
Galactic Hero Agency: Mind Matters (PC) Preview | Cubed3

At this year's EGX, Finnish studio Bind showcased Galactic Hero Agency: Mind Matters, a space 2D action title that uses the gravity of the heavenly bodies themselves as its playground, with a brave protagonist throwing herself throughout space on her mission to find the lost intellectuals. Given how good WayForward's Mighty Milky Way on Nintendo DsiWare was, it is with great intrigue that Cubed3 delves into this early pre-alpha build.


The PSVita at EGX

EGX 2015 may not have had much of a Vita presence, but there were actually 12 games there that are coming to the handheld. The Vita Lounge found those games and tells you a little bit about them.

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DivineAssault 3254d ago

Theres a couple in there that have me interested.. So many idies though smh.. The vita is so damn misunderstood and under appreciated..

Spotie3254d ago

Hate to say it, as I loved mine, but it was doomed from the start. Far too many people WANTED to see it fail. It never stood a chance, as too many of the people it was targeted at believed it had no games and never even bothered to buy one. Those that DID somehow hated the console for its games being console quality; they only wanted to play those on consoles. At the same time, the sorts of games left weren't worth buying.

It's all over these forums in every Vita article: people who found EVERYTHING wrong with the device, even when the games were good, even when the hardware was good, even when the features were good.

Due to that, the games languished, and Sony figured it wasn't worth it to continue first party support if the games weren't gonna be bought. Along with a few shoddy third party ports, missing Monster Hunter, and the Bioshock that vanished... sure, it still gets lots of support in Japan, but that's also the only place where it's selling well: people there haven't bought into the "no games" nonsense that frequently plagues Sony's consoles here in the West.

So while it's not dead, it's definitely not where it should be. And as much as Sony may have had to do with that, gamers and gaming media helped in that, too.

freshslicepizza3254d ago

why would anyone want to see it fail? makes no sense at all. the other issues surrounding it (price, expensive memory cards, change in market due to smartphones) far outweigh any negative image you think was projected by a few trolls.

gangsta_red3254d ago

So what you are saying is it was basically the people's fault that Vita failed, with maybe some instances of blame on Sony?

Not the lack of support from Sony's own 1st party. The expensive memory cards, the lack of features found in smartphones that appeal to it's target market, the popularity of the 3DS and it's wider and more popular range of games that actually do cater to the mobile audience.

None of that plays a reason why Sony is the sole reason the Vita wasn't successful? It's because people on forums bad mouthed it...you think they did this because these same people saw the same reasons I listed above and more as problems Sony was facing for the Vita when released?

I think it's about time you start putting the sole blame on Sony and stop blaming "gamers and the media". They made a handheld system that was aimed at the hardcore gamer and there were obviously just a small group of those that wanted a dedicated high tech device that plays hardcore games.

Sony should have made something simple with a high emphasis on the casual market and games that actually do well for mobile devices.

Nintendo was able to do that and mix in a lot of hardcore games for their 3DS. Why would gamers and the gaming media hate Vita but not the 3DS, what would be the end game or point?

magiciandude3254d ago

Uh, no, it's not the gamers' or the media's responsibility for the Vita's woes. It was doomed from the start because Sony overpriced the memory cards while at the same time didn't include one with most units, didn't do enough marketing, relied on Nihilistic Software for Resistance Burning Skies...the same developers behind Black Ops Declassified, dumped a few PS2 collections that suffer from sub-standard performance, and pulled back on first party support after delivering only a handful of major releases within two years of its lifespan.

The problems are real, and it's anything but the gamers' or the media's fault. Maybe the mainstream gamer crowd didn't have much reason to buy a Vita to begin with. Maybe the media found real issues with it. I see them, and I own one since day one. I also feel completely alienated by Sony for believing in their product but have been given very little support from them in return. This is unacceptable and I hope you'll see it that way, especially factoring in the Vita being one of the most expensive handhelds in recent history of gaming. Just look at the 3DS, it was bashed on by gamers and the media. Unlike Sony, Nintendo actually did something to make it successful.

DivineAssault 3254d ago

It was really expensive to develop for too.. If theres no profit, deves arent going to touch it.. Kinda like wii u.. I dont know why people would want less options.. I like japanese games though so ill be importing for it just like i did with sega saturn..

Gazondaily3254d ago

"Far too many people WANTED to see it fail."

Wow..you must be joking

maniacmayhem3254d ago

This is truly unique right here.

I don't think there is anyone else on this site who is capable of always blaming other people, sites or animals for any of Sony's woes or problems.

There has been many articles, many comments, Sony themselves have admitted they misjudged the market and made mistakes with the Vita, they even stopped all 1st party development and yet you can still sit there and blame the media and gamers for the problems Vita has.

I mean that is just beyond amazing the lengths someone goes through instead of just admitting that Sony messed up. It doesn't take away your Vita, the games still coming from japan or anything else you personally enjoy about the Vita.

But please don't pretend that it was gamers and "the media" that wanted Vita to fail. That is just some serious over defending, please just stop.

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supergoat943254d ago

Sweet to see some Vita love, too bad there is still a lack of big budget titles. Some of those look amazing though!

contra1573254d ago

Such abuse to this system from Sony what a shame and developers


Triad Gamer - EGX 2015 Impressions: Rainbow Six Siege Returns To Fill The Gap Others Have Feared

The video game industry is inundated with shooters, as the top performing genre for AAA output publishers have gone above and beyond to ensure they all have something to contribute to this crowded domain. However, despite this abundance, few have attempted to encroach upon the tactical field Rainbow Six masterfully showcased over 6 years ago in the realms of Vegas. Well now after a deserved break Ubisoft have chosen to once again fill the gap and provide a platform for players to show their appreciation of battle beyond quick reflexes.

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Indie Focus At EGX Part Three: Theo & Lizzy, Mighty No. 9 & Mushroom 11 | TSA

Our coverage of our the indie titles from this year’s EGX rolls on, and we’ve got three more games to cover in today’s Indie Focus. From a platformer about love to a spiritual successor to a classic to a game about fungi, today’s edition covers a wide range of games. So, without further ado, lets get things going.

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