
Talking Sony's American Studios With Scott Rohde

The man in charge of Sony's American first party studios sat down with Colin to chat about Sony Bend, Sucker Punch, and the future of studios like Sony Santa Monica and Sony San Diego.

dirkdady3211d ago

I totally agree with Scott and I think that's why out of all of the manufacturers Sony has the best first party studios that have cranked out great games over the decades. They let the teams bake and incubate their ideas and not get formulaic like Scott said regarding Sony bends project.

TwoForce3211d ago

Sony Bend is very small. It not like they are big like ND. More importantly, Sony First Party Studios have a long history of making games. They don't make game like 2 years or way too long. They just want to make sure that game is ready to show or not. Patience is maybe not people taste, but we have to accept it.

dirkdady3211d ago

What Scott said about Bend is exciting. He said that [next game in development] will be their shinning moment. I don't think he would go that far and say that unless he was genuinely impressed with whatever they are working on.

TwoForce3211d ago

It is very exciting for him to play early stage of the game. But keep in mind that, those early stages won't be like in the final product. You have to make game and test it first. You have to discuss with your team, what team like and dislike about it. And of course, you have to remove some stuff you don't like and start from scratch again. That would cause another money to build it again. I'm serious.

littlezizu3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

I think they wanted to reveal Bend game E3 so they can carry moment for rest of year with glimpse just like they dominated E3 2015 and people still talking about those games.
E3 2016 Prediction
1. Sony Bend IP
2. New GOW
3. Crash.

LennyLen3208d ago

Don't get me wrong I think that this all sounds positive for Sony, but it would be nice to have a little more detail than 'We are massaging it.' Maybe I'm just over excited for what awaits us in the future.


Sony Executives Talk E3 Press Conference, God of War, Spider-Man and More: “Surprise and Delight”

During PlayStation’s E3 live coverage, Sony Interactive Entertainment Software Development Head Scott Rohde and VP of Third Party Relations Adam Boyes talked about the games presented.

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Majin-vegeta3024d ago

* He then explained that Spider-Man is one of the first true partnerships between the first and third party segments of the company. Marvel came to Sony’s first party and said that they would love to see one of their properties treated with the preference with which first parties treat their heroes.

Well that settles that.I hope they approach Sony for more superhero titles if Spidey profits

Majin-vegeta3024d ago

That Sony is the one who took Spidey hostage and made him exlcuisve to PS4.Hell theres an article if a kid crying about it ¬¬.

Sunny_D3024d ago

This proves that all industries know that it's Sony's first party that is unrivaled when it comes to quality exclusives. Hence, Marvel decided to go to Sony.

2pacalypsenow3024d ago

Speaks volumes about PlayStation :-)


Sony: “We’re Always Open” to Acquire New Studios, There’s “Always an Appetite”

Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios includes many developers, but apparently the company is still open to the idea of acquiring new studios for its line-up, as mentioned by Worldwide Studios North American boss Scott Rohde.

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DarkOcelet3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

I think Sony should buy Capcom then and bring back Dino Crisis and Mega Man Legends 3.

And i am still waiting to see what Kojima will do. Siren and Silent Hill team is waiting at Sony :)

SourtreeDing3211d ago

Playstation Master race bruhhh


0ROSOY3211d ago

They should buy Bethesda

SpringHeeledJack3211d ago

Square and Capcom would be the best bet.

buddymagoo3211d ago

Just buy Kojima and give him the keys to his own studio.

uptownsoul3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Insomniac...Sony, scoop them up AND @buddymagoo is right...Get Kojima & let him do his thing!!!

GameNameFame3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

This is what makes a HUGE difference between Sony and MS.

MS barely replace what it lost last gen. It lost Bungie, Epic and Bioware. Huge losses btw. New studios do not fill their shoes.

Yet, they are not out for acquisition. They are out for timed or temporary purchased exclusives. Dead Rising, Ryse, Killer Instinct, Titan Fall, TR, Sunset Overdrive... None of them first party...

