
7 Soothing video games for people who love organization

Mike Clark from G4@Syfygames takes us on a neurotic journey to find the games that give sweet relaxation through organization.

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Bassmint3163d ago

SimCity? Why would anyone choose that over Cities:Skylines.

BellePelouse3163d ago

Cities is definetly a better game but still I missed the online play and the connection between cities from SimCity when i was playing it.

Both games have their strong points, but Cities was a much less frustrating experience

annoyedgamer3162d ago

Tropico 4

I am good presidente!

OhMyGandhi3162d ago

Snood. God I loved that game.


Fallout Shelter is still great, but it deserves a sequel

When Fallout Shelter was originally released, a lot of people quickly fell in love with it. The game is addicting, as you expect any good mobile game to be. That said, it could definitely be improved with a sequel.

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The Best Offline Games for iPhone and iPad

Let's take a step back into the good old days when Wi-Fi and data were nothing to worry about and look at the very Best Offline iPhone Games.

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The Tale of Tetris | A Strange and Surprising Story

Discover the incredible story behind the world-famous game of Tetris, from its origins in Soviet-era Moscow to its global domination in the 1980s and beyond. Learn about the legal battles, political intrigue, and personal connections that helped make Tetris one of the most beloved and enduring games of all time.

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franwex502d ago

I couldn’t keep up. Haha.