
Interview with Craig McLeod of ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’

An interview with Craig McLeod (DICE, Producer) who talks about EA's forthcoming 'Star Wars: Battlefront' game and how it isn't a re-skin of 'Battlefield'.

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venom063262d ago

Everyone and anyone whose played that game KNOWS good and dang well that is noway near a reskin. The fun, the sound, the immersion, that level of engrossing feeling was nothing that Battlefield or even CoD could produce.

Chaosdreams3262d ago

Though it's not original enough to do away with the $50 season pass nonsense.

Just fine with being like the rest in that department.

jmc88883262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Yes, but like you said the rest do it...

Do you realize that the dollar has lost so much of its value, that a $50 game in 2005, to now get the same equivalent value, it would be $129?

Are you aware that the dollar (and almost all other currencies) have lost that much value?

The fact that just about everything costs double or triple since 2005, but games are only $10 more is a bit of a victory. The downside is however, they tend to ship with fewer maps, and have a $50 expansion pass.

We see it in the consoles, with them being less then half as powerful as the Xbox 360/PS3 were when compared to the top single GPU/CPU end... say like a Geforce 6800 Ultra or 7800 Ultra.

Whereas a PS3/360 could easily compete with a $3-4000 machine from that time frame, a PS4 (let alone an XB1) was outdone by a GTX 670 which cost $399 in 2012 over a year before launch, and no....it wasn't the top end. Not a 680, nor 690, nor Titan. Nor dual or tri or quad SLI of any of these options.

So PS3/360 compete with a $3000-$4000 machine in 2005-2006, whereas in 2013, a $1200-1500 machine from 2012 could easily outdo by quite a decent margin a PS4, let alone an XB1.

Don't blame EA/DICE.

Blame Bush, Obama, and the congress.

Or if you aren't American, blame your own political structure.

Because that's what happened. We all have to live in this world they set the rules of.

Corporations will pass the costs onto you.

Just remember that the next time someone in power, or some political party tries to take a victory lap and claim how great this bubble and close to collapse economy is.

It isn't. Game and console makers can't raise their prices in line with how currencies have tanked, because the great bubble fraud worldwide economy isn't letting wages rise.

So if your wages go down, and they HAVE gone down this entire century in America, then they can't raise prices.

So they do stuff like this.

Also don't forget, unlike most games 4-5 years development window, and even CoD's formulaic, same thing every year...gets THREE years for development, Battlefront has gone from EA/DICE securing their rights, to making a game from the ground up, and out the door in 2 1/2 years.

Chaosdreams3262d ago

Eh, I'm Canadian so it costs even more. I know the value of money has gone down, a lot. I'd give a long reply but I agree with most of what you said. I'll just point out however that I don't blame Dice/EA for trying to make profit, I blame them for how they market it.

Buy the game & season pass or, buy the game in its ultimate edition, but it's the exact same price. They don't even try to give the consumer a good deal if he/she wants all of the content. They also do this, knowing nobody has a clue what that content will turn out to be in regards to quality. So while they are trying to make their money, they are trying to make it from people who also suffer from the loss of value in regards to the dollar.

I mentioned the price, but really it's the least problematic issue in regards to how these games are delivered. If things are going to cost more, in order to balance the value in the dollar, then how the consumer is treated also needs to change.

Big $ sign should = increased customer service.

jmc88883261d ago

I see your point.

I agree if you decide to buy everything up front without knowing the quality or even the exact amount of everything you get, you should be given a nice discount.

3262d ago

Star Wars: Battlefront Turns 20 – A Nostalgic Journey Through the Galaxy

Celebrate 20 years of Star Wars: Battlefront! Relive the epic battles, iconic maps, and unforgettable moments that made this game a fan favorite.

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jznrpg2d ago

It was fun back in the day. When they made it always online I skipped it


Aspyr Allegedly Used A PC Mod To Add Xbox Exclusive Content To SW Battlefront Classic Collection

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XiNatsuDragnel215d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion214d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid214d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09214d ago (Edited 214d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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