
Need for Speed Review [Gadgets 360]

Gadgets 360 says: "As it stands, you can do better this year's Need for Speed. Sure, it possesses all the traditional EA spit and polish we're used to what with a punchy soundtrack and fantastic production values, but they do little to elevate one of the lesser entries in the franchise."

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DarkOcelet3190d ago

"Poor handling and the baffling lack of customisation options make Need for Speed a chore to play"

So the only two reasons that i was gonna even consider the game for apparently sucks. Sigh.

Also, the game is night racing only? For today's standards, that is pretty poor.

yarbie10003190d ago

handling is fine once you start upgrading your car. And it has a ton more customization than a game like driveclub. My biggest gripe is the world is empty. not many ai cars in teh city

Xavior_Reigns3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )


Couldnt resist huh

emad-E-three3189d ago

Bringing up Driveclub and downplaying it only tells me how insecure you are about your purchase!

And Btw "handling is fine once you start upgrading your car" is not an excuse! Poor handling is poor handling!
Good thing i'm not supporting it (Always on/Microtransactions) is a cancer specially for NFS that is perfectly fine as an offline game.

xander707693189d ago

Not sure why you are getting so many disagrees. I really like Driveclub, looks amazing and great controls, but there is a total lack of customization and it SUCKS.

I can't speak to NFS handling issues, but the game features a TON of customization. For me part of the fun of a racing game is customizing everything about your favorite car, from tires to body mods to performance tuning etc...

PC_603190d ago

if they said its only night racing in the game then they haven't played it because there is mornings and sunsets

iNFAMOUZ13190d ago

bruh night time is when the races go down

StormLegend3190d ago

Wasn't Need For Speed Underground Night time only?

I'm pretty sure it was.

Retroman3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

MY U.S. VERSION has daytime only UnderGround 1/2
you must have European version with night time only.

im playing Underground ps2 right now i see nooooo night time driving.

TKCMuzzer3190d ago

This seems odd, I was in the beta and found there to be a ridiculous amount of customization options plus you could tweak the handling to suit your style far more than most racers. I don't know, maybe the reviewer just didn't find these options.

IRetrouk3190d ago

Yeah i was in the beta too, loads of customization, more like underground 2 than anything else and yes even the handling is customizable. Dont understand this reviewer lol

C-H-E-F3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

Some cars have 8 different front bumpers others had 2, so this is probably what he is referring to.

steve30x3189d ago

Theres loads of customisation but the handling is very odd. I play arcade racers , Sim Cade , and sim racers but this has to be the weirdest of them all. I can not get used to the cars weird handling.

woutervanjel3189d ago

What the hell is everybody talking about? You can fine tune every cars handling.. This is the first race game that finally got it right.. I can change the handling whenever I want to try something different. Haven't you guys played the game at all?

steve30x3188d ago

@ woutervanjel : Ive played about 20 hours of this game and I've done all kinds of adjustments to the handling and nothing makes it feel good. It feels as if the controls are oversensitive and the car steers when you steer but the car grips way too much and its almost impossible to drift the car without it wanting to hit the wall. Also pressing the handbrake almost stops the car on the spot as if all four wheels lock up and the tyres are glued to the road. I did like most of the game but the car handling , lack of pause , lack of the ability to restart a race and if you lose you have to go back to the race start point instead of quick travelling or giving me an option to restart the race and unskipable cut scenes ruined the game for me.

darren_poolies3189d ago

I played the beta, the handling was fine and the customization seemed pretty in depth. But what do I know, I'm no "professional" games journalist.

Spenok3189d ago

So I personally don't play racing games, but I keep up with the industry, this video at the 1:25 second mark says the car customization is pretty in depth.

I'd look at reviews from trusted websites, not ones from sites most have never heard of like Gadgets.ndtv (who the hell are these guys lol)


And while I wouldn't exactly call NX Gamer a "trusted" source, they at least have some video to back it up.

Just a heads up.

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BigBosss3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

Played the beta and it surely does bring back nostalgia moments from the Underground series. I love the game personally and cannot wait to play it and I know, the whole only online thing sucks.

PS. 6 is a low score, I'd give it 8.5 to 9.0

DarkOcelet3190d ago

You cant give it an 8.5 or 9/10 from a beta my friend :D

BigBosss3190d ago

I meant from what I have played, seen, etc haha.

The93Sting3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

I think the reviewer hasn't played much of the game to start with, 6/10 is freakin low comparing to what we've seen so far from the game, its an easy 8-9/10 from what we've seen alone. not a 6. that is pathetic to be honest lol

ocelot073190d ago

@The93Sting you can pretty much say that about any game then. Last year I thought Assassin's Creed Unity looked like a 10/10 then once released it was more like a 6. Same thing for The Order and Sun Set Overdrive.

TKCMuzzer3190d ago

Of course you can from a personal point of view. In fact the beta was very polished and contained a lot of content, so yeah you could make a judgment from it, I did.

