
How Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony Succeeded With New IP in 2015

One of the writers at Middle of Nowhere Gaming takes a look at how the big three console manufacturers succeeded with new IP this year. Do you agree?

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PhoenixUp3161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

Microsoft didn't succeed with any new AAA IP this year. Their entire exclusive lineup was based on pre-existing IPs, unless you want to include an indie title like Ori.

Meanwhile Nintendo succeeded with a new AAA IP in Splatoon and Sony succeeded the most with new AAA IPs like The Order: 1886, Bloodborne and Until Dawn.

Fro_xoxo3161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

The headline didn't divide the games into categories as you've done. It doesn't say AAA or Indie.

Just New IPs.


AAA or Indie, on a ratio, more people would probably agree that Ori is a better game than The Order.. Dividing the games into categories doesn't diminish their value or quality.

jb2273160d ago (Edited 3160d ago )

Regardless of Ori's success (not an actual exclusive by the way considering its PC release), you have 3 AAA new ip's from Sony this year (one of which possesses one of the highest metascores of the year, topping Ori along w/ most others), along w/ games like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture in the indie new ip realm.

On a ratio, that's 4:1 even if you don't include any classifications regarding AAA & indie.

mikel10153161d ago

The Order didn't succeed. There's no proof to say it was. They couldn't even say it met expectations, only "on its way" which anyone can say.

Gazondaily3161d ago

"Sony succeeded the most with new AAA IPs like The Order: 1886, Bloodborne and Until Dawn."

You think The Order was a success?? O_O

rainslacker3161d ago

The order sold over a million copies at retail, and did pretty decent with digital numbers although can't remember what those were. i'd call that fairly successful for a new IP.

People that played it generally seem to like it, or at least see potential in the IP, and for people thinking an IP has potential, that generally denotes success.

But I suppose just because you didn't like it, and a lot of people that didn't play it want to downplay it, it was a total bomb.

But please, explain why a new IP selling well is not a success, and use your opinions of the game as anecdotal evidence to assume that everyone hated the game.

I don't know what's come over you, but this whole week, all your comments are reducing you to nothing more than a rabid fan boy. I used to love reading your comments, and even respected your reasoning, but it seems you are not feeling well, or maybe someone hacked your account.

Spotie3161d ago

What's your criteria for success, Septic?

gangsta_red3160d ago (Edited 3158d ago )


"The order sold over a million copies at retail,"

Proof? And even if over a million, does that mean it was enough to cover production cost and warrant The Order being a success? Do you know this for a fact? For someone who claims to always shed information and try and inform people outside of their bubble you sure do cast a huge steel shell over yourself.

"But I suppose just because you didn't like it, and a lot of people that didn't play it want to downplay it, it was a total bomb."

More generalization and defense because someone doesn't share an over enthusiastic opinion of game on a Sony system that you personally like, as usual.

"I don't know what's come over you, but this whole week, all your comments are reducing you to nothing more than a rabid fan boy."

How ironic...because I thought the same way about you. In the past at least your comments were information about the game industry and personal experience but as of late all your comments are nothing more than just defending Sony and accusing people of not owning or playing a PS4 and all based on a few comments that doesn't praise the system.

Then we have you aligning yourself with Digital and Spotie, two well known hardcore Sony followers and well, let's just say your credibility just hit the fanboy dirt bottom.

Realms3160d ago

At least Sony is willing to try something new with the order. Unlike MS that is only now starting to see the value of developing new IP's. They are far behind in that respect that they have to get timed exclusivity for games that are third party instead of developing their own.

rainslacker3160d ago



I used VGChartz as a source, but the game sold 500K copies it's first week. Given the way games sell over a period of time, I would think that the 1.2 million that VGChartz attributes to it is rather on the low side, which is why I didn't cite a specific number.

Was that enough to cover production costs? I don't know. What were the production costs for the game? How much was fronted by Sony and how much by R@D for the design and creation of their engine? Most of the marketing was done by Sony, but that marketing was certainly tied to the release of the console, so it could have been written off in that way, as those things are normal, and I think it's fair to say, that before the huge negativity campaign for the game, that marketing was viable and successful, or at least meaningful in some way.

Then of course there's this


I don't know what it's sales goals were, but I'd imagine it was over 1 million copies. But hey, if you have some speculative data which I should think of as fact, please do share. Better yet, if you have some firm data that would be better.

"More generalization and defense because someone doesn't share an over enthusiastic opinion of game on a Sony system that you personally like, as usual"

Maybe you should reread my quote. It wasn't generalization, but actually rather calling out Septics views based on his own anecdotal evidence. I know a lot of people that criticized the game didn't play it, because the stuff they say just isn't in the game, or the game wasn't like that. There are certainly people that played it that didn't like it, or were disappointed in it though.

For the rest of it, get over yourself. You're mad I called you out in another thread and now you're trying to turn the tables on me to make it seem like I'm some sort of hypocrite. I've always called out the baseless idiocy like Septic has been saying this past week, and I have done so to you many times.

rainslacker3160d ago

I would be happy to share my experiences on here, but since no one cares, and even when I explicitly have done so for you, it has done nothing to change your hyperbolic comments of fan boy delusion. I know you are capable of better comments, but seems you prefer to keep going back to this fan boy ritual of misinformation and over-generalization in the form of expressing opinions as facts, then getting all worked up when someone expresses facts as facts which counter your, or someone else's opinion.

If it seems like I'm defending Sony more of late then well maybe that's because there is so much trolling now, and I was kind of with a lot of time on my hands for vacation, so I simply corrected a lot of misinformation, and lets face it, the bubble system for as flawed as it is at least kept a lot of this to a minimum, but now it's barely worth reading the comment sections.

I don't allign myself with anyone. I express my views. Sometimes they agree with me, sometimes I agree with them. Jesus, the way you talk you'd think we have some sort of cabal going on in the background. Stop being so paranoid, just because someone agrees with me, or I expand on what they say, does not mean that I align myself with them. I think PS fan boys are about as bad as Xbox fan boys, but in the past few days, most of what Spotie and Digital have been saying has been on point(for what I've read), and if it were really far off base, I would call them out on it like i have done to them in the past. Ask them if you think I'm lenient on the Sony fans, because I have called them out in the past too.

Now, if you have some salient point or evidence to prove me wrong, feel free to respond, otherwise, just don't bother. Going to be a busy week, and I won't likely respond if it's a worthless read.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3160d ago
SteamPowered3161d ago

I think Ori was their best game of the year. Im not sure what you consider AAA, but it was a first party effort.
Big budget or not, Ori was a masterpiece.

FallenAngel19843161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

@ Septic

The Order: 1886 helped dramatically increase PS4 sales in February and sold pass 1.25 million software units. That's considered a success in my books, even despite the controversial reviews.

Not to mention it's been much more commercially successful than Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: UE, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza 6.

FlexLuger3161d ago

"Not to mention it's been much more commercially successful than Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: UE, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza 6."

When your game is selling exclusively on a console with twice the install base of the other console, its a given that your games will sell more. Even if the game is crap (like the order) there is still a chance of it selling more due to a larger install base...double the install base in the PS4's case. Its a nice cushion..even for visually stunning duds like the order and driveclub. they are guaranteed sales. Im pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot, and XB1 was leading in sales, the order would have never seen a million copies sold. Critically speaking, SSOD, RotTR, GOW:UE and forza 6 kill the order (and DC) and at the end of the day we can bang on about sales, but that means NOTHING when you actually play a game. Its either good or it isnt. And sales dont always determine that...if you beleive that to be the case, you probably think candy crush and temple run are fantastic games too....

FallenAngel19843161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

Seems like intense damage control.

Yet a game like Halo 5 quickly outsold The Order:1886 within its first week, so the buying potential is there. The point is that The Order: 1886 still sold exceptionally well and did what it was supposed to do in selling consoles. Having a large install base doesn't always guarantee a game will sell well, as proven by some commercial failures of critically acclaimed games on Wii and PS2.

Try to downplay The Order's success as much as you'd like, it still outperformed the majority of XO's exclusives. The Xbox community not buying a lot of their own platforms games shows that they aren't as financially interested as they should be. They boast more about these games than actually buy them.

Also, a game selling well means its more likely to have future installments that will build upon the foundation. Let's also not forget that many of today's greatest franchises didn't always have a first installment that was critically acclaimed.

I agree that sales don't mean everything. However when a community boasts about having great games, I expect that same community to buy a lot of those games. Otherwise it has no right to bash another community's buying habits.

Jerredh3161d ago

1886 was only a visual success. Im not saying people didnt like it or shouldnt enjoy it, but as new gen gamers we should expect and demand more from our games. Not just shiny pretties.

FlexLuger3161d ago


All to often, do I hear people play down certain games lack of quality by using the old "teh sales" routine, here on N4G. So what? if a game is crap, I cant force myself to enjoy it just because it sold a million copies. Im not going to brag about a rubbish game selling a million for the sake of console war brownie points. Crap is crap.

rainslacker3161d ago

If we waited for that, we wouldn't be playing any games this gen so far. I feel none have really been so next gen that they needed a new system to deliver. So far, i feel every game is really just more shiney than substance.

Generally, I think major next gen advancements like in the past are going to be much harder to see. The differences in game design aren't substantial enough gen to gen anymore to really make something that is truly new, because it's just gotten to that point until something new comes along. We're still pretty much using the same principals that were around on the Dreamcast, and it's just getting shinier.

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DivineAssault 3161d ago

Doesnt matter.. Next year is what people should be looking at since its almost december

SamPao3161d ago

But it's the new IPs that will matter in the future

DivineAssault 3161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

I see your point but 2016 is full of new IPs also.. The only new IP of 2015 that deserves a sequel is Bloodborne.. Not to mention Splatoon, Mario Maker, & possibly xenoblade x

JackTheRipper1013161d ago

Quantum Break is the best new ip of next year.

Picnic3160d ago

That's what an Agree button or bubble is there for unless you have something extra to say.

akurtz3161d ago

i mean, noone has even played it. You could say Horizon is the best new IP of next year.

REDDURT3161d ago

Based on recent history I would be cautious.

Dabigkahuna763161d ago

What happened to all those new bubbles I had did I offend someone

FlexLuger3161d ago

Ori, bloodborne and splatoon were deffo the best new IPs of 2015. The other new IPs were meh at best (looking at the order and until dawn)

Next year though, it seems like every big game is a new IP, with gears, crackdown 3, GT and UC4 being the only established AAA games (im looking forward to owning all four of those).as far as new IP in 2016, Im looking forward to gigantic, recore, scalebound and quantum break on xbox and horizon on PS4.

Overwatch and battleborne are also right up my street. I have high hopes for those games, as a fan of online multiplayer shooters.

2016 will be THE year of new IP. lets just hope they dont disappoint.

Sparta073161d ago (Edited 3161d ago )

@ Flex, until Dawn meh at best!?
What's wrong with you and all the hate with anything sony?
Until Dawn was the sleeper hit of the year!! One of my favorite games this year.
Now about the order, yes it could of been better. I totally agree on that. The game should of been a lot longer but to call it rubbish is a little to much don't you think? Especially since you haven't played it. I enjoyed it very much day one. Plus it boosted Ps4 sales for the month of February. So I think it was a success.

Edit; if you feel one game is better then the other you should make yourself clear and say " in my opinion " and not state it s facts.

Lenrulesdaworld3161d ago

actually, Shadow of Mordor was the sleeper hit of the year. But definitely it was the sleeper hit for ps4.

FlexLuger3161d ago ShowReplies(6)
Spotie3161d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Rebel_Scum4d ago

Its missing the triangle label. Its not a complete game!


