
What Gamers Want for the Week of 11-23-15: New Video Game Releases

EB: Well the run of big time AAA video game releases this fall is all but over, but there are still a few games that are worth checking out this week if you need something new to play. The big name releases are “The Old Hunters” DLC for Bloodborne, and the third episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. Beyond: Two Souls is re-releasing on the PS4 too, so if you missed it on the PS3 it may be worth checking out if you’ve enjoyed other games from David Cage and Company.

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ninsigma3129d ago

Just pre ordered the old hunters. Can't wait! Now I just gotta beat vicar Amelia again before I can access it!

Nivekki3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I was gonna play through it from the beginning and find out for myself where the dlc starts from. Cheers for that.

Forn3129d ago

There's more to do than that to access it, don't worry.

ninsigma3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Whoops, sorry bout that dude. Like forn said, there's more to do to access but I don't know how you'd figure that out in game though.

Nivekki3129d ago

No prob, just want to play it fresh without knowing lol. If I can't figure it out myself then the good old internet will let me know. One of the things I love about Bloodborne (And the Souls games) is trying to work out what I have to do, how things work.

I discovered a lot of stuff for myself in Bloodborne before I resorted to looking online, it's part of the fun.

ninsigma3129d ago

Yeah I agree, I figured all the bosses and stuff out for myself whole playing. Might have been a couple progression things I had to look up but not much anyway!

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Forn3128d ago

I am near the start of the game on my 4th playthrough. I wanted to assure I'd be able to access the expansion without having to finish the game again haha.

ninsigma3128d ago

Yeah I finished the game then went into the chalice dungeons without doing ng+ so I was pretty much starting again last week and with all the speculation that you'd have to beat rom to access it I was getting depressed xD

jb2273129d ago

Speaking of recent announcements, didn't TellTale tweet that there'd be news about TWD: Michonne series soon? I'm really hoping or expecting that the first episode gets released in the next week or so...put stuff like Minecraft on the backburner & get back to dancing w/ the one that brought you!

magus3129d ago

I was burned out with dark souls but its looking like I have to pick this game up.


Greatest DLCs In Gaming That Walk The Hall Of Fame

Gaming has given birth to some of the best DLCs ever made that enhance the base game significantly. Here are a few top recommendations.


10 Expansions That Are Better Than The Main Game

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - It is now a mainstay of gaming that post a title's release, and DLC will accompany the game. Some of the most popular games of the last fifteen years have followed this practice. But there are some DLCs that are better than others. That stands on the shoulders of their base game, and in some cases… Surpass it. These are the 10 expansions that were better than the main game.

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Dudeson726d ago

Damn, I feel stupid when years ago I played all the dlc for fallout 3 except the pitt. My younger ass looked at it and thought it was boring without trying I believe... Well good reason to fire up the old dusty ps3!

PhillyDillyDee726d ago

Bethesda usually does great DLC. Makes sense they are on the list 3 times.

generic-user-name726d ago

Solid list, I'd add inFamous: Festival of Blood, although it was a standalone download, it still felt like an inFamous 2 expansion.

Blood and Wine might be the best ever though.

SullysCigar726d ago

I'd also add in Horizon The Frozen Wilds. As I started it, I wasn't sure I had the energy, but my God that was awesome. Some of the best weapons, enemies and missions in Horizon for sure.

725d ago
RaidenBlack725d ago

Blood and Wine is always the reason these "best DLC of all time" list gets made in the first place nowadays.
Don't think CDPR can come any where near with any upcoming CP2077 DLC.

Silly Mammo726d ago

I have beaten Bloodborne but though i have the DLC I never played through it. For now I want to wait and see if it gets a Bluepoint remake.

anast726d ago

It's the best DLC in the genre. You are missing out.

SarwarRon726d ago

I double that. If you've liked Bloodborne, don't miss out The Old Hunters.

725d ago
MadLad725d ago

I skipped on Demons Souls remake, but Bloodborne would be day one. I love the game, but it is very, very jaggy and really needs a 60fps edition.

anast726d ago

I didn't like Blood and Wine too much, but the grandmaster gear is worth it.

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Detroit: Become Human & Beyond: Two Souls are available on Steam without Denuvo

DSOGaming writes: "Quantic Dream has just released Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on the PC, and has removed Denuvo from them."

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