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BoriboyShoGUN3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

That night only definitely gets old quick!!! It was fun for a little bit, but after a while it just isn't what Underground was :(
Part of racing games is driving while enjoying the visuals, kind of hard to do when it's always night. And yeah the lack of traffic and people just makes it boring.

Mr_GoolyPunch3190d ago

Underground was always night though?

BoriboyShoGUN3190d ago

Thinking back you might be right Gooly, but I don't know it just doesn't have the same feel. I'll get it a little later when it drops in price.

woutervanjel3189d ago

You were younger.. Maybe you're getting boring.

Whirlwind_Fanfare_083190d ago

The customization system could've been better in this game! i found the vinyl editor annoying to use because it had nothing showing how large or small my sticker was and i couldn't mirror it to where it'll appear on the other side of the car, no number showing what size rims you putting on neither and no weight reduction, but still found myself messing with cars more than actually playing the game. The car lineup(just like in every NFS game)is great! not perfect, but great.
Impressed with how the graphics of it looks and the car detailing. And this, imo is where i really have problems with it during the beta! dead environment which made the game feel boring to play, no manual transmission(which is being investigated according to EA) and no offline single player. Good game, but with too many flaws! a 6/10? maybe a 6.5!

BoriboyShoGUN3190d ago

you can mirror the vinyls it's just a pain in the rear! The possibilities are crazy but they definitely didn't make it easy.

GiantFriendlyCrab3190d ago

EA has destroyed all their franchises

Hoffmann3190d ago

And they destroyed a ton of franchises by companies they bought as well.

I don't buy games from them now since around a decade. Beside Dead Space 1+2 in the last generation, and Burnout 3-4 nothing on the Playstation 2 and 3.

Pl4sm43190d ago

dont forget sim city ... ahh god that was a quick and horrible death to a great franchise and its studio D:

WellyUK3190d ago

Hate on EA but they still make good games... Mass Effect 1-3, DA:O and DA:I, DS 1 and 2, BF:BC 1 and 2, BF3, PvsZ Garden Warfare (Massively underrated game) and Titanfall.

There is hating how EA go about their business then there's just pure stupidity, they have published a lot of great games and highly rated ones. They have however destroyed some very well loved games which may not of happened if they weren't owned by EA.

RiseofScorpio3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

Mass Effect would have ended way better if Bioware was still with Microsoft. EA has ruined pretty much every franchise they have.

WellyUK3190d ago

Still doesn't change the fact Mass effect 3 was great up until the last 5 minutes... May of had a poor ending but most games now a days seem to have poor endings according to the internet.

DOMination-3190d ago

Casey Hudson ruined it, not EA

Lennoxb633190d ago

I agree. But nowadays its popular to hate on anything that has a huge following or a big business.

Look at the iPhone. There's nothing wrong with the iPhone. But people hate on it because people its so popular.

annoyedgamer3190d ago

ME 3? DA:I ? lol and such a small list you have for such a large publisher. Cherry picking much?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3190d ago
mezati993190d ago

So from my understanding this game has:

No offline
No justification for no offline
No pause
No drag racing
No manual transmission
No cockpit view
No wheel support

Yep, i am out

WellyUK3190d ago

It's not a sim... So what were you expecting? Forza?

Double_O_Revan3190d ago

Something as simple as cockpit view has been in NFS for as long as I can remember. Its just laziness.

boing13190d ago

I do not recon cockpit view in nfs except for shift. Care to shed a light?

Whirlwind_Fanfare_083190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

News flash @WellyUK, it's not burnout either. How come every damn time ppl ask about why manual transmission is not included in the game is this answer:it's not a sim! such a ignorant reply.

Afreelunch3190d ago

boing1, even the very first NFS released in 1994 had a cockpit view. Not all of them have it, though. Definitely not a deal breaker for me.

steve30x3189d ago

Just because its not a sim doesn't justify the weird handling that I have never experienced in any type of racer which includes Arcade racer , Simcade or sim. Also it does not justify the lack of manual gears. The rest I did like in the beta and 10 hour trial.

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UnR34L_DEAF3190d ago

When Need for speed reboot revealed, like it will be underground game. I was excited about it because Drag mode was most fun._. It is not in Need for speed reboot... Look bright side, there will have no season pass or micro-money. Hope in the future they will add drag mode.

BoriboyShoGUN3190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

He's not asking for much. That list is basic racing features, this is a perfect example of why these companies get away with this BS. I was super pumped for this game but after the beta I think i'll hold out for a little bit.

*Yeah Whirlwind I don't get it either. Since when is manual transmissions for sims only??? PS1 and PS2 games had maunual transmissions!!!!

georeo3190d ago

Also no online play with friends! All you can do is just do free mode with friends.its pretty sad.

Pl4sm43190d ago (Edited 3190d ago )

that moment when the very first need for speed had at least a cockpit view xD

Lennoxb633190d ago

The reboot has a front bumper view.

Bassmint3189d ago

No manual transmission??? fuuuuuu!

Do they think it's too hard for casuals to shift up and down gears or something..

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