LG_Fox_Brazil4d ago

The holy grail of gaming collections

VIK21213d ago

Is it really that rare? I used to have that for years, I ended up trashing it because I coudn't be bothered to sell it lol


Microsoft Responds To Latest FTC Filing, Calls It Misleading

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Sonyslave37d ago

It a warp lol ftc is need but this case against Ms is over.

lelo2play6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

All the whiners 😭 complaining about Gamepass, where were they when Sony increased their prices and introduced several tiers for PS Plus membership?
When Sony does it, it's perfectly acceptable. When Microsoft does it, all hell breaks loose...
Hypocrites 🤡 much!

BTW, I bet most whiners 😭 complaining don't have or even care about Gamepass. They whine simply because it's Microsoft.

isarai6d ago

We were very vocal and many people including myself cancelled their subs. Tf are you talking about? 🤣

outsider16246d ago

As isarai..said. even i cancelled it when they raised their prices. Im enjoying single player games now.

shaenoide6d ago

It's not the price increase the main problem. It's the removal of day one releases for console users while PC user are safe (for now). It's a weird message being send to console fan ( "You should have bought a PC bro !)

Reaper22_6d ago

Well said! They truly are huge hypocrites.

Einhander19726d ago

This has nothing to do with PlayStation, this is about Microsoft breaking its promises.

Bringing up PlayStation is just a petty deflection attempt to not take responsibility for their own actions.

People are unhappy because this has caused thousands of people to lose their jobs, four studio closures and xbox owners should be mad about price increases and the fact that Microsoft paywalled day one games breaking their promise to their own consumers. Now even if you don't want Call of Duty you're paying for it.

The xboners like you who keep defending this type of stuff are actually making things worse for yourselves because you keep sending the message that no matter how much Microsoft bends you over by breaking their promises you're still going to defend them.

Xbox gamers make gaming worse for everyone every time they defend this type of crap.

lelo2play6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


When ponies like you accept anything Sony does without complaining, that's the major problem here...

Sony can do anything they want, and people like you will simply take it with a smile.

Einhander19726d ago

This has nothing to do with Sony.

It just shows how weak the argument is when the best you and Microsoft can can do is deflect with whataboutism's.

This is about Microsoft buying a huge publisher then going to court and saying things they knew weren't true, then going back on their own word. They went into court and knew telling the truth wouldn't be popular with either the court or the public so they lied in court. That is what is being judged here, not anything that Sony did.

You claim we are defending a price increase, but you are defending outright lies that have caused studio closures job losses and your own price increases and new games are paywalled to a higher tier.

And what did you get? Games that you were already going to get without buying these publishers. And on top of that now regardless of if someone actually wanted the games they are forced to pay extra for them.

The scale difference between our two arguments is huge.

MetroidFREAK216d ago

I canceled my yearly subscription after the price increase :)

Outside_ofthe_Box6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

"Sony can do anything they want, and people like you will simply take it with a smile"

Isn't that what you are doing with Microsoft's price increase you hypocrite? I bet you were the first to complain about Sony's increase, but not surprisingly first to defend Microsoft's increase because you are a hypocrite.

GamerRN6d ago

They didn't "remove day one" for console users, they created a tier that doesn't get them. They basically brought back Live Gold with GamePass games instead of monthly drops.

Profchaos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yeah I complained when Sony increased their prices it was dramatic and they didn't even comment on why it was fine and I'll complain here to

In fact there was a huge outcry just because you missed it doesn't mean it didn't happen

StormSnooper6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

It wasn’t the same thing. Sony’s tiers didn’t take anything away from people. Two of the tiers already existed. No promise was broken. Xbox tiers are breaking promises MS has made regarding day one, while also increasing price.

Angyobangyo6d ago

People were complaining and pissed. Only you seem to think Sony gamers graciously accepted it. You sure do whine a lot don't you

Hotpot6d ago

Nope, I cancelled my PS Plus already.

Your turn, criticize MS yourself, right now.

Outside_ofthe_Box6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


"Your turn, criticize MS yourself, right now."

