
Dungeon Keeper 2 Halloween Retrospective Review

Dungeon Keeper 2 is an example of how a management game can still have a sense of fantasy and great humour. It's fantastic to see a game where players can be the evil demon defeating the heroes, and Richard Ridings' voice acting performance is the magnificent icing on the cake. While some of the graphics can seem a little lacking for today's standards, Dungeon Keeper 2 is a solid game in a series that is crying out for a revival.

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GamerGabs3251d ago

Never played this one myself although I have since played War for the Overworld, so I can appreciate how awesome the gameplay is.

Flatty933251d ago

Honestly never heard of the series before but quite tempted to give it a try now. Do like Richard Ridings when I hear him plus wanna try out playing the villain for once, Mwahaha! Good read!

Horny3250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

I love dungeon keeper. I still have all 3. 1 and Deeper Dungeons are my favorite. Two was good too, I just didn't like some of the changes such as the horned reaper having to be summoned and then disappearing after a short time.
Fantastic franchise and it definitely needs a revival. If you like strategy games you will love this game.


Retro Game Sales for April 19th, 2014

Carl Williams writes, "Massive list of games on sale this weekend with many newcomers to the discount world. From Gamefly to Dotemu and GoG.com and everything in between. Check out the sales below."

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Geobros3808d ago

Populous The Beginning....I love that game!!!

triverse3808d ago

There are a lot of great games on sale over on Origin right now.

Skate-AK3808d ago

Bought Tales From Monkey Island, Jurassic Park and Braid from the Flash Sale.


Retro Gaming Sales Roundup for Valentines Weekend

Retro Gaming Magazine collects the latest retro related sales that are going on for the weekend of Valentines Day.

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Grab the Original Dungeon Keeper for Free at GoG

GoG.com's timing on releasing the classic Dungeon Keeper completely free is a little interesting. I doubt it has anything to do with the horrible response to the new mobile version.
Head on over to Gog.com's promotional site and just get a free dang game. It is supposed to be a classic. One of the best. Also, Dungeon Keeper 2 is 75% off, if that is more your style.

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Snookies123873d ago

Just saw this email. A couple days back I realized I'd never played this game and wanted to give it a shot. Was quite a pleasant surprise to find it's free a few days later.

BlitzKriegBOOM3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

no wonder, this game is god awful.
EDIT: oh its the original, phew....

adorie3873d ago

Might have to grab a copy too. Free is free and I'm always up for something I haven't played.

hay3873d ago

Grap while it's free. EA is probably behind it, ordered takedown due to new and awesome Dungeon Keeper being released. /sarcasm as f*ck

Mikefizzled3873d ago

I love this. Middle finger to EA's middle finger of a game.

MadLad3873d ago

Never tried the series.
Guess this is my best chance to. If I like it, I will grab the sequel.

barb_wire3873d ago

I actually prefer the sequel and for a $1.49, it's a steal!

MadLad3873d ago

Ah. Didn't check the price of the other one. For a $1.50, I might as well just grab it.
I've never played anything like what Dungeon Keeper offers, so it should be an interesting time either way.

MrDead3873d ago

The second game had a lot more to it, its a shame number 3 was binned.

It's still makes me laugh when Disco Inferno starts to play.

asmith23063873d ago

Oh yes!! This plus TLOU DLC has made my weekend.

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