
Spectra Review - Glitch Cat

Glitch Cat - At the end of the day, Spectra is a straightforward and exciting arcade game that will have players either cursing at their screens or basking in the glory of their insane driving skills and superb reflexes. While Spectra is ultimately not for everyone and the game needs to add some features, arcade purists and twitch gameplay junkies will want to check this game out.

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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 3rd Nov 2015

Neil writes "The Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale for 3rd-9th November 2015 is now up and running. If we're being honest, it seems like the best bargains are being held back for a later time (Black Friday anyone?) but that's not to say there isn't anything to grab this week; in fact, they are a couple of absolute stunners out there. Which should you be picking up...and which should you be leaving well alone?!?"

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oKidUKo3250d ago

Sparkle is well worth it for the hours you'll get out of it.


Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Publisher Sale Details – 3rd-9th Nov 2015

Neil writes "If you've still got some cash left after payday, then you may as well spend a little of your leftovers on one of the cheap Xbox One or Xbox 360 titles that have seen a price cut in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale for 3rd-9th November 2015."

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neil3633250d ago

I don't think so. There are some decent little games included on XO. Admittedly, 360 gamers will be stuck with ME2 and ME3 DLC or nowt though.

Kerppamaister3250d ago

Are they gearing up for backwards compatibility?


Yakuza 3 Video Review | GameState

GameState's Yakuza 3 video review.

akiraburn5256d ago

Wow, this was a horrid, awful review. And to add, the reviewer couldn't even pronounce the Japanese names and locations correctly. I don't usually speak out on these things, but something has to be said about this. The reviewer obviously didn't "get it", and from what I can tell, he simply refuses to relate to any Japanese culture, thus he insisted on giving the game a low score. His use of comparisons to other games are far-fetched and unintelligent, and his lack of comprehension on the game's story, shows that he should not have been reviewing this game.

The fact is, that this is a game that won't appeal as much to the usual mass market of gamers that love games like Call of Duty, but it shouldn’t be rated down because of that. Niche games are awesome, and just like Demons Souls, they will help to innovate in ways that may end up influencing other game developers in wonderful ways. Yakuza 3 is superb, and anyone who enjoys Japanese culture, brawler/beatem ups, action/RPGs, and/or games with a very strong story aspect will enjoy this.

It's true that it would have been a much more impressive game had it launched a year ago. Graphically, it's not mind-blowing, but it's still impressive in it's own way. Certain elements you'll see, and attention to details will grab and surprise you. It's a massive and amazing game that old fans of the franchise will love, and at the same time it's grabbing new people and getting them engulfed and intrigued in the Yakuza universe.

It's not a perfect game, but no game really is. What it IS, is a great game with a pretty solid fighting/weapons system (though it's even further refined in Yakuza 4), potentially 60+ hours of open-world gameplay, TONS of minigames that were all crafted very well, and a wonderful story from all aspects.