The enemies and combat did get repetitive with the flashlight and shadow people.

The story was intriguing delving into the psyche of the writer(Alan) as he decends into.. Well I won't spoil that part. Probably one of the first titles to use pick up audio logs (novel pages in this case) to drive some of the narrative.

nX3111d ago

I couldn't imagine any better place than SCEJA for him, hopefully Sony approaches him properly.

Gamer4News3111d ago

Sony got just the perfect game for him and del Toro to make: a new Siren game. They can call it: Siren Hills.

Death3111d ago

Why would Kojima have to join any first party development team? Kojima is more than capable of being an independent developer. He may need a publisher like Bungie did to make high budget games, but he doesn't need to become an employee of Sony to be successful.

Bansai3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Guys, he's not going into sony's camp, that was just translatic mishap.

It just says he's going to work on gaming consoles such as SONY's.

ScorpiusX3111d ago

The question he needs to ask of Sony is are they going to let him keep his IPS, so whenever this so called deal goes south he has properties to work with

dirkdady3111d ago


Kojima was suppose to have announced his partnership with Sony at end of PSX per PS Nation. They did tweet out right after PSX that there was suppose to have been an announcement at the end but was pulled.


Zeref3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Uh lol. Sony can't afford to be generous. If we're talking budget, Microsoft can offer them much more. Kojima is known to require huge budgets.

Sony is the best place for him in terms of culture. But when it comes to budget Microsoft is where he needs to be.

annoyedgamer3111d ago

You Sony fanboys just cant help youself can you..Microsoft has nothing to to with this.

NewMonday3111d ago

if Sony don't tie him up they are nuts


Sony should give him control of all Japan Studio

they didn't take the opportunity with Sakaguchi and the Platinum Games talent when they left Capcom, I'm afraid they will let this one get away.

Halo2ODST23111d ago

You're very honest, don't see much of that on N4G.

Utalkin2me3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

How about the decade and half before that?

3-4-53111d ago

@ Septic. This isn't highlander.....There can be more than one good company.

dcbronco3111d ago

Anyone believing Sony is the better choice is crazy. Yes its a Japanese company, but Japanese games have to sell in the West to really make a profit. And this is a situation where the $ sign clowns like to add to Microsoft's name actually means something. They can throw far more of it at the problem than Sony.

But the biggest reason he should go to Microsoft is leverage. At Sony he can get some money and they will give him some flexibility. But there will be limits because they can't afford to lose but so much money. Microsoft on the other hand would give him complete freedom and deal with substantial losses if need be just to avoid being shut out of for the gaming "street cred" that comes with having him. He could get far more out of Microsoft. Sony will only support a couple of $100 games. Microsoft would support ten to keep him.

3111d ago
GribbleGrunger3111d ago

Phew ... for a moment there I thought you'd written 'Sirent Hills'.

GameNameFame3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )


Wow. lol. You are really losing it there...

"freedom" really? You say that after 12 halo games!!

-Bungie left because they wanted to work on something else.
-Epic said they want to stop working on Gears of War.
-Turn 12 is not allowed to make anything but Forza.

Lol...Sony cant afford to lose so much money? Is that why Sony is sponsoring so new IPs? Even as risky as "Dream".

Some people are just grasping desperately at straws.

_-EDMIX-_3111d ago

lol though I agree with you for the most part, both Sony and MS have a focus on new IPs, Sony merely has a stronger focus on long term new IPs.

ie starting series vs MS making new IP that most times don't continue on to be anything other then a single title, not bad, but they don't have a history like Sony of starting new series every gen by a chunk of their teams. I see Sony being a likely bet based on their Japanese appeal.

dcbronco3111d ago

Game I know you're probably a ten year old but let me explain something that will help you in life. People will throw money at something they want badly. Microsoft has a lot of money to throw. They spent a billion before One launched just getting the people to put together their Xbox Studios adventure and then dropped it like it was nothing only to spend over two billion buying Minecraft and immediately started talking about a movie for it. So they kinda have a lot of money to throw.

