pyroxxx3269d ago ShowReplies(2)
TLG19913269d ago (Edited 3269d ago )

as much as i agree, i think if a movie adaptation was made it would ruin it. But at the same time i think uncharted is probably the best candidate for the best possible outcome from a video game movie. obviously looking at indiana jones on this one and its something everyone could enjoy.

but how well that would be pulled off, who knows, we haven't had any absolutely outstanding movies for a while now come out of hollywood.

LordMaim3268d ago

Perhaps what he should be saying is that fans don't want a BAD Uncharted movie. I'd be fine with it if they had the right script, actors, and director, and I think that hasn't been the case this far, considering how long it's taken Sony to let things move forward.

Some of the previous script treatments had such bizarre details that it was basically a completely different plot than the Uncharted that we know and love. Like David O'Russell's idea with Mark Wahlberg and Robert De Niro? Where he literally said that he was throwing out the video game story and taking the plot in a new direction? I'm glad that never went anywhere, and I bet Naughty Dog is too. Some crap like that could damage the brand by association.

JackStraw3268d ago

World of Warcraft is vastly bigger than Uncharted and has way more at stake than it, yet it has an upcoming film adaption. If a film adaption of WoW doesn't ruin it, then Uncharted would be just fine if the same were to happen. Uncharted isn't doing anything so superiorly done that it would be ruined if done through a different medium. Sorry, but it's true.

SaveFerris3269d ago

Hollywood will just mess up a live-action version. Maybe make a cgi movie (similar to Advent Children) with the cast from the game in an all new adventure?

jeremyj29133269d ago

Only problem with that is in the US animated movies are all geared toward children.

SaveFerris3269d ago

Some of the DC Universe animated movies like Batman: Under the Red Hood and Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox were pretty good though. But I think these were not theatrical releases AFAIK.

itBourne3268d ago

The story will be different, conflicting with the current cannon. The characters personalities will be completely changed. Sulli or Elena will be black, because I think that's a requirement now. It will be pg13, with a lot of people not dying or the camera not showing it. It will haunt your memory of uncharted.

crazychris41243269d ago

Want one done right. Don't bother if it's just a quick cash grab.

equal_youth3269d ago

At least we don't want it like the studio wants it...

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Nolan North Interview

Andrew Duncan of GameGrin chats with Nolan North about DIRT 5, Deadpool and more.

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1412d ago

Troy Baker And Nolan North Open Up About Dirt 5's Story Mode

Nolan North and Troy Baker share their experiences working with Codemasters on Dirt 5 and its story-based career mode.

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Michiel19891419d ago

I don't really play racing games, but do people really cary about story modes in racing games? I thought need for speed in the past did a good job of it, somewhat cheesy, minimalistic story but it did the job imo. Just so there was some context in the game.

CrimsonWing691418d ago

like you said, the cheesy Need for Speed stuff kind of made racing a bit more worth doing over and over again because of the story, but I don't think anyone actively goes out of their way to buy a racing game for the story.


Nolan North & Troy Baker Lending Their Voices To Dirt 5

Voice Over juggernauts Troy Baker and Nolan North are lending their talents to the latest installment in the Dirt franchise, as Dirt 5 was revealed during Microsoft’s First Look Xbox Series X Gameplay presentation earlier today.

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NecrumOddBoy1599d ago (Edited 1599d ago )

Nolan's going to voice the engine and Troy will voice the tranny. 😏

jgilbert111598d ago

It would be pretty cool if Nolan voiced the navigation system

MadLad1598d ago

Okay. Okay. That was good.

caddytrek1598d ago

I hope they do the engine noises haha Vroom!!!

rdgneoz31598d ago

Similar to his work in Portal 2 as Space Cube...

ifinitygamer1598d ago

These guys are in everything, and their voices are so damn soothing.

rdgneoz31598d ago

Got to seem them a couple years ago when they were part of a live reading of Princess Bride in various voices. - Joker from Troy and Nolan as Mickey Mouse shortly after.

timotim1598d ago

Not going to lie...looked like a poor man's Forza Horizon. I hope it turns out good though. The dev speaking on the game talked about no loading times...sounds great.

SyntheticForm1598d ago

I think it looks as good as any other modern racer, and it's quite detailed.

Why the "poor man's Forza" dig? Surely that wasn't necessary, even if the games look similar in some respects.

timotim1598d ago (Edited 1598d ago )

The festival aspect instantly reminded me of Forza Horizon...but the environments wasn't quite up to par to me. If you look at that NY track on the river...the buildings in the background looked very current gen. But like I said, I hope it turns out good. Will be interesting to see where the voice acting stuff goes...could be pretty cool.

I should say I love racers and play just about all of them.

AK911598d ago

I mean that's cool and all but the Dirt series isn't really known for its voice acting and dialogue.

RamRod881598d ago

They could be announcers like in Forza horizon

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