In the meantime, Sony has been adding studios and increasing size of each. Santa Monica is like 3 teams? ND is 2 team? GG is 2 team?

bouzebbal3211d ago

Kojima prod!
and please open Studio Liverpool PS4 is lacking WipEout

Crimzon3211d ago

If Sony was buying I'd love to see them try to strike a deal with Platinum Games, because it's frustrating having all their releases spread over so many different platforms. I'm not sure if Sony would consider it worthwhile or be happy with their performance since their games are so niche, but being able to count on a fantastic action game from those guys every couple of years would be a huge boost for Sony's first party if they acquired them.

miyamoto3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Oh please, Sony buy Sega and let Insomniac make a Sonic the Hedgehog game.
Although Sonic Generations is great
but still Insomniac and Sonic is super exciting!

SonySega brings music to my ears.


ThyMasterDebater3210d ago

Best bet in my eyes would be Hello Games and Kojima.

UltraNova3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Ok I'll bite, they should by Rockstar and put this console war out of it misery once and for all ;-)

Just kidding guys keep yer panties on!

They should hire Kojima and give him full creative freedom, the man can deliver.

DOMination-3210d ago

MS new owned Bioware or Epic, they just published their games.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3210d ago
gokuking3211d ago

If they bought Capcom they'd have to make another handheld and they clearly don't want to do that.

TheColbertinator3211d ago

I'd have to be a Japan only handheld

Mikefizzled3211d ago

I don't think TheColbertinator would be a great name for a Japan only handheld.

Chevalier3211d ago

If that Quantum Break tv/game experiment works I think it would be great to have that horror game with Del Toro/Kojima and then have Del Toro direct a TV show for Sony TV.

Wallstreet373211d ago

Ummmm that isn't a first time for this experiment so it isn't something they thought of first. The defiant game tried to link the game and show in a significant way. It didn't work out well for them. I'm sure however Quantum will sell better though.

ScorpiusX3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

You speak as Remedy is just going to walk away from MS and MS allow it with out doing a thing ....... Don't see that happening , MS would rather buy it than watch it go elsewhere .

ScorpiusX3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

double post

jmac533211d ago

Didn't they scale back on that project considerably since they closed down the tv production studio at Microsoft. I think they used those clips for in game cutscenes now.

Chevalier3211d ago


I didn't say Quantum Break would walk away. I mean Sony can do something similar. Kojima and Del Toro being friends and wanting to work on that Horror game project which used to be Silent Hill could just make their own horror game and with Sony TV make that into a tv series. Del Toro with Hogan wrote Strain novels which is now a TV show as well.

@Wall street I know about Defiance as I sold the game. I didn't say anywhere that it was a first. I was saying if Quantum Break pulls it off then maybe Sony could do it as well.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3211d ago
Ausbo3211d ago

Capcom would come at a steep price. They are far more likely to acquire a smaller indie studio

DarkOcelet3211d ago

But buying Capcom would be profitable in the long run. They got some pretty awesome library of games waiting to be used. If Sony used them right, it could be awesome.

People have been waiting for a game like Megaman Legends 3 and Dino Crisis 4 for a long time.

Thatguy-3103211d ago

I see them acquiring hello games after no man's sky

DarkOcelet3211d ago

That would be a very smart move.

Ausbo3210d ago

That's very possible. Of course not all studios want to be acquired though. Has to be the right circumstances

Imalwaysright3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Capcom isn't a studio. It's more like a publisher with several studios as subsidiaries. It would cost a lot of money to buy Capcom.


As for Kojima, after what happened at Konami I would be surprised if he didn't start his own studio to do whathever he wants.

SpinalRemains1383211d ago

Exactly. Capcom is a heavyweight, having been producing games for over 30 years.

Tobsesan3211d ago

Ye they could also buy nintendo and get mario right? Do you even realize how big Capcom is?

AizenSosuke3211d ago

Capcom, SEGA, Konami studios, EA, and much more you can name that Sony's influence will help these companies:)

Sevir3211d ago

They can't afford those, and I'd rather see Big publishers stay 3rd party and support Other platforms... I think Acquisition of Studio's should happen when the working relationship is on a deep personal level, and is beneficial to both, where the creativity is fostered and prepped for exponential growth... Sucker Punch Media Molecule, and Evolution studios are prime examples, and the next one on the docket I'm sure will be Quantico Dreams.

They are a talented and innovative studio that pioneers their technology and are incredibly creative, their games have prospered for both the studio and Sony and made them both tons of revenue.

