
PushStartPlay Review: Technobabylon [PC]

Technobabylon is another retro styled point and click developed by Technocrat Games, and published by Wadjeteye – a company that specialises in this genre, and responsible for publishing one of my favourite point and clicks, Primordia of which this game holds some aesthetic similarities (although I suppose the real praise might go to the developer Wormwood Studios). They’re associated with good point and clicks, and Technobabylon is no different. Set in a dystopian future in the city of Newton, immense technological advances have been achieved. Genetic engineering has become prevalent, and a complex AI called Central manages the city and its services, yet there is a stark contrast between the rich and the poor – both sides of which we get to witness.

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Humble Wadjet Eye Games Bundle packs 13 adventure games for $10

The Humble Wadjet Eye Games Bundle just launched. It includes 14 items including The Blackwell Legacy, Unavowed, and Primordia. As always, a percentage of profits from the bundle go to charity.

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Review: 'Technobabylon' (iOS) - GeekNifty

'Technobabylon' “borrows” a lot from cyberpunk movies, but makes a pretty cracking game from it.

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Cyberpunk game 'Technobabylon' releases on iOS

Wadjet Eye Games' latest adventure title, 'Technobabylon', is now available for iPhone and iPad.

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