
How EA Trax returned, plus track selection for 'Madden NFL 16'

For over a decade, EA Games have long been known for their stellar soundtracks, from Paramore’s inclusion on the “NHL” series in 2008 to the rap and hip-hop classics from the “NBA Street” and “Def Jam” franchises and even OK Go’s solid work on “Burnout.”

But for the past three seasons, the music in the “Madden NFL” series was far from contemporary, using an orchestrated soundtrack, reminiscent of the television broadcasts of NFL games. With Trax now back for “Madden NFL 16,” long-time fans and music lovers can now look forward to a more modern musical approach.

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Top Five Discoveries in Gaming Soundtracks

Sometimes, gaming soundtracks can introduce players to bands and artists they've never heard of. This article is all about Matt's five favorites, thanks for gaming.

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E3 2016: Welcome to Disneyland for Video Games - Ovigami

E3? More like E3land. Many have dubbed the Electronic Entertainment Expo the “Super Bowl” of video games, and that might have been the case in the past with the three major giants of Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox all competing for your attention and ultimately your dollar. But I believe this has changed, for the better. …


Lil Wayne & Birdman Blew Thousands Just Playing ‘Madden

T-Pain says Lil Wayne and Birdman would put $10,000 bets on Madden games, pick a lineup, and watch the computer play itself.

Littil_Devil2940d ago

If I had 10 grand, I wouldn´t do that. However, if I had the money that they got. Then, sure, why not? :P