The other side of that is when someone is the thing wanted it gives them a thing called leverage. You might have seen an example of it when your favorite sports star wouldn't play for some reason. They wanted more money and had demands put in their contract. If you're a unique talent you can get all types of stuff like glow in the dark Frisbees. One female singer has what they call a rider, I think, that has stuff like I want a two pound bag of m & m's in my room at all times but only the green ones. Leverage can be awesome. But sad too.

Kojima has leverage. He can get pretty much what he wants.

Plus I think living in your fanboys bubble has made you forget Sony used to demand the IP of games it supported. That is truly taking away someone's freedom. And new IP, really? How many new AAA IPs has Sony released this year and for 2016, I think Microsoft is winning there.

rainslacker3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

And yet Sony also said this

" http://www.dualshockers.com...

"Four out of ten games make money, but Sony will always support talent."

Sometimes it's not about the money. Well, I'd imagine it always is, but Sony is not risk adverse...which is why they have so many successful IP's in their portfolio because sometimes you just have to take risks to find that next big thing.

Shu also says

"One of the things we always come back to when we’re looking at five potential projects is that we choose the team we believe in when we start working with a new team. That’s really really important."

Basically, they will support a title if they believe the team can deliver. It may not make money, but they believe in taking the risk.

Another article, although I don't know who said it, said,

"You don't make money making games, you make money shipping games".

What console is likely to ship more of a Kojima game?

Food for thought.

GameNameFame3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )


"I know you're probably a ten year old" After you said that, you said the something exactly a 10 year old would say.

Do you understand how business works? Do you understand what business model is? Do you understand what track record is?

Lol."MS has alot of money to throw"

Do you seriously think that is how the business works?

I am sorry, but this is just hilarious.

Way MS runs its studios and way Sony runs it is based on completely different business model. Look at its track record. MS will never allow its big successful studio to do anything else than make Halo, Gear, or Forza. 12 Halo games so far. That takes milking to new level.

And no business throws money around just because it can.

Ezz20133111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Damn,i never thought this news would anger the fanboys this much
anyway,Sony keep push for new IPs all the time along with it knowen IPs

I don't know what kind of deal Sony have with him yet but no one is better than Sony when it comes to pushing new IPs.

Dir_en_grey3111d ago

Holy sh!t Sony just released a video that Kojima is teaming w/ Sony!!!

moparful993111d ago


How convenient that you use this year as a measure of new IP's from either Sony or Microsoft.

Sony has always spread their major releases out to give them room and space to matriculate on their own. Sony could have pushed Naughty Dog to finish Uncharted 3 for the ohhh so important holiday shopping season, but they didn't. Why do you think this is? It's because Sony releases games when they are ready and have the best chance at success.

For example God of War 2. This game was a huge title for Sony at the end of the most successful console cycle in the history of video games. Sony could have easily held that game over and made it an early PS3 title to help drive the system. But instead stuck with a PS2 launch to cater to the HUGE install base of the PS2. That game was super successful on the PS2 and helped Stig Assumusen become the Director for God of War 3, coincidentally a title that proved the PS3's potential and a key turning point in the previous generation.

Do you think Microsoft would have done so? I don't, given their track record they would have forced their studio to scrap the code and begin writing it for their new system so they could feature it as a bullet point in their always oversold sales pitches.

Microsoft has a history of only caring about sales and sales alone. That's why the best thing they ever did was get rid of Don Mattrick and put Phil Spencer in charge.

Phil is the man that Xbox has needed all along. He cares about games, he's truly a gamer, and most importantly he listens to and connects with his customers.

This kind of leadership has been sorely lacking within Microsoft for as long as the company has been in existence. they listen to and follow their board and stock holders more than the people buying their products.

These reasons are exactly why Sony is the better fit for Kojima than Microsoft will ever be not to mention the partnership and close relationship that Sony has enjoyed with Kojima since the 90's.

In this matter you are utterly wrong.

nix3111d ago

i'm now here just to smile. :)

Why o why3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

I'm now here just to smile and wink;)

Lifendz3111d ago

Sony doing their best to put that nail in MS' casket this generation. Great partnership. Excited to see what he creates now that he's free of Konami.

