
PlayStation TV gets some great price reductions

NSG: PlayStation TV is a neat device that lets you play a selection of Vita games on your TV using a DualShock controller. What we find especially useful though is the PS4 streaming for playing your PS4 on a different TV in the house. Moving your PS4 up and downstairs is set to become a thing of the past. This sounds cheaper than buying a new PS4 when you inevitably fumble it too.

These latest US/UK prices are amongst the best we’ve ever seen for new units. There are some preowned options too to chip a few extra bucks off.

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Eidolon3167d ago (Edited 3167d ago )

I might hold out for a $20-$30 PS TV with a memory card during Black Friday.

ABizzel13167d ago

If you're looking for a PS4 as well, I think Best Buy is bundling in the PSTV with the PS4 on Cyber Monday.

Death3167d ago

The cheapest memory card costs more than $20. You are essentially saying you would buy a memory card if they discount it and give you a free PSTV.

Eidolon3167d ago

I got my memory cards off eBay, 2 4GB's for $5 ea, 8gb for $10, and 16GB for $20.

DragoonsScaleLegends3167d ago (Edited 3167d ago )

Wow what fake or lucky prices even for used vita cards.

Current cheapest used vita card prices on US eBay:

4GB: $12 - 8GB: $20 - 16GB: $35 - 32GB: $55 - 64GB: $88

Personally anything less than 64GB is not enough and it's not worth more than $20.

Eidolon3167d ago (Edited 3167d ago )

100% real and from U.S. non top-sellers, used/pre-owned, obviously, but they work perfectly and I have had no issues, and can't tell them apart from my friends' who bought them from retail. I got them about a year ago, and I waited for the $5 per 4GB, I sniped a couple, low-ball best offered on the others and yeah, I guess I lucked out.

SmokingMonkey3167d ago

I remote play at work on the PC monitor with my PSTV.

Very cool little gadget, especially under $50.


People LOVED the reveal.

Double_O_Revan3167d ago

I was one of them. Held so much promise.

Double_O_Revan3167d ago

What it really needs is some support. I've had 2 for a while now, and they're great. Love being able to remote play in other rooms or even when I'm away from home. Just wish it got better support and more features. It had so much potential, but Sony just kind of brushed it under the rug

3167d ago
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Twitch App launches on PS Vita in Europe

The Twitch app has arrived on the PlayStation store for both the PS Vita and the PlayStation TV, due to hardware restrictions you will be unable to broadcast from the device however the app enables Vita and PlayStation TV owners to watch streams without having to use the browser. The app itself is 16.7MB and requires a Vita Memory card

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Razzer2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

but.....vita is dead.



Sony discontinues PlayStation TV in US and Europe

If you’ve been holding off on buying a PlayStation TV but were planning on picking one up eventually, you better get moving.

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Forn3069d ago

If I could play EVERY PS 1/2 game along with PSP and Vita games I would have bought one.

miyamoto3069d ago

If only they put an A/V out cable on the PS Vita like they did with PSP.............. instant micro console for my 46" HD TV. Save Sony multi millions of dollars.

I told Shuhei Yoshida that was the way to go but they wouldn't listen.

KentBenMei3068d ago

It can play most and it is cheap. I hear you but it's a sweet deal, it gets hate for not being perfect which is unfair.

NarooN3069d ago

Why introduce it and then discontinue it like two seconds later? Lol wow.

XanderZane3069d ago

Because no one was really buying it. They even cut the price in 1/2 and PSTV's were just collecting dust on retail shelves from what I've heard. I wonder what they will do with all that overstock in their inventory? Well the Atari 2600 ET games have been all dugged up, so they can now bury this waste of hardware in it's spot. Oh well. Glad I didn't waste money on it.

TheColbertinator3069d ago

Too much hardware on the market. Sony needs to avoid Sega's mistake back in the 90s.

If Sony intends to compete with a focus,trimming out unprofitable hardware and features is quite efficient.

rezzah3069d ago

Plus casuals wouldn't understand what this is. this is more geared towards core gamers who wish to play older games, but it doesn't contain all the games they wish to play.

ZeekQuattro3069d ago

Surprised it lasted this long. Not even a name change made a difference.

The_Truth_24_73069d ago (Edited 3069d ago )

Sony really dropped the ball on this one. It couldn't even do Netflix and they killed the YouTube app.
Got one on day 1 and I've only used it a handful of times. Freedom Wars is what's keeping it from collecting dust recently.

Kribwalker3069d ago

Not to mention I can't get mine to stream the ps4 well in a room 20feet away......I bought one so my kids could play the ps4 in the other room, but it doesn't stream well

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Why Did We All Tune Out of PlayStation TV?

