
Is Call of Duty: Black Ops III the Best Shooter of 2015?

Hardcore Gamer: Thanks to a three-year development cycle, Treyarch’s shooter is jam-packed with content. After so many games in the series, though, does this content truly measure up?

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mark_parch3135d ago

i would say halo 5 multiplayer is better even though i really enjoy zombies but we still have battlefront to see although i wasn't very impressed with the beta

3135d ago Replies(5)
showtimefolks3135d ago

I believe so because of how much content there is in a COD game. Think about it, in this day and age of season passes we get a cod game which is complete experience

Halo 5 was really underwhelming, 343 studios have an all star team of talented developers but I believes that's also their down fall since the too many chefs theory applies here. They even took out a fan favorite split screen option to force you to not only buy a xbox one but also sign up for Xbox live.

Halo had its day but 8ts no longer the IT ip compared to others. Halo 3 was the peak and even in its peak it did 11 to 12 million yet when halo fanboys talk about it, they make it sound like it sold 20 million units

We always blame cod for having short campaigns but what about halo 4 and 5 combined for 8 hours

Also I believe destiny needs to be on this list too, yeh yeh I know the hate for destiny. But 2ith taken king bungie got a lot right. Still all the 3 dlc packs for destiny were originally part of the 60 dollars purchase but activision along with bungie got greedy. People blame activision for many things but did they force bungie yo sign with them? What bungie didn't know who activision really was

Call of duty black ops 3 is the best FPS of 2015 and no star wars battlefront won't top that since it's not even launching with half the content of black ops 3. Star wars will sell because of its name sake and because star war fanbiys will buy a battlefield game re skinned as star wars battlefront

Sales matter
Impact matter
Positive reviews matters
Positive fan feedback matters

And so far people who have played black ops 3 are loving it.

Also Xbox fanboys are hating on black ops 3 because it's no longer being marketed by ms or they don't get the dlc 30 days early. Sour grapes if you ask me

PreAtaric3135d ago

"star war fanbiys will buy a battlefield game re skinned as star wars battlefront"

After playing Battlefield 3, 4, and Bad Company 1 & 2, I really don't understand saying Battlefront is a reskin of Battlefield. They don't feel much alike at all to me, except that the basic structure of Walker Assault was like Rush, but even then Battlefront's gameplay reminded me more of Call of Duty than Battlefield.

Everything else you said I pretty much agree with, though BO3 also has a season pass so it's not "complete" any more than Battlefront is.

Tobsesan3134d ago

Looks like you never played Halo 5. Anyone who has says the MP is just pure awesome. But hey, for you its COD because you only have a ps4 and that is fine.

jc123135d ago

No. Battlefront is more immersive, fresh, dynamic and exciting.

I'd be willing to be Halo 5's mp is better too, though I haven't played it yet and cant say with any measure of certainty.

TwoForce3135d ago

But the Halo 5 have less content to be honest. First off, removed fan favorite split screen was a big mistake, 3 warzone maps and have medicore story of Halo series. What BO3 have ? Campaign with 4 player co op, split screen, multiplayer, Free run, zombie,nightmare mode and dead ops 2. Black ops 3 is by far the most robust package of COD series.

Tobsesan3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )


Are you trolling?

Halo has less content for real? You get constantly new playlist, next week we get Big Team Battles with 4 new free maps and EVERY futur map is free + Forge mode is coming soon = unlimited Maps.

You can go out make custom games with the rules YOU want. Make people walk 4214214% fast jump higher etc. i dont think you can do anything like that on COD. Also you praise 4 player camp and ignore halo 5s. Halo 5 will get support and new content even in 2 years from now, while noone will play COD in 2 month from now because its the same like every year.

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Summons753135d ago

HAHAHA, no...not even close.

Ricegum3135d ago

Halo? Yeah Summons? You love your Halo don't you. I think you'll find a lot of people genuinely prefer Call Of Duty this year though, Treyarch have done a good job. So don't hate it before you've even tried it.