Heavy Rain has sold 4 million units on PS3 and Beyond 2 Souls have sold half of that at the end of the PS3's life cycle, just a month before PS4, and the fervor for the next project Detroit, shows that They are going to be incredibly supported by Sony.

Cage has already expressed that he'd love to work exclusively with Sony, and It makes sense, because He said Sony gave them PS4 Devkits as early as the start of Beyond Two Soul's development. As the Tech for Kara was Early PS4 tech, ported down to PS3.

Says you3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

How naive are you?, of course they can afford
a studio. you delusional fool, they've bought
studio's in the past an if they wanted Capcom
they will buy them out. not like Capcom cost a
billion dollars it amazes me how ignorant American gamers let alone foreign gamers are. like they think Sony cant afford even a studio let the professionals handle this, I would think Mr.Scott Rohdes or Shuhei Yoshida
and Kaz Hirai would know how much cash they'er own company is making or have in there corporations bank account

and it's completely obvious gamers well the ones
that are. an especially the XBox One fans are not that well educated and or delusional if they think that this company can't even afford another studio when we've been shown time and time again that they can.

Sevir3210d ago

They can't afford capcom, and stop insult... The economics of such an acquisition would throw the prosperity of the industry out of wack... Capcom is a multi-billion dollar company, with many Many Many subsidiaries, Sony would NEVER recoup the loses from such an acquisition. It isn't as easy as writing a check, or absorbing its assets...

Capcom like Activision, EA, and Square support other platforms and their business makes for a healthy ecosystem.. if capcom or any other of the big main publishers were acquired, the industry would implode, and revenues across the board would fall.

Don't call someone an idiot when you lack the understanding of economic s and how acquiring a company works... There are consequences to trying to acquire a big player that generatess money for the industry it supports. It isn't as simple as writing a check and having a large multi billion dollar conglomerate make games for one platform while screwing everything else.

You're just a silly fanboy. Run the along

ABizzel13211d ago

I don't think JP allows this type of monopoly to exist, but considering Capcom is a global company now, Sony / Nintendo / MS might get away with it.

Honestly I don't see any of them buying Capcom. At best I see them buying up IP's.

GranTurismoFan3211d ago

Sony buying Capcom would be a historic event!! Not only higher budgets for games but creative freedom as well

DarkOcelet3211d ago

And we get Dragons Dogma 2, Shenmue 5, Dino Crisis 4, Mega Man Legends 3 etc etc etc.

showtimefolks3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )



Ready at dawn


Level 5

Quantic dreams

I think out of these

Kojima will sign with Sony first

Capcom if struggles more will be next

Quantic seams will be next


The_Devil_Hunter3211d ago

Don't you think buying bluepoint games would just warrant more remaster and HD remakes. I mean they're great at doing that but I don't think blu point games have ever developed a game. I think they mainly focus on porting them.

showtimefolks3211d ago


well if anything they have shown they have the talent because their remasters are excellent. so someone has to give them a chance

also if sony were to buy bluepoint and capcom, i would put them to remaster or remake old capcom games

but best thing is get them in and maybe give them the order 1886 sequel with help from another 1st party studio

_-EDMIX-_3211d ago

lol, Capcom is only worth the IPs, I would see Sony merely buying them for that. The best developers and teams are long gone from Capcom.

_-EDMIX-_3210d ago

lol, I question if anyone really thinks Capcom has quality developers anymore.

Shinji of RE fame is gone.
Hideki of DMC fame is gone
Inafune of Mega Man fame is gone.

I say that based on those events and Capcom outsourcing Dead Rising 2 and 3, DmC etc vs in house.

Consider even Capcom isn't having their own teams make their own games.....

They legit might only be worth their IPs and not their whole teams. I would again be fine with Sony just buying them for their IPs if anything as lots and lots of talent is gone besides the 3 that I mentioned.

Muzikguy3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Kojima should be on the list for sure. Quantic Dream too

jb2273211d ago

Capcom has had it's day in the sun...for the price Sony would pay for Capcom, they could buy a dozen smaller devs, any one of which could be the next Naughty Dog. Buying big companies ultimately amounts to overspending for big names & IPs...I'd rather see a new dev create the next Dino Crisis or Mega Man for a fraction of the cost then see Sony take a huge gamble putting all of their eggs in one basket.