Push Square: "When the PlayStation TV was announced, this author was on holiday. It was poor editorial director Damien McFerran that was left to man the fort during an explosive Tokyo Game Show press conference, which also played host to the reveal of the PlayStation Vita Slim. It was big, big news at the time, with the microconsole in particular drawing plenty of plaudits."

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ArchangelMike3070d ago

This is the problem with Sony Playstation, fingers in too many pies. Just focus on games and supporting the platform you already have out there. They are letting the PSVita die a slow and painful death, and instead of investing in it, went to come up with PlaystationTV? Surprise, surprise! Sony didn't support that either!
When will they learn that gamers just want to play good games?

get2sammyb3070d ago

I agree that sometimes it feels like they're spinning too many plates. I do think this was an experiment, though, so you can't really blame them.

Junebug3070d ago Show
FamilyGuy3070d ago (Edited 3070d ago )

wtf are you talking about? The Playstation TV was a console version of the vita. It didn't need its own support when it just played vita games. I'm not a handheld sort of gamer so its release was a welcome edition to me. A mini hmdi out port on the vita would've been nice but the PS TV was a cheaper option. It gave me the opportunity to play some of those monster hunter-like games that the vita was getting that weren't showing up on the PS3 or PS4.

Seems like you have no idea what the system even was

Seraphim3070d ago

I don't think that's the problem at all. I see it twofold. One being necessity and the other being confusion. Necessity in that who needs it for Remote Play, to play Vita games on their tv, and so on. Confusion being exactly that. What is it? What does it do? And so on. Guess there could be some other issues. Price. Marketing. Price wasn't terrible but back to necessity. Do I really to spend that much for this and is it really useful to me. Lack of marketing. I bet a vast majority have no idea this product is available and if you were to ask gamers what PSTV was they'd think it's some video service offered by PS they never heard of.

I think it's a great concept. Back when I was a kid this would have been fantastic. With the price drops I have considered picking one up for $40-50. My problem is I really have no use for one. I don't have a spare tv anymore and even when I did I never really had any desire to game on it. I have my setup. Secondly most Vita games I enjoy playing on the Vita. Though some it would be cool to play on the big screen so I might have just talked myself into buying one.

rainslacker3070d ago

They brought out PSTV before they abandoned the Vita. The PSTV by it's very nature could have bolstered the Vita install base, thus making it get more support.

While I agree, Sony did fumble support for VIta in general in the West, it wasn't because they happen to bring out a different version of the Vita...which only expanded the market base for the system.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3070d ago
3070d ago
isarai3070d ago

Well many reasons, a hefty chunk of vita games are incompatible, memory cards are still pricey as hell, doesn't come with a controller which is required, doesn't stream netflix even thou standard vita does, and most of all people really aren't that interested in playing handheld visuals on a big screen. Especially now that every vita game is also getting a ps4 release, sony is really just slowly but steadily turning the knife they stabbed it withat this point

gangsta_red3070d ago

It was a great idea, just executed very poorly. Hardly any exposure and not enough support.

Just another peripheral in a long list from Sony that has been unsupported and eventually dropped. This is why people should be cautious about PSVR.

u4one3070d ago (Edited 3070d ago )

it was a solution for a problem that didn't really exist. if you own a ps4 (or a sony smart tv), you already have the best features of the pstv anyway. if you own a vita, then you have vita games, and they can be streamed via ps4. as a media streamer, it was a joke and could in no realistic way compete with Roku, Apple, Google, Amazon etc.

as for psvr - i really hope it succeeds, but you're right. a product needs a reason to exist and people need a reason to want it. same thing kinda happened with kinect as well.

donwel3070d ago

Vita games can be streamed via PS4?
PS4 games can be streamed to Vita through remote play but I've never heard it the other way round.

ziggurcat3070d ago

it also didn't help that not all vita games were compatible. I bought one thinking I would just play my vita titles on my TV, but I honestly haven't used it at all - it's my own fault for not really researching it thoroughly enough!

rainslacker3070d ago

I think it's execution was fine, just it didn't get much exposure in terms of marketing. I mean, even when the price dropped to a point only a hater could argue it wasn't worth it, the thing barely sold.

I think some people found it redundant. Some found it less capable than the handheld.

Mostly though, I think Sony had a great idea, and then didn't bother to make it into a better device as time went by. All their efforts went to PS4, and new compelling features...although probably redundant on a game console, never made their way to the device to entice the more mainstream casual customer to choose it over something like Roku or AmazonTV. Rather silly really, as much of the success of the PS1 and PS2 was due to how they made it more appealing than other devices which did the same thing...except the PS1 and PS2 could also play games.

user66660473070d ago

I'd take one of these for 3DS games.

3070d ago
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