
Time Uses Survey To Slam Kate Upton Mobile Ads, But Sex Still Sells

One Angry Gamer "Time recently published an article slamming Machine Zone Games’ titillating ads for their mobile strategy game Game of War. The cheap name that sounds similar to Game of Thrones and Gears of War was advertised heavily during Super Bowl season, featuring the busty supermodel Kate Upton. According to Time, the ads fail to represent the sensibilities of today’s young males… but according to real world revenue margins and daily active user statistics, sex still sells."

waltyftm3366d ago

She is stunning imo, love the Ads.

DualWielding3366d ago

she's hot as hell and I enjoy the adds... that doesn't mean I'll play or spend money on their crappy game

Reddzfoxx3366d ago

Not gonna lie I cant focus on what they are selling when she is in the ads. They went with someone way too beautiful in their commercials.

3366d ago Replies(1)
RJ920093366d ago

I can't stand her she so fake.....

3366d ago Replies(2)
Reddzfoxx3366d ago

The only fake thing about her is her hair color. The rest of her is all woman.

TeamLeaptrade3366d ago

I can't believe a mobile game like this could afford such a big ad, especially during the Super Bowl, that's impressive. They must have made a ton prior to the commercial.

Has anyone ever played the game? Is it even any fun?

3366d ago Replies(1)
Skate-AK3366d ago

The game earns the devs around 1 million dollars a day. That's why a lot of devs are going mobile. They spent 45 million on the Kate Upton campaign. They could make a badass AAA game with that kind of budget.

hkgamer3366d ago

from my own experience, it seems like it was one of the most heavily advertised mobile game I have seen.

I remember seeing the ads on facebook and on websites very frequently and it was definitely one of the most popular titles that literally survived by tricking others to click it thinking it was something else. now that they have kate upton they must be getting a ton more of new players.

rataranian3366d ago

So what are you trying to tell me they just used her amazing sex appeal to advertise a cheap phone app game for a quick buck? Come on now no company would ever use that cheap marketing ploy. The game HAS to be awesome. Kate Uptons in the commercials. Obviously shes a hard core gamer since birth everyone knows that. ...You guys are really starting to talk crazy.


wraith49123366d ago

She definitely made me want to play with something, it just wasn't my phone.

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Mobile Apps Raking in the Cash by the Minute

TG writes: There are thousands of free apps available to mobile gamers, but the question you have to ask is, "How can developers afford to give their apps away?"

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ftwrthtx2821d ago

That's a lot of cash for these free-to-play games


Player Spends $1,000,000 of Stolen Money on Game of War

MMOsite: "Arguably, Game of War is one of the largest mobile MMO games. This is in thanks to its rather popular Kate Upton advertising campaign, as well as its other…interesting use of sexually themed ads to drive traffic to the title. The popular title generates over one-million dollars a day in revenue – with paying players spending an average of $550 on the game in 2015.

However, one player went above and beyond that $550 statistic. Kevin Lee Co, a 45-year old man from California, United States pleaded guilty in federal court to embezzling 4.8 million dollars from his employer over a period of seven years. "

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SaveFerris2832d ago

That is a crazy amount to spend on a mobile game. But I hope he got his fill as I doubt that he'll get to play it much in prison.


So true... Lots of questionable actions with the stolen money... Season tickets to the San Francisco 49ers and the Sacramento Kings might be a bigger waste than his Game of War purchases. lol

2831d ago
joab7772831d ago

Lol! Reminds me of a woman who did the same thing and spent the majority of it on scratch offs. Authorities were alerted to her odd spending habits.

SilverClock2831d ago

"players spending an average of $550 on the game in 2015."
What blows my mind is that that is the AVERAGE. Ffs no game is worth that much money.

Mrveryodd2831d ago (Edited 2831d ago )

Man this is a sickness.... Wtf
One million a day ... That's some serious cash for any game

SunnyZ2831d ago

It should not even be physically possible to spend a million bucks on a game...

SilverClock2831d ago

If he absolutely had to spend it on a game he should have spent it on a promising game on kickstarter or something.


Game of War and the Cost of Happiness

Lee from Bit Cultures discusses his brief, nostalgia-laced obsession with the app Game of War, and how fun shouldn’t come with maintenance fees.

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