RumbleFish3111d ago

I know, single console players tend to hope for Kojima to develop for their console of choice, but I don't hope for exclusives anymore. I hope for multiplats (including PC) that work great on either platform.
It's better for us all, when we can enjoy all the games on our favorite machine.

dcbronco3111d ago

Game obviously you don't understand business. Microsoft said when they entered the gaming market they expected years of losses. But you don't think they will take losses to get Kojima. Why not? And regardless of how well PS4 is doing Sony isn't free to just spend away. They still have cashflow problems.

Rain, Sony can say they will support all they want. And they will support games to a limit. But to a limit because when it comes to money Sony has limits. Compared to Sony Microsoft relatively has no financial limits. Kojima likes to spend money. Going to Sony will only be slightly more financially liberating than being at Konami. You can say you will do anything you want, but if it cost a lot of money and you don't have enough you won't be doing it.

Moparful, you use a reply to a conversation about new IP to talk about how Sony could have done a lot of sequels. I'm not sure how that is relevant. Then you argue my point by saying how Microsoft is different under Phil Spencer and how you like the current guy in charge of Xbox because he is a real gamer and loves games. Thanks.

Microsoft has launched more new IP or will through 2016 than Sony has. They set aside an initial one billion dollars for games. They say they have additional IP for this year and going forward. Phil Spencer is a break from the past and will support Kojima. Rare isn't working on Kinect anymore. Let it go. It's in your best interest to learn to let things go in life and apply new information.

Kojima will sell more games on PS4. Because too many "gamers" will blindly support a brand before a quality game. Gamers say they don't like being marginalized by society but they let the worst people in the community act as gaming's voice. Fanboys are the Taliban, the nazis, the racist and sexist of gaming. Society doesn't need another tea party.

You say you want power but won't buy a PC. You want new IP but when Microsoft does that you won't support them. You love Kojima as long as he doesn't work for Microsoft. Just admit it, you don't love anything but the position you arbitrarily chose and will never consider reality. Good luck with that in the real world.

Why o why3110d ago

DCb, you typed all that just to hide the fact you were wrong. I mean we all make mistakes but what thought patterns other than biased ones lead you to believe and state so adamantly MS were the best fit for Kojima... HONEST QUESTION... I mean I swear you were calling people 'crazy' and 'ten year olds' for disagreeing with you.

rainslacker3110d ago

"Sony can say they will support all they want. And they will support games to a limit."

I agree. They will go to a certain limit.

But you seem to be implying that MS is limitless in what they can support just because they have boundless reserves of cash, which tends to disregard the fact that MS also sets limits on what they will support.

Both MS and Sony have limits imposed by investors and the board of directors which dictate they can spend on game production. Both companies have to weigh the pros and cons of supporting a project against another project.

MS, never, will simply throw untold amounts of cash at game development. They will budget a game in the same way as any other publisher, and Kojima will not get special treatment because of his status. He will be responsible for delivering, or else he will face contractual fallouts which would be bad for him. At best, his name and reputation give him the opportunity to get that money that's been reserved for game development, and it would take special permission to go above the budget that's been established, so it would have to be a sure fire profit venture, which Kojima's name simply can't guarantee.

Does Kojima like to spend money? I'm pretty sure he has to work within the budgets he's given. Just because he's given big budgets doesn't mean he's wasteful. I'd like to see some evidence that he doesn't appropriate the funds he's given properly. That's a pretty serious accusation to make against him. He was tasked to make MGSV and the Fox Engine. He was given budgets to do so. The scope of MGSV may have exceeded the budget, but it's pretty obvious he wasn't just given more money because of it.

Even at Sony, or MS if he was partnering with them, he's going to have limits imposed on him with his production. The idea of 100% complete freedom doesn't exist in $50-100 million budgets. The publisher will expect certain things, and the publisher will expect to have some input on the project because it is their money.