Summons753135d ago

Actually I wasn't all that impressed with Halo but it definitely is better than Call of Duty. Plus the Battlefront Beta was way better to begin with, Fallout 4 is coming out in a few days.

sullynathan3135d ago

@Summons So Halo is better than COD because Halo is better than COD?

xX-StolenSoul-Xx3135d ago (Edited 3135d ago )

The year has not finished. Some more shooters to come.
Fallout 4 can even take the title technically. Battlefront is also incoming.

Halo 5 multiplayer has been more en-joyful so far compare to Black ops 3

Bass_fisherman3135d ago

Yes it is after the crap of these last 5 years i think cod is finaly back on right track. to be fair bo2 was pretty good.

MasterD9193135d ago

Call of Duty and best don't really belong together.

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Call of Duty paintball mod lets you return to classic CoD multiplayer

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has a new paintball mod in the works which aims to restore classic CoD multiplayer, if you’re tired of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

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SullysCigar522d ago

Call of WHAT?? Never heard of it.

When did this franchise release..? /S


PlayStation Now: most-played games in Spring

Marvel’s Avengers, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Bloodborne earn top spots across PS5, PS4, and PC.

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roadkillers1082d ago

Too bad God of War isn't on PSNow. It would've slaughtered the Avengers and Aloy!!

roadkillers1082d ago

Yea, I can't find any. Not even the digital versions, Facebook has them going $400 over retail.

poppatron1082d ago

I need to cancel my subscription, there’s rarely anything I like that I don’t already have

Stanjara1082d ago

So Avengers are fine? I thought that the game is dying.


PS Now February 2021 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Detroit: Become Human, WWE 2K Battlegrounds

Darksiders Genesis, Little Nightmares and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number are also playable from today.

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LucasRuinedChildhood1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

Terrible month. Detroit and Black Ops 3 (available for a limited time) are already in the PS Plus Collection, and Detroit was also a free game on PS Plus years ago. WWE 2K Battlegrounds is terrible. Only the smaller games that were added are good additions.

PS Plus is way better than PS Now right now (quality > quantity) and has been good for a long time, and great since the PS5 released. I was tempted to subscribe to PS Now over the holidays but I just didn't trust in the quality of the service. They need to up their game because the quality of the service is deteriorating. I'm starting to wonder if they're going to ditch PS Now as we know it and basically add it as an extra tier to PS Plus because that's what they've been prioritizing.

-Ghost1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

Not sure why WWE 2K Battlegrounds was a highlight for this month. I browsed the games in December and it was there/played it.

SamPao1222d ago

Darksiders genesis. Thats a pretty neat addition

gamer78041222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

The game was a massive disappointment, even playing with a friend it was terrible. But we finished it til the end. The game is so buggy and just not much fun a lot of times.

iplay1up21222d ago

Now, is not nearly as good as Game Pass, but $60 for a year? Well worth it!

gamer78041222d ago

Detroit become human is fantastic. One of the best this gen

oakshin1222d ago

Last time blop 3 was on here it came with the dlc

RgR1222d ago

Great for me.

I was looking to play darksiders genesis...it's the last one I need to play. And little nightmares is another one I wanted to try.

The rest I've already played or am not interested. Overall I think they're great additions.

iplay1up21222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

I was disappointed with Darksiders 3. I played for a couple of hours, and deleted it. That is just me though, a lot of people liked it. Also the price is right. Hope you do like it!😁

RgR1222d ago

Yea I'm with you there. The beginning and gameplay feels so different but after a certain point I feel like it got much better.

I played it in classic mode so it would be more similar to other darksiders but man did I die a lot in the beginning due to learning how to play. Came into it fresh from darksiders 2.

SamPao1222d ago

Yeah, I am still playing frostpunk from last month...
Heard good things about little nightmares