
Star Wars Battlefront devs dodge question of microtransactions

To read between the lines: "Yes, we will have microtransactions, but the exact form and price has yet to be determined, so I can't answer that question today."

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ArchangelMike3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

At this point in time it should be fully expected. This game is goign to be marketed to the casual crowd. Those guys don't want to spend hrs grinding for loot, and frankly don't care about bragging rights and leaderboards.

They just want to jump in, have a blast with their mates, and jump out again. They WILL buy short-cut packs and booster packs - because they've already been condition by the mobile games culture to believe that this is how games work now. EA knows this and will capitalise on it.

Do you have to buy microtransactions? - No! You want to grind for your loot and keep your bragging rights and leaderboards - then go right ahead.

I'm just not surprised about it any more, we should be used to it by now. I just hope that nothing is kept behind a pay wall, and that every item or pack can be earned fair and square in game without having to fork out extra cash.

Ristul3278d ago

Never give in to big corporations, we as consumers must never get used to greedy business practices. You need to watch this and come back again.


ArchangelMike3278d ago

I love Jim Sterling, and he's absolutely right. I don't think we should allow apathy to set in, and I don't believe gamers should keep silent about microtransactions. I'm gald that the gaming media are asking the questions and raising the issues. The fact the devs are having to squirm to provide explanations, means that they know it's a shady practice. They know that telling the truth about the matter will result in a backlash. That's how it should be, the gamers and gaming media must keep up the pressure.

Ristul3278d ago

Well put!

_-EDMIX-_3278d ago


"Games On Net: In Battlefield games there has been the option to shortcut by purchasing the Engineer pack, or something like that. Is that going to be an option you guys are exploring for Battlefront with the cards?

Niklas Fergraeus: When it comes to any type of post-launch support we don’t have anything to talk about, but we of course want to support the game after it launches.

Does this mean there are micro-transactions in Star Wars Battlefront for sure?"

Sooooooo how does that confirm micro transactions? Sooo no, it means they will support it with DLC as in maps as that is already been confirmed, this article is literally baseless and reaching just for the sake of it.

TheSaint3278d ago

As long as it's not pay to win I don't care.

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jznrpg2d ago

It was fun back in the day. When they made it always online I skipped it


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XiNatsuDragnel216d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion215d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid215d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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