I definitely think Sony should pick up some more first party devs, they already have more than any other platform to my knowledge, so they should widen that gap even further. Judging by Rohde's recent comments on the progress of Bend's new IP & Sucker Punch's next game, they are allowing them to take their time on those games, so It'd be great to see the potential for more unknown exciting properties in the interim. 2016 is looking gangbusters at this point, it's 2017 & beyond that I'm most curious about...don't want Sony resting on their laurels & depending on third parties, they need to keep up their good work they put in w/ the PS3 & prior and show us fans why we invest in the PS brand. I've got full faith in them though...honestly can't wait for all of the quality titles in 2016.

Darkfist3210d ago

i rather they partner with capcom to make games like they did with street fighter 5, just help them make Mega Man Legends 3.

lvl_headed_gmr3210d ago

So let me get this straight....

Last gen, MS was evil for "Money Hatting" 3rd party deals...

This gen its okay for Sony to "Money hat" as well as buy 3rd party developers...

Will the double standards ever end in the Sony Camp?

migh_and_highty3210d ago

Capcom are too much of a liability to buy for anyone right now just for a few good ips

DarkOcelet3210d ago

Mega Man
‎ Monster Hunter
‎ Okami‎
Resident Evil‎
Rival Schools‎
Sengoku Basara‎
Street Fighter‎
Strider Hiryu‎
Viewtiful Joe‎
Ace Attorney‎
Breath of Fire‎
Devil May Cry‎
Final Fight‎
Ghosts'n Goblins‎
Dragons Dogma

Those are not few ips.

migh_and_highty3210d ago

yeah and 85% of them are niche, only appeal to a small dedicated fanbase.
Monster hunter sells well on portable devices, and obviously there wont be a psp after vita.
Resident evil is a dying/less populafr franchise.
Street fighter is the only thing on that list worth buying capcom for, otherwise I'd imagine nintendo would have more benefit from this purchase

XanderZane3210d ago

I think they are talking about Indie studios. Sony can't afford to buy Big named studios like Capcom or Take-Two. Remember EA tried to buy Take-Two and failed miserably. Microsoft bought Minecraft for over $1 billion. I could easily see them buying a big name studio. I'm still surprised they didn't buy SEGA, Rockstar Games or even EA.

jb2273210d ago

Rockstar is owned by Take Two is it not? Unless they have some contract coming up soon, I highly doubt Take Two would sell it's biggest money maker unless they sold the entire company full stop.

I don't think MS would spend the kind of money they'd have to on a risky property like Sega, seeing as how their flagship franchises have been lackluster in the sales department for a while.

I think MS is trying to move towards being the next Sega or EA or Take Two, they've been buying up IPs left & right, which would signify that they are trying to bolster their software portfolio. Considering they've already confirmed that they will be releasing Minecraft as a multiplat, they are smart enough to realize that they can't keep all of their properties exclusive to their box, which would be shooting themselves in the foot quite literally.

Seems to me Sony is in the hardware game for the long term, as they are a hardware company first & foremost...they buy studios...MS seems to be in the software game for the long term as they've been buying IPs & software tech like Havok and they've had a history of being a software company first & foremost.

3210d ago
+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3210d ago
itsjustexuma3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Sony should consider buying IPs and also this studios
Bungie (in 8yrs)
Hello Games
Bluepoint games
Create a studio for Kojima

TripleCs3211d ago

How could you forget about Quantic Dream? lol

That's a nice list though. I could see Sony buying any of those studios except for Bungie. Bungie isn't even independent. They're owned by Activision

itsjustexuma3211d ago

Activision does not own Bungie, they only have a 10yr partnership deal

Nivekki3211d ago

'Activision does not own Bungie, they only have a 10yr partnership deal'

Which includes publishing their games.

KwietStorm_BLM3211d ago

Lol where did you get the idea that Activision owns Bungie?

TripleCs3211d ago

Still don't see them acquiring Bungie. What makes anyone believe Sony will acquire Bungie? Bungie and Sony haven't really had a long relationship and outside of Destiny's timed DLC and marketing Bungie and Sony haven't really had many partnerships on anything else. I don't see how 1 timed DLC and marketing deal constitutes or hints at Sony acquiring Bungie. Thats like me saying Sony is going to acquire Rockstar and WB games all because they had marketing deals with them for GTA 5 and Batman: Arkham Knight. Doesn't really make sense.

