
How Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony Succeeded With New IP in 2015

One of the writers at Middle of Nowhere Gaming takes a look at how the big three console manufacturers succeeded with new IP this year. Do you agree?

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PhoenixUp3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Microsoft didn't succeed with any new AAA IP this year. Their entire exclusive lineup was based on pre-existing IPs, unless you want to include an indie title like Ori.

Meanwhile Nintendo succeeded with a new AAA IP in Splatoon and Sony succeeded the most with new AAA IPs like The Order: 1886, Bloodborne and Until Dawn.

Fro_xoxo3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

The headline didn't divide the games into categories as you've done. It doesn't say AAA or Indie.

Just New IPs.


AAA or Indie, on a ratio, more people would probably agree that Ori is a better game than The Order.. Dividing the games into categories doesn't diminish their value or quality.

jb2273217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Regardless of Ori's success (not an actual exclusive by the way considering its PC release), you have 3 AAA new ip's from Sony this year (one of which possesses one of the highest metascores of the year, topping Ori along w/ most others), along w/ games like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture in the indie new ip realm.

On a ratio, that's 4:1 even if you don't include any classifications regarding AAA & indie.

mikel10153218d ago

The Order didn't succeed. There's no proof to say it was. They couldn't even say it met expectations, only "on its way" which anyone can say.

Gazondaily3218d ago

"Sony succeeded the most with new AAA IPs like The Order: 1886, Bloodborne and Until Dawn."

You think The Order was a success?? O_O

rainslacker3218d ago

The order sold over a million copies at retail, and did pretty decent with digital numbers although can't remember what those were. i'd call that fairly successful for a new IP.

People that played it generally seem to like it, or at least see potential in the IP, and for people thinking an IP has potential, that generally denotes success.

But I suppose just because you didn't like it, and a lot of people that didn't play it want to downplay it, it was a total bomb.

But please, explain why a new IP selling well is not a success, and use your opinions of the game as anecdotal evidence to assume that everyone hated the game.

I don't know what's come over you, but this whole week, all your comments are reducing you to nothing more than a rabid fan boy. I used to love reading your comments, and even respected your reasoning, but it seems you are not feeling well, or maybe someone hacked your account.

Spotie3218d ago

What's your criteria for success, Septic?

gangsta_red3217d ago (Edited 3215d ago )


"The order sold over a million copies at retail,"

Proof? And even if over a million, does that mean it was enough to cover production cost and warrant The Order being a success? Do you know this for a fact? For someone who claims to always shed information and try and inform people outside of their bubble you sure do cast a huge steel shell over yourself.

"But I suppose just because you didn't like it, and a lot of people that didn't play it want to downplay it, it was a total bomb."

More generalization and defense because someone doesn't share an over enthusiastic opinion of game on a Sony system that you personally like, as usual.

"I don't know what's come over you, but this whole week, all your comments are reducing you to nothing more than a rabid fan boy."

How ironic...because I thought the same way about you. In the past at least your comments were information about the game industry and personal experience but as of late all your comments are nothing more than just defending Sony and accusing people of not owning or playing a PS4 and all based on a few comments that doesn't praise the system.

Then we have you aligning yourself with Digital and Spotie, two well known hardcore Sony followers and well, let's just say your credibility just hit the fanboy dirt bottom.

Realms3217d ago

At least Sony is willing to try something new with the order. Unlike MS that is only now starting to see the value of developing new IP's. They are far behind in that respect that they have to get timed exclusivity for games that are third party instead of developing their own.

rainslacker3217d ago



I used VGChartz as a source, but the game sold 500K copies it's first week. Given the way games sell over a period of time, I would think that the 1.2 million that VGChartz attributes to it is rather on the low side, which is why I didn't cite a specific number.

Was that enough to cover production costs? I don't know. What were the production costs for the game? How much was fronted by Sony and how much by R@D for the design and creation of their engine? Most of the marketing was done by Sony, but that marketing was certainly tied to the release of the console, so it could have been written off in that way, as those things are normal, and I think it's fair to say, that before the huge negativity campaign for the game, that marketing was viable and successful, or at least meaningful in some way.

Then of course there's this


I don't know what it's sales goals were, but I'd imagine it was over 1 million copies. But hey, if you have some speculative data which I should think of as fact, please do share. Better yet, if you have some firm data that would be better.

"More generalization and defense because someone doesn't share an over enthusiastic opinion of game on a Sony system that you personally like, as usual"

Maybe you should reread my quote. It wasn't generalization, but actually rather calling out Septics views based on his own anecdotal evidence. I know a lot of people that criticized the game didn't play it, because the stuff they say just isn't in the game, or the game wasn't like that. There are certainly people that played it that didn't like it, or were disappointed in it though.

