
Here’s the Best Game of October 2015

The autumn season keeps marching on as more amazing games are released leading up to the new year. There were quite a few major releases for familiar franchise faces but only one can take home the honor of being Twinfinite's Game of the Month for October. Some of us disagreed, and some of us had our own personal winners, but we eventually settled on one consensus pick.

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Crispyleeks3250d ago

So many great games in October. It was a really tough decision for me but I'd go Tales from the Borderlands Ep.5! Syndicate was great too!

3250d ago
madsenhayes3250d ago

Couldn't agree with this more. October had some really great games, and Syndicate really changes some things that have been dragging down the series a bit.

PerfidiousSinn3250d ago

Can't wait to start Life Is Strange! I was waiting for the full season to come out.

poppinslops3250d ago

I just finished it yesterday - there's nothing else like it... should be mandatory for teenagers to play that game - it's Hella sensitive!

Yui_Suzumiya3250d ago

Getting it at retail day 1 :3

23Breach3250d ago

I want to say Halo 5, but Tales is too good to skip over.

NovaCorps3250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

halo 5 sucks
4 hour campaign epic fail...worst halo along with 4


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Halo 5: Guardians Will Soon Be Playable On PC Thanks to New Xbox One Translation Layer For Windows

Halo 5: Guardians and several other Xbox One exclusives will become playable on PC thanks to a new Xbox One translation layer

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PrinceOfAnger17d ago

Nice! first bloodborne and now this

RaidenBlack17d ago

yep ... hope Fable II, Uncharted Trilogy and Gears Trilogy gets the same treatment

Chocoburger17d ago

Ooh, I always wanted to try Crimson Dragon, this has my interest.

crazyCoconuts17d ago

Isn't this the foundation for your next Xbox?
This is exactly what some of us have been talking about...a way to bridge existing console users into a Xbox branded PC

crazyCoconuts17d ago

I mean.... It would be the end of Xbox.
But at least you'll have a way to play the games you've paid for on new hardware

porkChop17d ago

How is this the foundation for the next Xbox?

Profchaos17d ago

It's been talked about by industry insiders that the next Xbox will not be a Xbox as we know it (traditional closed ecosystem) but more in line with the steamdeck and would allow multiple marketplaces and such as steam to run on it like how the ru has forced iOS to adopt outside marketplaces.

In short think of the nextbox to be more like a steamdeck and less like a xbox

neutralgamer199217d ago

I am just astonished that MS wants to make as much money as Xbox as possible yet so many of their older games aren’t on PC

Goodguy0117d ago

The only halo game I've never played lol. (Asides the wars games)

Software_Lover17d ago


You definitely need to buy Halo MCC.

Elit3Nick17d ago

He said it's the only one he didn't play, so he played all the games that are on MCC

ChasterMies17d ago

Halo 5 is the only Halo game that is not worth playing.

HankHill17d ago

Man, you're on a roll with 💩 opinions.

PhillyDonJawn17d ago

Campaign was trash but the MP is arguably the best in the series. Refreshing combat while staying true to the Halo vibe.

Software_Lover16d ago

Obviously I needed a snicker as I can't read when I'm hungry lol. My apologies.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 16d ago
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Ubisoft is Giving Away Its Most Underrated Assassin's Creed Game Right Now

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is free on PC when you have a Ubisoft Connect account until December 6th, 2023.

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Profchaos303d ago

Underrated that's debatable.

chicken_in_the_corn303d ago

One of the most overrated imo. A big step backwards from Unity.

Relientk77303d ago

I loved Syndicate! I played this game mostly as Evie because of her stealth abilities and loved using a cane sword.

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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kingnick561d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub561d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91561d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris561d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer561d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris561d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol