
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Review - GamerKnights

GK has done a full review of the new Assassin's Creed: Syndicate from Ubisoft.


"Assassin’s Creed Syndicate attempts to steady last year’s rocking boat by cutting back wildly on the ambition of the game. There’s no co-op or multiplayer and no companion app. And there’s little attempt to mix up the tried-and-tested gameplay of past Assassin’s games. The one main nod towards improving the world traversal is to add in the use of a grapple hook, that you can use to both ascend buildings faster, but also to zip-wire between gaps."

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GamerKnights3251d ago

Any feedback on our Syndicate review? let us know!

JoeMcCallister3251d ago

Pretty good stuff! I have to say that I like to read the experiences or stories that happened to the reviewer that made the game either frustrating or awesome so including some more of those would be great, namely in the Story and Gameplay sections - it usually helps me think in terms of "yeah I can agree with those feelings" or "nah not for me but ok". I might be a minority on the vocal internet, but I really want to know how the reviewer received and interpreted scenes, action, how it made them feel about the game because that's how I identify with games I'll go back to. Overall though it's a well done review, keep it up!

On another note I'm not a huge fan of the site background, and there are a few pages that are downright hard to read just due to color choices (about us for instance, as I wanted to read about the reviewer). Another small weird design note is the button for Page 2 has really weird click borders, have to click on like the upper part of the circle.

GamerKnights3251d ago

We'll also launch a AC Syndicate competition soon! Hoodie, tshirt, watch etc can be yours!

GamerKnights3251d ago

Thanks JoeMcCallister for the nice comment! Check out our site more!

Yes the about us page will change soon since the background doesn't match the other colors.

Indeed, you're right on the button for page 2, this will be corrected soon by updating our code.

Thanks for pointing out!


Ubisoft is Giving Away Its Most Underrated Assassin's Creed Game Right Now

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is free on PC when you have a Ubisoft Connect account until December 6th, 2023.

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Profchaos301d ago

Underrated that's debatable.

chicken_in_the_corn301d ago

One of the most overrated imo. A big step backwards from Unity.

Relientk77300d ago

I loved Syndicate! I played this game mostly as Evie because of her stealth abilities and loved using a cane sword.

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Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate worth playing in 2023?

GF365: "Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate worth playing in 2023? Many veteran fans consider this game the last “real” Assassin's Creed game. Did that opinion age well? How does Syndicate compare against the previous game, Unity?"

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shinoff2183571d ago

I would say more maybe when you burned through your backlog.

cbuc1125571d ago

I thought it was great back in the day. Evie was a master at stealth, while Jacob was the fighter. Good 💩!

glennhkboy570d ago

I didn't find them that different in terms of stealth vs power.

cbuc1125569d ago

Well they were. She could go full invisible and blend into the environment at the highest level. Jacob could shoot a gun mid punch while fighting. You needed to build out the skill tree.

Chocoburger570d ago (Edited 570d ago )

It was the last in the series I actually liked, before they went full-blown grindfest. This game had grindy features too, but at least it had some limits.

My biggest issue was that it didn't move the modern story forward which was a let down. Still a fun game, though.

robtion570d ago

Definitely, it is a great game with a really detailed setting.

Unfortunately, you can't play it on PS5 though as it has a major flickering glitch with the lighting/shadows which makes it unplayable.

robtion570d ago

Really? Great, thanks for letting me know. It must have been relatively recent because when I downloaded it to play again on PS5 sometime in the last 12 months it was still really bad.

Good news though, now I can give it another play through. Never did the Jack the Ripper quests previously so want to give them a try.

P_Bomb570d ago

Yeah the patch was most appreciated. That graphic breakup/flicker was awful.

MadLad570d ago

Still consider it the best since Brotherhood.

DarXyde570d ago

Brotherhood was the last one I liked, but in fairness, I checked out after Revelations (which I really struggled to maintain interest in long enough to finish it. I eventually did but I couldn't tell you a thing about it though because I really did it out of necessity to finish something I started).

By that time, fatigue really set in and I simply don't care about it anymore.

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Assassin's Creed Syndicate Patch Will Finally Fix PS5 Flickering Issue Tomorrow

Wow, it's actually happening: Ubisoft will deploy a patch for Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS4 tomorrow (that's the 23rd February) which will finally fix the game's flickering visuals when being played on PS5 via backwards compatibility.

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banger88579d ago

I just wish they'd patch Black Flag on consoles to enable 60 fps. Of all the earlier AC titles that was my favourite.

578d ago
Relientk77578d ago

That's really cool that Ubisoft is finally patching this even though its too late for me. I never thought they were going to patch it, so I beat AC Syndicate on PS4 end of last year. That's one game off my backlog.

anast578d ago

Sweet. This is one of my favorite ACs. I'll fire it up when I get the chance.

Pedrof578d ago

It's cool. It's just a bummer they didn't take the opportunity to also unlock the framerate.

chicken_in_the_corn578d ago

Awesome news. This is the main reason for pushing back my replay.