
Sony Dev Explains Why PS VR Screen Is Crisper Than The Others, Says Project Started In Late 2010

Richard Marks from PlayStation Magic Lab talked about PS VR, from the quality of the screen to the beginning of the project.

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ccgr3270d ago

Look forward to seeing it, the price will determine if i buy it though

vlashyr3270d ago

Me too. The wife already wanted to kill me when I bought PS4...

JEECE3270d ago

Yet it is perfectly normal to shell out $700ish dollars every 9-12 months for the new iPhone (not saying your wife does that, just a general comment).

Cindy-rella3270d ago

No explanation needed because its a sony product and sony likes to make quality.

3270d ago
KwietStorm_BLM3270d ago


The quality of Sony's Bravia TVs has never come into question. That's not the reason sales dropped.

S2Killinit3270d ago

Bravia tv quality was top notch. It was the price that made them difficult to justify. Otherwise they have always had a reputation that everything else being equal, Sony displays were superior.

3-4-53270d ago

JEECE - NO it it not normal to pay $800 a year for a new iphone.

That is what cult members do.

Most people just re-up the plan for the free phone. THAT is normal.

Fz6soldier3270d ago

10 to 15 years ago flat screens were still a newer tech, all brands had their issues. And I believe Sony/Samsung/Sharp all shared the same panels.

Loktai3270d ago


Sony tvs continue to have great performance very low motion blur and as technology improves smaller companies are able to get closer to Sony which makes the prices harder to swallow in the shaky economy but the quality has never swayed at all, competitors like Samsung and Sharp and cheap undercutters like Visio have just taken a cut which happens. They still rank very highly especially if you care about motion blur and contrast in dark rooms.

starchild3269d ago

Sony does generally make great TVs. However, they aren't always the best at a given price point. For example, the Vizio P and M series have deeper black levels and better contrast ratios than all but Sony's flagships like the X950B, which retails for about $6,000 (vs about $850 for the same sized Vizio M series). This is because all of those sets use full array local dimming, whereas Sony's midrange and low end sets don't have this feature and thus have inferior black levels.

Still, Sony do generally make some of the best TVs at the high end. I own both a Sony and Vizio tv and they're both great at what they do. I'm looking forward to when Sony starts releasing OLED TVs.

freshslicepizza3269d ago

i'm hoping they have a demo set up near my area. that will be the only way to determine if i like it or not. you can't go by feedback from others or looking at videos.

dantesparda3269d ago


Did you say local dimming? Hold on, I just threw up in my mouth. Full array, yes, ..... local dimming, big no no

NewMonday3269d ago


got a 60'4K Sony TV, that local dimming is fantastic, my brightness setting is turned down and now I can see whole new shades of color, this is deeper than my previous Panasonic Plasma TV and very close to an OLED.

3269d ago
XisThatKid3269d ago

To most that didn't know Sony and Samsung shared components for TV's along with vizio. Sony was deff top notch tv's with great design and quality Sony was always seen as a quality brand especially to people outside the gaming industry that don't know all the semantics. Sony sold their shared components to Samsung to start from scratch in the TV industry.
and from what I seem at CES looking forward to must things Sony has to offer that has a screen

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3269d ago
MikleDemi3270d ago

I think that is just common sense. I will also wait and see how people are using it. No point if its just another PS Move/Camera/EyeToy/etc.

Imp0ssibl33270d ago

It will be much more than that, though I'm still concerned about motion sickness issues.

Timesplitter143270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

expect something like $250-$300, maybe more

Genuine-User3270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

I would love for it to be in between £300-350.

sprinterboy3270d ago

Will pay £299, any more and I'll have a rethink, but £229 would be a great launch price with it being priced at £149 yr or 2 later.
I personally think it will be ps5 before its consumer price friendly for the masses. I expect playstation vr to be included with every ps5 hopefully

nitus103269d ago

Some people may have problems using VR devices so it is very important to try before you weigh up the pros and cons of buying such a device.

Yes price is important but it should also be considered with functionality, quality and reliability.

AndrewLB3270d ago

It's "Crisper" because Oculus DK2 doesn't have the higher resolution screen that will be in the retail model. Oculus Rift's screen when it launches will be 2160x1200 OLED. DK2 is only 960x1080 per eye.

S2Killinit3270d ago

Thats actually incorrect.

mixelon3269d ago

Umm, you're right about the DK2 being 1080p and the retail version being higher res. :)

Gunstar753270d ago

Sony's headmounted 3D cinema hardware costs a fortune, so will be interesting to see how the quality compares.

bluebenjamin3269d ago

My Sony Bravia hdmi sound goes a wall sometimes it's a little annoying when I'm in game and I have to turn off my TV and turn it back on again.Not a fan of the tv's but they built good gaming consoles my ps2 still running strong blowing cool air out the vents!!!