Sevir3211d ago

Bungie Chose to Partner with Sony, simply because they've worked exclusively with Microsoft for the better part of 12 years, a new IP needs new partnerships and a chance to make new plans to reach a new audience...

It's for the same Reason Insomniac Games, who has worked with Sony for 16 years, lead development on Fuze for XB360 and naturally to make Sunset Overdrive an XBO exclusive.

These partnerships makes sense.

But I don't think bungie wants to owned, they left MS to work on there own thing and that's been working out well for them.

Out of all the studios listed there, Hello Games seems most likely to end up being apart of WWS along with Quantic Dreams

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3211d ago
Pintheshadows3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Housemarque should have been purchased years ago.

Another studio I would like Sony to acquire is Arrowhead.

Mikefizzled3211d ago

Tri-Ace literally got bought literally this year.

darthawesome903211d ago

I think Sony should buy:

Square-Enix - They are a treasure trove of JRPGs. Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Final Fantasy, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Kingdom Hearts, etc. While Square-Enix has some heavy hitters this gen they still are a shadow of their former selves. Hopefully a Sony purchase would shake things up.

Camelot Software - One of the best JRPGs of all time Golden Sun. Released on the Gameboy Advance it is one of the few games that can truly go toe to toe against Final Fantasy VI for the crown. It's sad to see Golden Sun 3 not live up to expectations and the franchise neglected as Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age are truly gems.

Sony should create more studios: Sadly games are not being pumped out as fast as they used to be. As each console generation goes by there appear to be less game studios, less creativity, endless sequels, and a fear of trying something new due to the rising costs of development. In this ever shrinking of video game studios I would like to see Sony create more instead of gobbling up what little is left.

Muzikguy3211d ago

Definitely need to help with Kojima's situation but I agree with all those.

ShadowKnight3210d ago

What about Until Dawn developer?

jb2273210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

I personally wouldn't want Sony to waste funds on IPs when they could buy studios that could create better IPs for the future of gaming. IPs are ridiculously expensive & Sony could create a dozen or more brand new games for what it would cost to buy a single IP like Crash Bandicoot.

All of the studios you listed are quality ones though for sure, but studios are only as good as their talent, and talent comes & goes. I think gaming needs to move toward platforms locking down creators into contracts as opposed to studios. Sony lost a great talent when Amy Hennig left ND, they should be signing writers like her, creators like Neil Druckman & Bruce Straley, composers, graphic artists, etc....What would be a bigger get, locking down a studio that someone like Kojima happens to freelance for, or locking down Kojima himself & letting him headhunt the perfect team for any given project?

Studios used to be a big deal as they were plastered across the beginning of your favorite games & they still are, but now that gamers have the internet as a massive tool & they are more informed than ever, they are starting to realize that the creators are the ones they need to be looking for.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3210d ago
ApolloTheBoss3211d ago

Hopefully Kojima starts his new studio and Sony acquires them so he'll have free reign on what he wants to do.

Azzanation3210d ago

Why does he need to be owned? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being to do what he wants to do? There's no bigger freedom then being independent.

jb2273210d ago

I'm not so sure about that...being independent means having to cater your vision to the whims of multiple publishers, shareholders, investors & platforms. Unless Kojima has the money to completely foot the bill for his next game, which would be a risky move, he'd still have to answer to investors & their demands. If he has a good working relationship with Sony & if they give him free creative reign & a loose contract, that'd be more akin to true freedom than having the full weight & stress solely on his shoulders. That's how visionary creators have worked since the beginning of art being commissioned by royalty, on through music being released by a label. True independent success creatively is rare, and independent success commercially is nearly non existent.

Azzanation3210d ago

There are big IFs when being owned by a company, that's the problem. Sony doesn't give everyone freedom. Being independent is a guarantee. We have no idea if Sony will let him do whatever. You cant just get brought out and expect to do your own things. That's a very rare case. MGS doesn't sell that well so Sony could rather take the safer option by getting him make Sony's ideas more likely.