Sony may give more latitude for Kojima to implement his ideas will less interference, but it's laughable to think that Sony is just going to give him a big check and say, "See you in a couple years, be sure to get us a trailer for E3". No, it just doesn't happen like that in any game production unless it's self funded and published. If that's what Kojima wanted, then he wouldn't be partnering with any publisher...but then he wouldn't be making a AAA game.

Sony has their budgets for producing games each year appropriated by the board of directors. It's the responsibility of the people running studios or 3rd party relations to appropriate that money to projects they deem fit, in the amounts they feel will be worthwhile to the company. And again, MS is the exact same way. They do not just open check books because they can.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3110d ago
pwnsause_returns3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Here we go! Kojima x PlayStation collab

I would like to see him reimagine siren, it's more in line with him with what he did with PT.

3111d ago

Silent Evil sound much, much better.

UKmilitia3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

the thing with him is this.
he is very talented but keeping his ideas within budget dont really work to well,so for Sony to take him on he would have to start budgeting better imo,Sony dont want another blackhole.

dcbronco3111d ago

Exactly. Which is why Microsoft is a better fit. He can't count and they don't need to.

GameNameFame3111d ago

At above,

wow, you are really going to break down over this.. arnt you?

I am guessing your job is not anything in professional level. If you ever even make it there, you will understand everything will have budget.

Lol. in the meantime, keep grasping that straw.

gosukyomomma3111d ago


you keep going on about how MS has all this money much more than sony....

So you with your logic could you please explain why MS decided to skimp out on the xbone design and make a less powerful console? i mean given the billions and all the money that you state ms has they would of created a dual gpu that would kill everything i mean they have all that money to do so havent they?...

Your one of those daft people that thinks more money someone has the better the person they are.

please stop your making yourself look stupid. a bit like a stupid 10 year old...

MonsterChef3111d ago

@dcbronco so where is you expert assessment now? you ten year old, your responses have shown how little you actually know about how the real world functions. believing foolhardily that money equals success without using factual evidence, such as SONY's 20 years worth of risky new ips, to dictate a proper opinion and using only the narrative that more money equals more game genres as your only bullet point all the while ignoring the fact that Microsoft is only known as a fps generator.

mechlord3111d ago

i have a better one for you:

since MS has this infinite money tree, why didn't they bought out the ps business? or Sony whole, for that matter;
or paid sony to sell less consoles;
or subverted some of the first party studios
and this
and that...
you can see where this is going, cant you?

moparful993111d ago

dcbronco is clearly an Xbox only kind of gamer. If he had any inclination at all toward Sony he would know that Sony and Kojima have had a very good functioning relationship since at least the 90's and that this collaboration has made Kojima a legend and very wealthy.

Kojima is the only reason that Konami has any relevancy in today's industry, so with that partnership forever shattered the obvious place is with Sony.

Also considering that his new studio is not owned by Sony shows that they respect him enough to have his own independent studio. Microsoft would have just backed a brinks truck up to his office and said "we're taking over" and proceed to control him the way Konami has for decades.

But alas he's (dcbronco) one of those that can't see past his own nose to realize that Kojima is exactly where he wants to be.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3111d ago
Thatguy-3103111d ago

A siren game from him would be SICK!!!!

TwoForce3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

@Death Kojima can handle himself. But Kojima has a long history with Sony, they both have a great relationship. Sony let their first party studios to do whatever they want. He don't need success from Sony, but he need a well established publisher that give him a full creative. That would be Sony.

dinosaurcrossbow3111d ago

Exactly. Microsoft is the exact opposite. Forcing Rare to make Kinect games. Shame on them. Kojima should definitely be with Sony. It just feels right.

PaleMoonDeath3111d ago

They'd better take care of my Koji!

E3 2016, wait for it.

annoyedgamer3111d ago

They wont have anything to show by then. They will probably show a working title and even that is unlikely.

Sunny_D3111d ago

This is true. If Kojima starts in January, there would only be less than 6 months of work being done. I'm pretty sure the first few months of the year are going to be him relocating, finding employees, brainstorming game ideas and becoming accustomed in general to the overall new atmosphere.

PC_603111d ago

So you don't want his future games on any other platforms? how selfish

TwoForce3111d ago

And do you know the history between Kojima and Sony ?

