
This PS4 Star Wars: Battlefront Holiday 2015 Commercial Is Absolutely Epic

Sony Computer Entertainment is ready to play the Star Wars: Battlefront fanfare, and in fact the game features in the PS4’s “Holiday 2015 commercial” just released today.

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Abash3265d ago

The momentum of the PS4 + the momentum of Star Wars = Explosive sales this holiday

Relientk773265d ago

Sony getting the Star Wars marketing deal is nothing short of great for them

S2Killinit3265d ago

once the Star Wars movie comes out, sales will go through the roof. its shaping up to be a good holiday season already.

nix3264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

The game may have shallow content for 60 dollars and of course the DLC, but this commercial is cool. Got me excited even if i know the truth.

But i wonder how can i not have a Star Wars game in my library? I bought Warhawk and totally loved it's fast paced gameplay and those large maps. But i remember not paying 60 dollars for it.

Decisions. Decisions.

fulnattybrah3264d ago

the game sucks, i don't see it selling systems.. to depend on a multiplat game to sell systems is kinda dumb...

boing13264d ago

Do not understimate casual market. It'll sell like hot cakes.

JMyers3264d ago

@ fulnattybrah

Is that what MS did with the 360 last Gen? they basically invented the exclusive marketing, exclusive content and content first deals to push the 360.

PreAtaric3264d ago

"to depend on a multiplat game to sell systems is kinda dumb…"

Spoken like someone who ignores gaming history.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
LaChance3265d ago ShowReplies(8)
UKmilitia3264d ago

reminds me of the titanfall one on xb1

butchertroll3264d ago

Maybe. But Titanfall doesn't have nostalgia moments, but this SW add has it and that's the goal of that add.

Crazyglues3264d ago

The Force Is Strong With PS4...

Darth Vader PS4 Collectors edition he goes and get, does he? -yoda

Yes, yes he does.. (so excited) -Me

Uh, baby did you pay the light bill... -wife

Uh, no honey, Lord Vader ask me to get the StarWars: Collectors Edition PS4 -Me

You what? Do you want to explain to Lord Vader why you now live outside on a couch...

hmmm,. Takes collectors edition out of amazon cart -(Forgive me Lord Vader, it appears the force is much stronger here at home) -Me.

SIX3264d ago

Agreed. The feels is strong in this one.

3264d ago
XanderZane3264d ago

It was ok, but not great for me and I'll tell you why. The ad is mostly showing the guy in the office and kids dressed as Star Wars characters. Hardly any of the game is really shown. It actually made me more excited about the movie, then the game. Sony is famous for doing this. Anyone remember the "Perfect Day" commercial when "no games" were actually shown and you didn't know it was a PS4 commercial until the very end? Same stands here. You don't really know what this is until the very end. Sure, I'm sure it will help sell a few more PS4. It is Star Wars.

miyamoto3264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

Do you even know to whom this ad is made for?
Clues: 1 "Expand Install Base Campaign" 2 it's definitely not for you

XanderZane3264d ago

I have SW: Battlefront preordered, so yes this video would be for me as well. I'm also very interested in the film. I think your comments were not for me. The commercial wasn't great. More gameplay, more info about the game would have been nice.

Davi1233264d ago

Ugh! If you are a XBot, it doesn't matter if you like StarWars or if your favorite idol appears on a PS ad. You are a XBot, even your brain isn't capable of understanding my point.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
TheGreatGamer3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Epic I agree but I am left confused. Is there going to be another holiday trailer with exclusives like Uncharted or is SW:BF (a multiplat)the only game they're advertising this holiday?

Abriael3265d ago

Uncharted won't be released in the holidays, so.

TheGreatGamer3265d ago

Just can't help but feel as a 'holiday 2015' trailer it looks very bare with 1 game shown which is a multiplat but that aside it is a very cool trailer

OB1Biker3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

It s just what its says it is.. a PS4 StarWars Battlefront holiday commercial.
That doesnt mean its the only game available, does it?
Like people were already nit picking about the previous one with Drake collection, Ass Creed and BlOPs. Just enjoy this one awesome commercial (not often I really like commercials) like you would if it was another great commercial about one other game.. ;)

Thatguy-3103265d ago

Might be multiplatform but you better believe it will sell consoles regardless. Sony is in the lead so they know what they're doing.