For the rest of it, get over yourself. You're mad I called you out in another thread and now you're trying to turn the tables on me to make it seem like I'm some sort of hypocrite. I've always called out the baseless idiocy like Septic has been saying this past week, and I have done so to you many times.

rainslacker3217d ago

I would be happy to share my experiences on here, but since no one cares, and even when I explicitly have done so for you, it has done nothing to change your hyperbolic comments of fan boy delusion. I know you are capable of better comments, but seems you prefer to keep going back to this fan boy ritual of misinformation and over-generalization in the form of expressing opinions as facts, then getting all worked up when someone expresses facts as facts which counter your, or someone else's opinion.

If it seems like I'm defending Sony more of late then well maybe that's because there is so much trolling now, and I was kind of with a lot of time on my hands for vacation, so I simply corrected a lot of misinformation, and lets face it, the bubble system for as flawed as it is at least kept a lot of this to a minimum, but now it's barely worth reading the comment sections.

I don't allign myself with anyone. I express my views. Sometimes they agree with me, sometimes I agree with them. Jesus, the way you talk you'd think we have some sort of cabal going on in the background. Stop being so paranoid, just because someone agrees with me, or I expand on what they say, does not mean that I align myself with them. I think PS fan boys are about as bad as Xbox fan boys, but in the past few days, most of what Spotie and Digital have been saying has been on point(for what I've read), and if it were really far off base, I would call them out on it like i have done to them in the past. Ask them if you think I'm lenient on the Sony fans, because I have called them out in the past too.

Now, if you have some salient point or evidence to prove me wrong, feel free to respond, otherwise, just don't bother. Going to be a busy week, and I won't likely respond if it's a worthless read.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
SteamPowered3218d ago

I think Ori was their best game of the year. Im not sure what you consider AAA, but it was a first party effort.
Big budget or not, Ori was a masterpiece.

FallenAngel19843218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

@ Septic

The Order: 1886 helped dramatically increase PS4 sales in February and sold pass 1.25 million software units. That's considered a success in my books, even despite the controversial reviews.

Not to mention it's been much more commercially successful than Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: UE, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza 6.

FlexLuger3218d ago

"Not to mention it's been much more commercially successful than Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: UE, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza 6."

When your game is selling exclusively on a console with twice the install base of the other console, its a given that your games will sell more. Even if the game is crap (like the order) there is still a chance of it selling more due to a larger install base...double the install base in the PS4's case. Its a nice cushion..even for visually stunning duds like the order and driveclub. they are guaranteed sales. Im pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot, and XB1 was leading in sales, the order would have never seen a million copies sold. Critically speaking, SSOD, RotTR, GOW:UE and forza 6 kill the order (and DC) and at the end of the day we can bang on about sales, but that means NOTHING when you actually play a game. Its either good or it isnt. And sales dont always determine that...if you beleive that to be the case, you probably think candy crush and temple run are fantastic games too....

FallenAngel19843218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Seems like intense damage control.

Yet a game like Halo 5 quickly outsold The Order:1886 within its first week, so the buying potential is there. The point is that The Order: 1886 still sold exceptionally well and did what it was supposed to do in selling consoles. Having a large install base doesn't always guarantee a game will sell well, as proven by some commercial failures of critically acclaimed games on Wii and PS2.

Try to downplay The Order's success as much as you'd like, it still outperformed the majority of XO's exclusives. The Xbox community not buying a lot of their own platforms games shows that they aren't as financially interested as they should be. They boast more about these games than actually buy them.

Also, a game selling well means its more likely to have future installments that will build upon the foundation. Let's also not forget that many of today's greatest franchises didn't always have a first installment that was critically acclaimed.

I agree that sales don't mean everything. However when a community boasts about having great games, I expect that same community to buy a lot of those games. Otherwise it has no right to bash another community's buying habits.

Jerredh3218d ago

1886 was only a visual success. Im not saying people didnt like it or shouldnt enjoy it, but as new gen gamers we should expect and demand more from our games. Not just shiny pretties.

FlexLuger3218d ago


All to often, do I hear people play down certain games lack of quality by using the old "teh sales" routine, here on N4G. So what? if a game is crap, I cant force myself to enjoy it just because it sold a million copies. Im not going to brag about a rubbish game selling a million for the sake of console war brownie points. Crap is crap.

rainslacker3218d ago

If we waited for that, we wouldn't be playing any games this gen so far. I feel none have really been so next gen that they needed a new system to deliver. So far, i feel every game is really just more shiney than substance.