ShottyGibs3269d ago

How about Sony start telling us how they are going to muster up enough FPS for this VR not to be a nauseating experience. Surely that must be the biggest problem right now.

Scatpants3268d ago

The headset itself has some sort of system that interpolates frames. The headset I believe outputs the same framerate all the time.

XanderZane3269d ago

Will wait for the price and see how many quality games are available for it when it launches. Don't think I'll get it day one though.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3268d ago
JKSimmons3270d ago

Got some high hopes set for PlayStation VR. Hoping to hear more about it at PGW.

vlashyr3270d ago

We'll get the price and release date either at PGW or (more probably) at the PlayStation Experience in San Francisco.

S2Killinit3270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

Ive heard about this in another review. At the time i thought the guy was just exaggerating or something. But there have been a couple of others who keep mentioning that whatever it is Sony has done has had the effect that their picture actually looks crisper than the rest of VR devises despite having a lower resolution display than the Oculus. He explained that when he asked a Sony rep, the rep responded that it might be because Sony has been in the business of displays for years and that experience might have to do with the better picture quality of PSVR. Another revuew also mentioned that the PSVR had less of the dreaded "window" effect, which i am personally still in the dark about.

Edit: just read the article, they are confirming what i just said. Although they call it the "screen door" effect not "window". Not sure where i got window from.

Imp0ssibl33270d ago

That definitely makes sense, Sony has produced cutting edge televisions and cameras for decades. They have surely exploited some of that know-how when they designed PlayStation VR

uth113270d ago

or alternatively they supplied screens to the competitors and ensured they received inferior products ;)

S2Killinit3270d ago

Lol the ultimate technique.

_-EDMIX-_3270d ago

I rarely legit "lol" but that was a huge lolz!

I feel it would play out sorta like Oceans Eleven

Timesplitter143270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

After trying PSVR at Unite 2015 and working with the Oculus regularly, I'd say PSVR does feel a bit less "weird" when moving your head for whatever reason. But it will have lower resolution than the final oculus product

Overall I'm expecting both products to be very comparable when their consumer versions launch

kaiserfranz3270d ago

Do you mean that you feel less dizzy? Because I got that with the Oculus (never tried PS VR yet).

kneon3270d ago

That sounds like the PSVR is better at tracking your head movement and with low latency. People often get motion sickness when what their eyes are seeing doesn't match what their brain is expecting.

Bladesfist3269d ago

Have you tried CV1? I got to try it earlier this year and it has really spot on head tracking. Interesting the best display for VR I have tried is the Gear VR due to the 2560x1440 resolution and super high pixel density. The screen door effect almost disappears.

Pillsbury13270d ago

If oculus have already stated that it will be over 350$ then I expect psVR with move controllers to be at least 399$. If it is that high a price it would become a very niche product only for VR enthusiasts.

traumadisaster3270d ago

Agree, I'm not sure how this can sell enough to get major developer support. Even if they sell at a huge loss, say $300, would half or less of ps4 owners purchase?

Developers would have to set aside a vr team that could be working on a standard ps4 game that has a much larger base.

Think of ND and the other big 3, they will pull resources from the ps4 to vr that only has 5 million units, maybe 10.

uth113270d ago

This is where having multiple VR devices on the market helps. Developers can make cross-platform VR and target PSVR, Oculus and Vive.

AndrewLB3270d ago

Half??? sorry man, but no way. VR is going to be a niche market IMO. That goes for Oculus as well. It will likely be all the rage for a while just like 3D, but it wont last.

And if it makes people sick as frequently as articles suggest... hehe.

Alexious3270d ago

Well, they did say PlayStation VR would be priced as a gaming platform and PS4 retailed at $/€ 400, so it's completely possible.

ABizzel13270d ago

Oculus was going to be $299, it moved the over $350, because they've added more tech, even better screens, and remodeling the device for more comfort and balance.

PSVR shouldn't cost as much, and it would be foolish to go over $299.


Wii was a gaming platform and launched at $250, along with 3DS and Vita.

Angeljuice3270d ago

Well there is no audio involved with PS VR to keep the costs down.
They are also a first party hardware manufacturer, so manufacturing costs will be lower than they are for Oculus.

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Garethvk183d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta183d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts183d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos183d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts183d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa183d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.