He's a hypocrite so he won't. He's going to simply take it with a smile on his face like the pic in his avi 😭

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

No it ain't mate essentially ftc has a case here

CrimsonWing696d ago

I’m not trying to be an ass here when asking this, I just genuinely want to understand more. What’s the case that the FTC have?

XiNatsuDragnel5d ago

Microsoft said to courts when they purchased Activision they wouldn't raise the price with gamepass but they did after they got Activision.

1Victor6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

@slave3: “It a warp lol ftc is need but this case against Ms is over.
GEAR is next on the list of lubricants before they ram the big HALO on PlayStation.
So enjoy winning that FTC battle to badly loose the war 😭😭.
Edited for typos

ThinkThink7d ago

I mean, yeah.. if any of these tier options aren't right for you, you can always just buy your games the old fashioned way.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

Fair but this is about lying to the courts not lovely options

ChasterMies6d ago

You can buy games the old fashioned way now. Microsoft’s end game is releasing Call of Duty exclusivity on Game Pass.

Rude-ro6d ago

For now.
I can assure you, Microsoft wants subscriptions to access their games.
Just a matter of when not if or optional.

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Lol still lying about not raising prices in court eh? Can we address that plz

TheNamelessOne7d ago

If the price raise was attributed to the acquisition. Nobody can make that claim, and every sub service has been raising their prices. Sony made a massive one not long ago.

lodossrage7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

The problem is Gamepass price was already raised last year, just for them to raise it again this year. That right there will help the FTC's argument

It's only gets magnified when Spencer's words don't match what the company does. He said publically gamepass wouldn't change as a result of COD. He said the price wouldn't change. Both of those things were clearly untrue. Among other things

Einhander19726d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They didn't just raise the price though, they also removed day one games from the standard tier and paywalled new games behind a more expensive tier which they also raised the price on.

And the FTC's appeal also brings up the job losses and studio closures as evidence that this deal should have been blocked.

Einhander19727d ago

Well, one thing is for sure Microsoft knows more than anyone about misleading people.

The fact is Microsoft said they wouldn't raise prices due to the merger then they did including making a new tier of game pass. They said they wouldn't fire people and they did. And they also closed studios so it's hard to argue that the effect on the consumer and the industry hasn't been negative.

This is a incredibly weak rebuttal.

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Exactly ftc has every right to fight this

Reaper22_6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Go and google the FTC case against Sony for misleading it's customers about the PS Vita. Then come back and discuss who knows more than anyone about misleading people.

What you claim Microsoft said is just lies. They never said they wouldn't raise prices or fire anyone. And even if they did it's their right. You statement is pretty weak and proves nothing but you have a bias just like so many other people here. You guys are just butt hurt that Microsoft won this case and it backfired in Sony's face because they threw stones and thought their own deals would not be a factor but they were. As a matter of fact it was one of the factors that helped MS win the case. Just take the L because it's a done deal. It seems the only effects from this deal is upset playstation only fans who thought the deal was never going to happen. Microsoft won. Get over it. Stop worrying about things we have no control of. Just play games you like and don't focus so much on who made it and all that petty stuff.

Doomeduk6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You're here again Sony grrrr in a MICROSOFT article
Just chuffed you've given up the obsession with Jim Ryan with just a few more sessions and you'll be able to comment on the actual article you can do it reaper the community is right behind you
Chin up

Einhander19726d ago


You don't understand.

Sony is not part of this appeal at all. Sony wasn't even a part of the original FTC case. The FTC brought this case aledging that Micrsofts buyout of ABK would have a negative impact on the industry. They claimed that it would cause job loss and and that the consumer and the industry would be negativly effected from the buy out including from price increases to game pass.

Sony was only there to provide testimony on how they expected the buyour to negativly effect thier buisness.

They did not file the suit.

This appeal is of the ruling that blocked their injunction, and the FTC is presenting evidence that the buyout has in fact had the negative impact that they said it would and which was the basis for their injunction call.

The fact that you and Microsoft need to keep bringing up Sony instead of actually defending the actions themselves shows that you don't actually have a defense at all.

7d ago Replies(1)
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