Corpser3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Sony donesnt have money, they are barely profitable this fiscal year after years of losses

FPSRUSSIA3211d ago

lmao xbox fanboys need to get off PlayStation articles man i see you guys every where

Lowlow823211d ago

Go look at all the pro Xbox articles, it's mostly ps4 trolls ripping into Xbox.

TwoForce3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

It costs a lot of money for Sony to acquires a new studios. Of course, Microsoft buy any studios because they have more money than Sony. Remember Microsoft acquired Mojang, it was about billion dollar. Sony First Party Studios are big and small. More importantly, they don't make their game like 2 years development to show it right away. Sony just want to make sure their game is ready or not. Before they acquired ND, they wanted to see If Naughty Dog worth their attention, it did for both of them. Same goes with Sucker Punch and GG, they were both got Sony attention to acquired them. But of course, it cost a lot of money.

ScorpiusX3211d ago

2.5 billion was the final price

wheatley3210d ago

Microsoft have acquired a game they'll never have to build on, just release more DLC for. It was a major sale, but it will be awhile before they ever do something like that again.

Herbalistic3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

Are you one of those BGST listeners?they repeat that same garbage..Then how could they afford to create exclusives and sign marketing deals?all of that cost money right.Sony also bought Gaikai for $380 million but crazy Xbox fans claim Sony is broke.

MasterCornholio3211d ago

And then they aquire a studio.

Doesn't mean it has to be a studio thats worth several billion dollars.

StormLegend3211d ago

You're gonna tell "Sony" they don't have money?

How do you know what they have?
Sony has millions, they can afford it.

TwoForce3211d ago

They will acquire some studios, but it will take time. It not just about money, it's also about trust and understanding each other. I'm sorry that i didn't make it clear in my first comment.

uth113211d ago

Acquisitions don't have to be made with cash, they can be made with stock too, or often a mix of both.

Corpser3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

You know Sony is a public company right? Go look at their financial reports. Yes their gaming division makes money but so that's offset by huge losses in their other businesses

Here they lost 126 billion yen last fiscal year

XanderZane3210d ago

They are still losing millions every year. The PS4 is the only thing really making some money and offsetting some of their debt.



They actually made some profits over the last 6-10 months, but it has been small. They aren't broke, but they are rich either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3210d ago
wodan3211d ago

Dude they have been posting profit lately next time do some research before you spout nonsense.

joeorc3211d ago

@Corpser + 19m ago
You know Sony is a public company right? Go look at their financial reports. Yes their gaming division makes money but so that's offset by huge losses in their other businesses.

Again, I have to Explain this?

Sony computer entertainment LLC ..see that its a LLC for a reason.

1st of all the PlayStation arm is a whole owned "subsidiary" that means the stock held for PlayStation is not for sale, there is no IPO: IE: even if you buy into Sony stock, you get no stock into PlayStation. Because it'd just a held Assets that is ran separate from Sony itself..

2) PlayStation is not even the #1 profit generation section of Sony it's the 5th.

And Sony is in the black now not red!
And has been for a while. That 1.6 billion write off for mobile was a good will write off because they purchased all of Ericsson stock as a buy out. Sony valuation was decided to zero out the valuation of Ericsson. Mean while PlayStation's subsidiary was at profit & in 2012 Sony opened up a new 400,000 square ft. PlayStation's HQ in silicon valley!

Why Yes Sony has no money..lmao

aquamala3211d ago

he said Sony is profitable this fiscal year, the previous years even last fiscal year they were losing money, how's he wrong?

Wallstreet373211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

You my friend are ignorant and misinformed. The gaming division has been their bright spot bringing in profit. What has Sony or had them in the red was non gaming investments. Already with the ps4 they were selling at a profit not to mention the tons of software sales lol. Out of all the consoles PlayStation are the safest as Sony Is now reaping the benefits and pushing their whole brand behind them. On the other end you have Microsoft board meetings constantly talking about dropping Xbox due to lack of profits for that division. Where do you guys get your info man?

Don't have money? They are one of the biggest and richest companies in the world regardless of losses. Not to mention some of you act like Sony hasn't been buying companies for games lol they Been doing that Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, and others they have invested in.

aquamala3211d ago

Sony's gaming division is not a separate company, if the gaming division makes 500 million but Sony Pictures lost 500 million, Sony makes no money.