Generally, I think major next gen advancements like in the past are going to be much harder to see. The differences in game design aren't substantial enough gen to gen anymore to really make something that is truly new, because it's just gotten to that point until something new comes along. We're still pretty much using the same principals that were around on the Dreamcast, and it's just getting shinier.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
DivineAssault 3218d ago

Doesnt matter.. Next year is what people should be looking at since its almost december

SamPao3218d ago

But it's the new IPs that will matter in the future

DivineAssault 3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

I see your point but 2016 is full of new IPs also.. The only new IP of 2015 that deserves a sequel is Bloodborne.. Not to mention Splatoon, Mario Maker, & possibly xenoblade x

JackTheRipper1013218d ago

Quantum Break is the best new ip of next year.

Picnic3217d ago

That's what an Agree button or bubble is there for unless you have something extra to say.

akurtz3218d ago

i mean, noone has even played it. You could say Horizon is the best new IP of next year.

REDDURT3218d ago

Based on recent history I would be cautious.

Dabigkahuna763218d ago

What happened to all those new bubbles I had did I offend someone

FlexLuger3218d ago

Ori, bloodborne and splatoon were deffo the best new IPs of 2015. The other new IPs were meh at best (looking at the order and until dawn)

Next year though, it seems like every big game is a new IP, with gears, crackdown 3, GT and UC4 being the only established AAA games (im looking forward to owning all four of those).as far as new IP in 2016, Im looking forward to gigantic, recore, scalebound and quantum break on xbox and horizon on PS4.

Overwatch and battleborne are also right up my street. I have high hopes for those games, as a fan of online multiplayer shooters.

2016 will be THE year of new IP. lets just hope they dont disappoint.

Sparta073218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

@ Flex, until Dawn meh at best!?
What's wrong with you and all the hate with anything sony?
Until Dawn was the sleeper hit of the year!! One of my favorite games this year.
Now about the order, yes it could of been better. I totally agree on that. The game should of been a lot longer but to call it rubbish is a little to much don't you think? Especially since you haven't played it. I enjoyed it very much day one. Plus it boosted Ps4 sales for the month of February. So I think it was a success.

Edit; if you feel one game is better then the other you should make yourself clear and say " in my opinion " and not state it s facts.

Lenrulesdaworld3218d ago

actually, Shadow of Mordor was the sleeper hit of the year. But definitely it was the sleeper hit for ps4.

FlexLuger3218d ago ShowReplies(6)
Spotie3218d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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Obscure_Observer1d 13h ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

outsider16241d 4h ago

Lucky for xbox that papa microsoft is rich.

purple1011d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier1d 6h ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Popsicle1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Yet people still allow the troll to derail an entire topic. I don’t understand how moderation allows it.

I literally just skip the comment. This may be the best comment obscure ever made. I don’t know because I didn’t read it. I have read to many thread derailing post from this person to ever devote any time to reading another.

I wish everyone would ignore the trolls so we can have a genuine discussion. Stop feeding it and it will go away. Even just hitting the disagree button feeds it. Thats what it wants. This is the last post I will ever post about obscure because I am feeding them now.

Legit question to Mods. After such a long history of being a troll, how has this poster not been banned?

Profchaos17h ago

Is he though or does he just blindly love Xbox in the same way Sega fans loved the Dreamcast even though it was clearly dead they thought it could be redeemed

Ok yeah he's saracstic and does troll but I enjoy seeing what he comes out with it would be boring here if we never had conflicting opinions

Sonic18811d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman1d 7h ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

Obscure_Observer1d 5h ago

"Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money"

As long we get the games I couldn´t care less about a trillion dollar company losing money. That´s their business to worry about. I only care about the games.

And "struggling and losing money"? Really?

"Microsoft reports Xbox’s revenue is up 61% in Q4 FY24 thanks to Activision"


61% more revenue and BO6 is not even out yet.

MS will make a sh!t ton of money with that game alone in all platforms. So 2 Billion yearly invested in their *core* business is nothing!

So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period.

Sonic18811d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

"So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period."

That ain't going to happen. Just because you want it 😂

fr0sty1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

Profchaos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

OlderGamer171d ago

Sorry O_O, I tought you where loosing it, but i now come to the conclusion that you realy lost it.
The coping from you is not on a stellarr level....

Flakegriffin17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Homie got 77 dislike and his brain rot will still help him think that he’s right.

14h ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 14h ago
MrDead1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

TheNamelessOne1d 4h ago


Pretty much. There's a lot of hate on this site for Gamepass, but put games on the different tiers of the PS subscription, and whenever they get that free day one release, it's an entirely different tune. No talk about how this choice is killing devs.

