
PlayStation VR Conversations: Fireproof Games

FireProof Games' Barry Meade talks PlayStation VR.

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S2Killinit3175d ago

it will make you feel like you're in a jetpack. (: I'm happy with that.

"PSLS: How is Omega Agent enhanced by Virtual Reality?

BM: More than enhanced, it wouldn’t exist, but for VR. We specifically made a jet-pack-in-a-city game because we wanted to boost around a city in VR with total freedom. So the short answer is hell yes it is."

Sounds like new experiences are finally going to happen. I'm of the belief that VR will usher a new era of gaming. Whats possible in VR is not possible w/out it. namely, the immersion factor. so much more than just a word.

DragonDDark3174d ago

This sounds really F***ING cool :D

S2Killinit3174d ago

Yeah. And since we are talking Jetpacks... How about a nice superhero VR game to really feel like your flying (:


Alien: Rogue Incursion Creator Survios: A History of VR Works

VR veteran Survios is currently working on Alien: Rogue Incursion, so we take a look back at its history of VR works.

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Pistol Whip is Alive and Well With VOIDSLAYER Scenes

Cloudhead Games has announced the VOIDSLAYER update for Pistol Whip, adding three new scenes in June for all supported platforms.

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PSVR2 Firmware Update Shows Early Signs of PC Support via Cable Connection

Recent findings in the latest PSVR2 software update, indicates that PlayStation is already starting to implement support for PC.

Garethvk92d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta92d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts92d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos92d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts92d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa92d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.