2pacalypsenow3111d ago

Yeah you should also protest so Ps4 gets Halo and gears of war

Ashraf893111d ago

@2pacalypsenow... And Rise of Tomb Rider..

ApolloTheBoss3111d ago

@2pacalypsenow what is this black magic you speak of??

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3111d ago
Pillsbury13111d ago

I will follow you anywhere kojima-san.

TwoForce3111d ago

@Zeref Microsoft didn't know and have relationships with Kojima. Sony and Kojima have a strong relationship from the beginning to this day. Sony First Party AAA is know for making new ip, so that would make scene for Kojima to join Sony.

rainslacker3111d ago

I also believe Kojima is a bit of a Sony fan boy.:)

showtimefolks3111d ago

Kojima and Sony are made for each other. David cage was gonna do one game with sony but he is working on his 3rd

Kojima will fall in love with freedom and support and just do ps exclusives

ZombieKiller3111d ago

Well the first part of my wish seems to be coming true (Kojima talking to Sony for future plans)

Now only if the 2nd one comes true.

Konami pulls out of the industry (like they are apparently planning) gets financially desperate and sells the Metal Gear IP to Sony.

I swear to ^%$@ I'll never buy another console again other than Sony's if this comes true.....and probably eat my shoe.

Crazyglues3111d ago

Thank god and F....U.... Konami.

ZombieKiller3111d ago

Wish I could click that agree button more than once to that one Crazyglues.

robtion3111d ago

Konami's response?

Sony banned from attending E3 2016! ;)

BABY-JEDI3111d ago

The photo of Cerney & Kojima reminded me of a classic song.
' & they called it puppy lo-ove, that's the kin-da love we have' 😂
Awesome partnership in the making though 😉

Tsar4ever013111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

I hope Sony & Kojima's negotiations deals are that Sony doesn't buy Kojima's Productions but that Hideo's new company retains 100% creative independence and the DEAL is that Sony get first dibs all future projects for 6 months to a year before going mulitiplatform or at least Sony's hand picked Kojima's projects.

ChristianTheAtheist3111d ago

Syphon Filter!! I had forgotten about Syphon Filter!

extermin8or3111d ago

Ign be reporting that Sony just add it official. Kojima has setup an independent studio but has exclusivity deal with Sony.

3111d ago
kenwonobi3111d ago

The biggest news this generation so far besides Virtual Reality.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3110d ago
Shadowsteal3112d ago

Lets go Sony! Give Kojima the home he deserves.

formanbradley3111d ago

But more importantly the TIME and MONEY he deserves... I'm looking at you, MGSV

Shadowsteal3111d ago

I'm sure they will. On another note, there was tons of Sony product placement in MGSV, despite being a multi-platform title.

PaleMoonDeath3111d ago

They have given TLG god knows how long, I'm sure they know Koji will deliver on the goods every time!

Seraphim3111d ago

@ Twiggy.

I'm pretty sure TLG was shelved to focus work on Knack. Also I could be wrong but last I knew they're [Team Ico] a really small studio. Ico and Shadow weren't terribly expensive projects and despite it's length in the shadows, long forgotten, I doubt TLG will be either. Not to mention it's one of those games that Sony knows lifetime sales will pay for it's development but it's hardly going to be a huge money maker. Where as other games Sony throws money at, likely what Kojima will be working on probably have a rather large development crew, some brought it specifically for X title, are games that are likely to and expected to have financial success behind millions sold and possibly even mirco trans or dlc. Point of it is these are two incredibly different business models for Sony with two completely different expectations. That being said it's always frustrating when a new game from Ueda/Team Ico is announced then takes half a decade or longer to release. Think my pre-order for TLG was'09 when I had to cancel it this year to order the PS4 version on amazon.

I3loggs243111d ago

He got more time and money then he deserved from Konami and he flushed it down the toilet. The man is capable of making great games so i do hope he does a better job this time around in managing whatever his next project is.

n4rc3111d ago

Giving people infinte time and money isnt smart business.. You need to be fiscally responsable and work within the budget given to you

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3111d ago
blackblades3111d ago

What are you talking, they made there on company not joining sony and the game there doing is time exclusive.

