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WWE 2K16: Finally a Wrestling Game Better than No Mercy? | Hardcore Gamer

HG: So the first question on everyone's mind is (or at least should be) is this a better game than last year's? The answer to that is simple: yes. Yes a hundred times over. But what's makes it a better game? We could merely say "everything," but that wouldn't mean much without some context. Thus, let's spend some time giving you all that context.

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Community3277d ago
XisThatKid3277d ago

Honestly I never really liked No Mercy. I kinda understand why most people do though. But there are way Lee's popular wrestling games that done much to contend against No Mercy from what people tell me they like must about NM.
I think this going to be a "pretty soon" purchase for me or a never returned red box game.

nowitzki20043277d ago

WWE 2k15 did too. I was excited for 2k15, have not been excited for a wrestling game since Smackdown 2. and then it got released....

Im hoping its better than No Mercy but cant see that happening.

Cra2yey33277d ago

In terms of gameplay and storyline, nothing will top no mercy imho

jordan84453277d ago

This series is widely recognised as not only being terrible but worsening year over year. With that in mind, this is clearly clickbait.

gamejediben3277d ago (Edited 3277d ago )

Not even close...

I would recommend that No Mercy fans check out Pro Wrestling X on steam early access. It's still a LONG way from finished but even in it's playable alpha state, it's already more like No Mercy than any wrestling game released in the last decade.

I've completely checked out of WWE licensed games. WWE doesn't doesn't want you to have fun. They just want to make you pay for a crappy licensed product. They'll impose gender restrictions, cut out fan favorite wrestlers, take away modes like highlight reel and offer up overpriced DLC. But what they WON'T do is put out a fun wrestling game.

Thankfully, the fans are making their OWN game.

3277d ago Replies(1)

Are Wrestling Games Getting Worse?

Some of you may know that the latest instalment in the WWE gaming franchise 2K20 was released late last year to generally poor reviews. Some of this was based on graphical issues, but mostly it was due to the many glitches and bugs found – many of which are hilarious to witness.

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Community1713d ago
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FinalBoss1713d ago
Atom6661713d ago

Fire Pro needs more love. The last PS4 title gets regular playtime from me.

I hear that there are financial troubles at the studio, but I'm hopeful for a Switch port one of these days.

The Wood1712d ago

Anyone remember Giant Gram Wrestling on the Dreamcast .....

Rambokind1712d ago

Ah hell yes! That was loads of fun.

Acecalibur1713d ago

Fire Pro just gets better. Buy it.

micdagoat191713d ago

I have Fire Pro for PS4 and PC but it seems more of like a Sim creator rather than people actually playing out matches. I still dont like anything as much as the N64 games

b163o11712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

Golden Era of wrestling games in the Golden Era of wrestling. I've been contemplating going back and getting a N64 and getting those classic's
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
WWF No Mercy
WCW vs. nWo Revenge

micdagoat191709d ago

Yeah its the only wrestling games I still play consistently for fun.

TheTony3161713d ago

Yes. The last great wrestling game was svr 2006.

addictedtochaos1713d ago

Yes, the WWE ones at least. The last good one was 2K14 and the last great one was Here Comes the Pain.

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Five PlayStation 4 Games That You Should Check Out On PlayStation Now

Now that PS4 games are streaming through the PlayStation Now service, there are quite a few titles that are worth checking out. Here's what WWG recommends!

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Community2630d ago
Skull5212630d ago ShowReplies(1)
krypt19832630d ago

It's weird seeing people on my xbl friends list playing killing shadow fall

LIGATURE2628d ago

I thought it was guna say,coming to the switch😂😂


Were 2016’s free Xbox Games With Gold titles worth the bother?

Neil writes - "Whilst it is great to have free games thrust our way each and every month, has the Xbox Games With Gold scheme delivered enough quality throughout 2016 to make it worthwhile?"

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Community2824d ago
SlyBoogie19932824d ago

Loads of top titles in there, I certainly got my moneys worth from my subscription

DarkOcelet2824d ago

For 60$ a year, you got tons of value for your money.

SavageKuma2824d ago

Hell yes they were. Looking forward to January's release.

TheColbertinator2824d ago

It was a good year for gwg. Much better than the other subpar service which shall remain nameless.

2824d ago
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