GrubsterBeater3210d ago


You still aren't understanding this are you. If Sony pictures list 500 million, it literally does not affect the gaming division whatsoever..

They are seperate, and Sony PS profits are not negated by losses in other divisions.

PS is a subsidiary of Sony, my simple friend..

StormLegend3211d ago

@Twoforce I wasn't meaning you, I was talking about @Corpser.

But to answer the question, I agree that it'll take time for Sony to get them, but they can afford what they know they can.

Pintheshadows3211d ago

Sony overall is struggling, the Playstation division is not. They have the money to drop on studios if they see fit.

TripleCs3211d ago


Sony is not in the red anymore. They're not in as much financial trouble as they used to be and Sony has actually posted profits the last 4 quarters but I like how you left that part out of your speech.

Sony is doing well and doing a lot better than they were a few years ago and that genuinely bothers people like you so what do you do? You lie to yourselves and others by telling yourselves the same lie so you can feel better about yourself. You think that if you keep telling yourselves "Sony is broke" you can eventually convince yourself into thinking that it's true. It's honestly pathetic but is hilarious at the same time seeing people desperately trying too hang on to 3 year old information, whatever though, keep lying to yourselves if it will help boost your confidence and help you sleep at night.. lol

Corpser3211d ago

What did I say? Sony is profitable this fiscal year after years of losses, they are not profitable last fiscal year, it's not 3 year old information


kenshiro1003211d ago

Can you show a financial report showing loses from the gaming division?

If you can't, then perhaps it's best if you keep your comments to yourself, especially when they're falsehood.

kenshiro1003211d ago


That doesn't necessarily mean they're broke, now does it? Their other divisions have NOTHING to do with their gaming division and has nothing to do with this article at all.

RIP_Cell3211d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Sony's other divisions have nothing to do with the gaming division? They are in the same company! if these other divisions have big losses ,the profit from the gaming division is gone!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3210d ago
robtion3211d ago

Here are some ideas Sony ;)

Quantic Dream
Dontnod Entertainment
Ninja Theory

mkis0073211d ago

Insomniac and maybe others like their independence

ScorpiusX3211d ago

Quantic Dream maybe but these other 3 i don't see

Dontnod Entertainment
Ninja Theory

TwoForce3211d ago

Really ? Sony and Quantic Dream have a strong relationship from the beginning. Insomniac want to be independent even they do have R&C series. Dontnod owned by Square Enix if I corrected. Ninja Theory is their own independent. The only i could see Sony acquire the studio. It would be QD.

nunley333211d ago

They should buy From Software.

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Sony Exec Reveals Nathan Drake’s Original Outfit in Uncharted, and the Origins of the Half-Tuck

Nathan Drake’s “adventurer style” outfit has become a staple in the Uncharted games, and especially his half-tuck is quite recognizable. SCEA Worldwide Studios Senior Vice President of Product Development Scott Rohde explained how it all began.

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-Foxtrot3356d ago (Edited 3356d ago )

Don't we already know the original design from the early footage of Uncharted and the unlockable skins in the multiplayer. Baseball Shirt Drake or something

Adexus3356d ago

They do mention the unlockable Baseball shirt Drake in the article but yeah, we already saw it when Uncharted was first revealed so that's not news.

I didn't realize that you wore it in UC3 when he was a kid though.

itBourne3356d ago

It has been discussed a few times, I know one was when Uncharted 2 released and Amy Henning was sitting down on one of GameTrailer's shows. There are a few videos as well, Linked one on another post but again lol,

Pintheshadows3356d ago

We saw this before the first Uncharted when it was still Project Big.

level 3603356d ago

Got the same shirt as that young Nathan, color and all for 5+ bucks.

EazyC3355d ago

4 people simply cannot accept such a bargain exists!

TRS_Gear3355d ago

The ONLY reason he got disagrees is because he has "360" in his name. I guarantee it.

This site.... lol

koston36473356d ago

Oh I thought they were going to explain WHY the half-tuck.... thought there was a reason or something.

ravinash3355d ago

Yeah, I was looking for that.

Jmanzare3355d ago

How is an article about a video game character's shirt so hot on this site.. Then you look at the comments and their is basically none. This site is rigged