DarXyde1d 3h ago

Do we think they're unhappy?


They literally need to be paid up front to put games on the service. It's become a way to gain a foothold on the platform.

Do you think Atlus would launch on Game Pass otherwise?

MrDead20h ago

"Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?"

I think you mean severance... and I've noticed you don't know what it means either, MS aren't firing the third-parties they're purchasing from.

"Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games."

I'm not a console gamer, but yes I do have Epic with a library full of free games... but guess what Epic rotating free games every week doesn't do. It doesn't destroy lifetime sales and cut workers out of residuals. Then you bring up PS+ a service that also doesn't destroy lifetime sales as their model allows for new releases to earn.

DivineHand1251d 6h ago

There are pros and cons to everything. Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand. Services like Netflix has made it so that more studios can get a share in the profit where they can reach more consumers worldwide compared to the old days where the masses will only watch a few new titles per month.

The only negative about streaming services is that it no longer makes any sense to sell DVDs and Blu-rays though it can be argued that those persons may have moved on to building digital libraries for the sake of convenience.

The reason Xbox is doing so poorly is because they are not doing enough to be competitive. Their output of AA and AAA exclusive titles are extremely low compared to the competition and they haven't had a game of the year nominee in years.

Releasing their games the same date on PC is also hurting their console and it would have been more strategic for them to delay those releases by a year similar to what Sony does to maximize profits.

Gamepass alone is not to blame for Xbox's current position because it can be argued that if the service didn't exist and they had the same gaming output as they have now, they would be in an even worst spot.

MrDead21h ago

"Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand."

It's nothing like cable. My comment isn't a guess lifetime sale of films has shrunk to a point it's almost gone and so has the revenue it generated, that is money from competing TV networks, cable/satellite and physical media sales.

Lack of revenue transparency with streaming has meant workers job security and pay has massively diminished, earnings from residuals is almost gone for example the writer for Squid Games because of streaming gets no royalties despite series earning $900 million for Netflix, before streaming he would have royalties form lifetime sales.
Or another example Willow the series was pulled and is no longer watchable here's why: “Willow” was one of nearly 50 titles that Disney+ pulled from its streaming library in May. Other titles included the series “The Mysterious Benedict Society” and the feature film “The One and Only Ivan.” Disney CFO Christine McCarthy explained that Disney was expecting to take a write-down in the June quarter of $1.5 billion-$1.8 billion by removing content from its streaming platforms. By writing down the value of the content assets, Disney can remove that from its balance sheet and reduce its tax bill." Also when you pull a show you no longer need to pay residuals to the workers.

Have you also noticed the drop in quality on sfx or thought some older films look so much better then they do now? This is because the industry now relies on cheap labour for sfx outsourcing abroad, more green screen instead of location shooting and a lot less real extras bring life to a scene.

Streaming in gaming is going to be far worse as we've seen with MS consolidating a massive part of the industry to try and make the service sustainable, lifetime sales being cannibalised by gamespass and a work force that has no unions like SAG is already paying the price.

All streaming does is remove income transparency, cuts the workers from the money and sets flat rates and removes consumer ownership... but CEO's and shareholders will still be ok as they benefit from the industry consolidation.

Huey_My_D_Long17h ago

MrDead is absolutely on fire with the post.

Nothing else I have to add other than that.

DivineHand12517h ago

@MrDead like I said pros and cons. Some of those issues can alleviated with alleviated with regulatory intervention to give more transparency to the industry but unlikely anytime soon with all the lobbying going on.

The issue with the squid game's writer can be attributed to the terms and conditions he agreed to. It happens often in business as no one really knows how popular something will be until you catch that lightning in a bottle. I remember reading about how Nintendo hardly made anything off Pokemon Go dispite Niantic making Billions.

I don't blame streaming services for studios finding was to reduce the cost of making films. That stuff would have happened regardless because of the greed of these corporations. We see that same cost reduction happening in every industry from food to Aerospace.

shadowT1d 10h ago ShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII1d 9h ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Number1TailzFan3d ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay2d ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits2d ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

2d ago
porkChop3d ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii3d ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic2d ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad2d ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

Kornholic2d ago (Edited 2d ago )


PS5 Pro is obviously objectively the better product when compared to the base PS5, but the majority of consumers interested in a PS5 will not be picking Pro over base PS5.

There are countless examples like this out there.

The_Blue2d ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia3d ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad2d ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover2d ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC2d ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.


Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos2d ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos2d ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

Experience the horror of Blackwood Mountain for the first time on PC.

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TheNamelessOne9d ago

Loved the game. Will definitely double dip for this, as long as they didn't botch the remake. Be waiting for a bit of a sale though.