
This video gives you a look at all 30 Rare Replay games in 30 minutes

The 30 minute video gives you a look at each game.


Looking back to 2015 and the Time Capsule that was Rare Replay

As an Xbox website, it would be remiss to say that the Xbox One has had its’ detractors this generation. After stumbling about with their Xbox One reveal a few years before, Microsoft and their gaming brand were in a period of transition. But Rare Replay had another trick up its sleeve to appeal to a core Xbox audience. Their announcement promised 30 games priced at £20, with 10000 Gamerscore. It was an achievement hunters wet dream.

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The Best Xbox One Exclusives That Aren't Halo, Forza or Gears

Everyone knows Halo, Gears of War, and Forza. But which other exclusives on Xbox One that you should absolutely be playing?

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RazzerRedux1481d ago (Edited 1481d ago )

None of those games are "Xbox One Exclusives".

What if I wrote an article about these same game and said they were "PC exclusive"? lol...Xbox fans would erupt.

RazzerRedux1481d ago

Correction: "Rare Replay" is indeed Xbox One exclusive. The rest are on PC.

russo1211480d ago

Moral of the story - if you want to play exclusives you must have a PlayStation, it's the best bet.

BQ321480d ago

I personally only bought the Xbox one when i did because I had to have Titanfall. That game is so underrated in how it revolutionized the movement in the genre.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1480d ago

None of those games is exclusive to Xbox One. Rare Replay is a collection of Nintendo games and the rest are available on Steam.

lellkay1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

Rare replay has a bunch of older Rare Nintendo games on it, but also has a selection of Xbox and Xbox360 exclusives on it which are not available on steam (Grabbed by the Ghoulies, PDZ, Kameo,Viva Pinata etc)

Rare Replay is an exclusive in terms of the overall one proudct package and its surprisingly decent for the cost, but I think it really shows how dire a situation it is when people are having to put Rare Replay on a list trying to promote Xbox Exclusives... Jesus its been a hard gen for people who only bought Xbox's.


Rare Has Games Besides Banjo-Kazooie, Here Are The Ones You Must Play

While Banjo-Kazooie will arrive soon in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players should check out other great games by Rare!

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Relientk771817d ago

Yeah, they also have Banjo-Tooie ^_^

RosweeSon1817d ago (Edited 1817d ago )

No blast corps?!, get out! As for sea of theives why does it say Rare Replay:Sea of thieves that wasn’t part of it when I played have they patched it in? Can’t see it myself haha