
Tales of Zestiria Reveals Its PC Specs & PS4 Info

Tales Of Blog:
We’re just a month away from the release of Tales of Zestiria in the West! It’ll be the first time the Tales of Series is available on Steam and PS4, so we’re incredibly excited to reveal today the PC version’s specs and be totally transparent with you. Hold on to your rig, it’s about to get technical 😉

Both the PC and PS4 version will run at a 1920×1080 resolution with PC supporting resolutions up to 4K. Full HD here we come! They also benefit from many other graphical improvements: the draw distance is 2x times what it is on PS3, with the PC version having a “far” option improving it even more. Shadows, anti-aliasing and textures also got upgraded. The PC version will allow you to switch between low, medium and high for all the preceding options.

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5yb5n6u3236d ago

can i run it on my playstation4c or do i have to play it with playstation4 edge?

3236d ago
MasterCornholio3236d ago

No idea why hes making a reference to the Samsung and Apple phones.


As far as i know this game wasn't confirmed for smartphones.

ZeroX98763236d ago

PS4 ain't a PC. it'll work no need to stress yourself about specs.

that's maybe what he was trying to say.

My PC can easily run this game, but I prefer playing it on my PS4 since I can remote play it with my vita.

I'm surprised the game is coming out on PC and I sure hope it's not the last JRPG they bring to the PC platform. More sales equals better budget for the next title in the series. :)

Magicite3236d ago

I would have never expected Tales games to come to PC.

someOnecalled3236d ago

it makes since people are more open to playing on pc and console market is shrinking since the longest in japan. im surprise a lot of devs havent made a mobile or handheld version of their games. ps4 is selling at a faster rate than ps3 but people still are not into console over there. its maybe because how busy they are over there. plus its just more money. businesses will do business

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3236d ago
Sly-Lupin3236d ago

LMFAO. Their idea of "PC specs" is to tell us there will be 3 graphical presets (low medium and high, how exciting!) and that it will display at 1080p+ 30fps.

Ravenheartzero3236d ago

Sweet really looking forward to this, with fallout 4 and Dragon quest heroes too gonna be a great holiday for me :)

impet253236d ago

They say we sharing pc specs with no pc specs in sight geezer...smh

Viryu3236d ago

On one hand, the 60fps troubles thing is quite true, as proven by Dark Souls II. On the other hand, From Software did manage to mostly fix it, so can anyone else.

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Beloved Tales Of Character Designer Mutsumi Inomata Has Passed Away

Today it was announced that the gaming and anime industry has lost another beloved artist and creator. Mutsumi Inomata has passed away.

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banger88130d ago

The Tales Of series are some of the best RPGs I've ever played, and the characters are a big reason for that. I don't think I played a single game in the series that I didn't enjoy. Rest in peace.

Snookies12130d ago (Edited 130d ago )

Damn, that sucks to hear... His designs were always wonderful.

H9130d ago

RIP, sheade some great designs, man it's one after the other this year

FinalFantasyFanatic129d ago

We're 3 months into the year and I feel like we're taking nothing but L's.

autobotdan130d ago

Wow she was the character designer for Tales of Destiny one of my favorites of all time =(

scorpio_2049130d ago

I love the Tales games. Phantasia will always be my favorite. Ironically I felt like as the series progressed the character design became too “anime cliche.”

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PlayStation Store Games Under $15 Sale: Over 400 Games Under $15

Daily Video Game writes: "PlayStation Store has just launched another new digital game sale that has over 400 games under $15, including many AAA games titled "Games Under $15 Sale" for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 gamers right now!"

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anast779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

Dragon's Dogma and XCOM 2 are the best deals. The rest of the games are still overpriced. I would say 8.99 is good for AC: Origins, but you need to put $10 more into MTs to avoid the grind that slows down the story. So, the game is actually 18.99.

It's not on this list, but Pathfinder: Kingmaker is only $9.99. This is a deal if you have a current gen. consoles, as it runs poorly on prev. gen.

hangdang778d ago

I beat AC origins without grinding or spending any money on MTX?

anast778d ago

I had to grind for side missions. So, did many other people.

HeliosHex779d ago

Has anyone been able to login in to the ps store on ps5 I haven't been able to in days and my network is good.

RedDevils778d ago

Reset or shutdown your PS5. I always can go login to PS5, in fact just a moment ago.

HeliosHex778d ago

Hey thanks again. Although the shutdown/reset didn't work i found that resetting the mdm and hub did the trick. I use a Lan network instead of wifi. In case anyone has a similar setup and problem.

RedDevils777d ago

I forgot to mention about the router reset, that usually do the trick when it come to network problems happen with iphone/android. btw np


Tales of Arise Continues Themes Seen in Zestiria & Berseria

As much as Tales of Arise departs from franchise norms, it also complements Zestiria and Berseria, almost like a third addition to the set.

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gamer78041037d ago (Edited 1037d ago )

It’s really it’s own story , but like anything takes some inspirations from other sources, fantastic game so far, you absolutely don’t need to have played other tales games at all to enjoy this to its fullest.