Shadowsteal3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Man this comment hurts my grammatical feelings.

badz1493111d ago


it tingles your grammatical sense?

gameseveryday3112d ago

Incorrect translation. Abriael is right in reports. He is working on platforms which could be PlayStation. Does not mean exclusivity.

DarkOcelet3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

But if he talked with Sony then three things will happen..

1 - Timed exclusive like FFVII Remake

2 - A PS4 console exclusive but will come to PC

3 - Sony could buy the company he is making and making it full exclusive to the PS4.

Abriael3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Actually, I semi-derped. There's a hidden part of Nikkei's article that says that Kojima is in talks with Sony for a debut on PlayStation of his new game.

That said, Gamestop's "forming a studio with Sony" is still hilarious.

DigitalRaptor3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

Yeah... the "first on PlayStation" is very likely here, considering Kojima's history with Sony, and P.T./Silent Hills originally only being a PS4 game.

UltraNova3111d ago

If i was him I would definitly be in talks with Sony first to help form my new studio make an exclusive for them as a sign of good faith, get enough money and do a multiplatform game when i had enough while keeping everyone happy.

Just like From software's stradegy.

This way i would ensure my creative freedom while avoiding getting covered under corporate shit just like when under Konami.

That said, I really hope we get to see him expressing his creative, crazy ideas as soon as possible, preferably on Playstation where different is embraced.

UserNameIsNotTaken3111d ago

But probably sony cause he has been friends with them since like.. Forever lol

Relientk773112d ago

Good I bet he's happy to get outta there.

I hope Sony grabs him

3111d ago Replies(8)
DarkOcelet3111d ago

Konami have ****ed up so hard by letting him go. Its their loss.

_-EDMIX-_3111d ago

@Dark- not really. They can't afford him, they are not doing AAA console development anymore, its sorta not a loss to them.

If they are not doing AAA development, they don't actually need Kojima, thus.....not a loss.

Like I stated for months now regarding this issue, what is good for Kojima, is clearly not good for Konami.

Konami want mobile games.

Kojima wants AAA, or high detail games. He needs a huge budget, something Konami is making clear they don't wish to do anymore.

I think its just a mutual thing. Though I don't care for how Konami went about it, I don't really disagree with what they are doing, even as a long time Metal Gear fan.

They can risk going out of business making another MGS to the budget that was MGSV. Kojima doesn't want to cut corners.

Konami doesn't want AAA.

Its best to both of them, I don't see Konami begging for AAA HUGE budget games and praising Kojima or anything like that, so I can't really say they "messed up" as I assumed you mean..."messed up" lol

Its like I always say when listing a house, someone might be selling it due to their own personal issues, it might have legit nothing to do with the actual home as much as it might just have to do with their personal debt.

Thus...if I sold a house I use to own for 1 million, you might say I "messed up by letting it go" but consider what I let go, I couldn't afford and you may be able to.

It doesn't make you smart and me dumb, it merely means are situations are not the same. Sony is smart to get Kojima if this is indeed true because they have the money for such a thing, Kojima loves working on 1 platform etc, but that doesn't make Konami in that same respect dumb or messed up etc. They don't have the money for such a long development. I think this is a great thing Konami is going out of AAA console gaming, as if its not for them, best to not drag down great developers.

DarkOcelet3111d ago


Konami really 'messed up' because they not only lost Kojima but they lost their image with it. They disrespected him and tried to humiliate him but it all fired up back to them.

Yes, they will live on through their Pachinko crap but you cant undo the damage they did to their image, they went from one of the highly respected publishers in the industry to the worst POS publishers out there.

_-EDMIX-_3111d ago

@Dark- I don't disagree that what they did was wrong as I stated.

" Though I don't care for how Konami went about it, I don't really disagree with what they are doing, even as a long time Metal Gear fan"

How much is it really going to hurt them? Consider again they are not doing AAA development anymore, they are doing mobile, so I'm legit not sure how much of a lost or even damage of an image Konami might have if you consider what they are doing next.