Eonjay3265d ago

Abriael is right Uncharted was a part of their fall sizzle ad:


There are you happy. Uncharted is in there. I know how much you wanted to see Uncharted.

Sparta073265d ago

What about all those years when all Microsoft had was cod, didn't hear you complain then. Plus we had Exclusive for the past 9 months... Now you wanna brag that you guys are getting a few exclusives this holidays and no big exclusive since last year.

DigitalRaptor3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

That's a very weak assumption to make based on one trailer.

Sony can market the games releasing on their platform during the holidays however they want to ensure financial success, as long as they release games during the 12 months of the year, which they do - and treat the rest of the months as though they matter, which they do. See.... the importance of the holiday season rests firmly the shoulders of those working in the financial departments of these companies. These are the people who push its importance. Microsoft has exploited that focus, tying it in with the seasonal Christmas buzz and brainwashing their fans into thinking 3 months of games matters more than a lineup over 12 months.

Why are you questioning Sony's push in the holidays, but not questioning Microsoft's push for the entirety of this year? They didn't bother with a AAA retail exclusive for about 10 months, since Master Chief Collection, which was a remaster. Why not call that "very bare"? Yours doesn't seem like a very genuine concern when you consider that.

Kavorklestein3264d ago

Brainwashed? Really...?
Nobody said 3 months > 12 months or Anything even close to that...
Nobody should even care too much tbh..
Games are coming out constantly for both systems.

Keep calm and game on everyone.
Good games aplenty this fall and holiday season.

Christopher3265d ago

Sony paid to handle advertising of this specific game. Regardless of any other advertising, they better deliver on advertising it as per their agreement.

raptorjacob3264d ago

I just saw a commercial for the uncharted collection. Does before Halloween count as holiday marketing?

KwietStorm_BLM3264d ago

It only feels "bare" to internet goblins who troll all day about EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE. Gamers who just game, and don't spend their lives bickering on message boards about what's not available on X platform. They just buy games and play them. Nobody in their god given right mind can honestly say that exclusive marketing rights for Star Wars is not a big deal, especially given the ridiculous momentum PS4 already has. Sony has all these 3rd party games doing the heavy lifting for them before they even have half of their first party studios showcase anything. Not a word was said when Microsoft made a career of it last generation, but now because they have the BEST LINEUP IN XBOX HISTORY, we're regurgitating the PS4 has no games crap. It is so, damn, tired.

343_Guilty_Spark3264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

Don't forget Sony fans buy and play every exclusive and multi platform game on the day of release. They usually complete their new purchases within 2-3 days so you can't really blame them for not liking how Microsoft concentrates its exclusives during the biggest months of the year for video games. PS4 gamers have an unique challenges thirst to buy every new game and complete it immediately.

PreAtaric3264d ago

You're confused about why an ad for a particular game doesn't show more games?

No you're not.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
JMaine5183265d ago

The force is strong with this one!!!

majdees3264d ago

The joke is old with this one!!!

JMaine5183264d ago

The saltiness is strong with this one.

d_g3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

it’s kinda funny how they wrote "not actual gameplay"....i wonder if there is some people think this is actual gameplay

on topic

Good Commercial. i just hope this game will turns out good

HammadTheBeast3264d ago

It's to prevent the people who would throw out a lawsuit to make a quick buck off of something like misleading advertising.

badz1493264d ago

At least they are honest! I might be wrong on this but Halo has always use this kind of commercial with real people mixed in the game universe but ai don't see them saying "not actual gameplay" there, right?

KwietStorm_BLM3264d ago

It should be pretty obvious some people would think it's real gameplay. Casuals outnumber the hardcore at any given time. That's the whole reason why the same people think certain games are only available on the system they see them advertised for.

Masterofwiiu3ds3264d ago

Why not just show the actual gameplay? The game looks incredible as it is, and trailers and commercials that don't contain actual gameplay honestly don't help anyone.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3264d ago
Nodoze3265d ago

Should read, not even close to gameplay.

Still a very cool commercial that brings back more than a few memories.

scark923264d ago

I guess.. He did not collect the X Wing Pick Up..

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jznrpg2d ago

It was fun back in the day. When they made it always online I skipped it


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XiNatsuDragnel215d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion214d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid214d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09214d ago (Edited 214d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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