I'm sorry but people don't buy products based on such things. If someone in Japan likes some mobile game they make, I doubt they will suddenly not buy based on this situation.

I think you might be exaggerating it a bit too much, this is coming from a long time MGS fan too. Again...they are not doing AAA development anymore so what is "lost" of a publisher that isn't even doing those games any longer?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3111d ago
Mikefizzled3112d ago

Can't wait for Konami's official comment on this.

"Kojima is still here working. Please buy our games. Please."

3111d ago
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Abear214h ago

Isn’t this is how most PC users feel? That is why they have their head far up a motherboards socket, they fear the world and escape to 0’s and 1’s; thank god for nerds who fear outside or we wouldn’t have games /s


Xbox's Matt Booty implies Tango Gameworks closure was partly due to leadership change

Eurogamer: "Xbox's Matt Booty has spoken more on the closure of Tango Gameworks earlier this year."

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The Wood8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

I call BS on this. All metrics were met apparently or was that another lie. There's something deeper happening within xbox's management

GamerRN44m ago

You have an inside scoop? Well don't hold back, share with us your knowledge!

Cacabunga7h ago

It’s xbox DNA to lie and U-turns

GamerRN43m ago

I love fanboy analytics too...

Thank God Sony has never lied to us! /s

Cacabunga37m ago

There is a difference between lying all the time and saying fake shit and anyone else

DarXyde5h ago

I don't know that he's lying. The heads at Xbox tend to be forthcoming in painfully indirect ways.

The article notes the exit of Shinji Mikami which I also believe was a factor, but Arkane is a different situation.

Perhaps the issue with everyone's assessment is that, because they closed around the same time, everyone assumes the reasons are the same.

Occam's razor here: Tango lost its value to Microsoft with Mikami out and Arkane just dropped the ball spectacularly.

All being said, Booty is clearly lying about one thing: the notion that anything mentioned in this interview was done "out of respect for the staff" is a bold faced lie. They closed the studio while the staff were on vacation in Japan.

Miss me with that, Booty.

Cacabunga3h ago

You said "I don't know that he's lying."

And later you said:

"All being said, Booty is clearly lying "

Are you ok?

DarXyde1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Spare me the pedantry.

I'm very clearly talking about two different things:

When it comes to telling you about the future or actions taken broadly, they're indirect, but technically not lies. The go-to example is Rise of the Tomb Raider "coming exclusively to Xbox One in 2014." That wasn't a lie, but if you don't read between the lines, you'll think that's a lie. More recently, they tout new Xbox "hardware" which is incredibly ambiguous. It's sketchy, and intentionally vague, but calling it a lie is a bit too heavy handed. In reality, they say things in a way to get you to draw incorrect conclusions and they can blame you for misinterpreting.

I'm saying I don't know how much of what Booty is saying is truthful, intentionally vague, etc.

But on the very specific issue I cite (i.e., wanting to be respectful of staff), he's being dishonest—and it is very clearly a footnote to the broader point being made.

I shouldn't have to explain that in such explicit detail, but clear enough?

LoveSpuds54m ago(Edited 53m ago)

I recall seeing interviews where Shinji Mikami said he had no involvement in the development of HiFi Rush, it was a European guy who directed the game I believe.

So even if its true that Shinji leaving was a loss, closing the studio still doesn't pass the sniff test to me. They shut a great studio who had just put out Xbox' best game in years which had no input from Mikami.

MS can't help but lie, they always have, scummy company.

7h ago
MrDead7h ago

The gaming media better get on board with these sort of articles as MS buying up the industry means you guys won't get review copies or exclusive news unless you push the MS narrative.

The MS narrative "it's everyone else's fault."

1Victor7h ago

WARNING ⚠️ SARCASM AHEAD WARNING ⚠️ sure they have an awful management with sexual harassment and embezzlement of funds so let’s close the studio we just purchased and leave games in the table. END OF SARCASM
( insert here a comic strip of guy thrown out of window for suggesting firing the management )

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