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Playstation Plus 5 Year Anniversary Gift

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the launch of Playstation Plus, Sony have started emailing long-time subscribers with the offer to get their hands on something unique, personalized, and for free.

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Community3275d ago
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ritchi453275d ago
Death3275d ago

Unexpected and very nice thing to do. I'm a big fan of rewarding loyalty.

ritchi453275d ago

I like the fact it is personal to the account holder.

KyRo3275d ago

Hmmm nothing for me and I've been with it when all we got was one psone game two minis and some avatars. Ah well.

madpuppy3274d ago

I got nothing as well, man. and I've been paying for plus from day one.

subtenko3274d ago

I downloaded PS+ within friken 10mins of it being announced by Jack Tretton...yet I have no email... (yes the boxes have ben checked) and I have been shafted on betas n sht....

I mean....come on.....Im not asking for much....

itBourne3275d ago

Awwww, I have switched accounts since the start, had ps+ just switched which account, so I probably won't get it = /

kreate3274d ago

so u HAVE to be a CURRENT plus member?
I mean I was a plus member before but I stopped my subscription after 3 years of being a member. do I get nothing?

and is this for NA? I spent a lot of money on the psn store. I hope I get something. don't be stingy sony ...

Letthewookiewin3274d ago

You should never cancel PS-Plus, that's like,, canceling breathing......Lol JK but seriously, I'm sure if you re up it you'll most likely get something, that 3 years is logged.

fr0sty3274d ago

Nothing here... been a member since day 1.

lobocob3274d ago

umm why would you expect anything? lol

pody3274d ago

Ha, I got one after only being a member for a year. I guess someone screwed up at Sony's. xD

Gimme ma free print!

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Ripsta7th3275d ago

Free uncharted 4 beta would be nice :)
Only had plus since 2012 thoughh

lobocob3274d ago

they just sent me nolan north in the mail! he's still breathing and everything!!

audiocafe3274d ago

For some reason this made me seriously laugh out loud. Just had to sign in and let you know

hangdang3275d ago

I've had plus since right after it launched. Still waiting on an email

jackanderson19853275d ago

did you lapse for any days? that seemingly disqualifies you

ritchi453275d ago

I've had a few days when my sub lapsed, and I still got the email.

jackanderson19853274d ago

@ritchi lucky you considering they said you need to maintain it for the full 5 years

Clown_Syndr0me3275d ago

Only had plus on this account for a year and few months and I got the email.

HAC5223275d ago

wtf. ive had mine for at least 3 and 1/2 maybe 4 years and have a surplus for like 2 more years, and i haven't gotten one yet.

Caffo013275d ago

Did you use the same email for the new account?

robothouserock3274d ago

My account is at least six years old and I didn't get anything. I've had plus since it was first a thing.

BrunoM3275d ago

I've had PS plus sense the second day it cake out on auto renewal and haven't got the email at all ... :( lol

memots3275d ago

Had it since the start as well. Maybe check the junk folder ... hmm

BVFTW3275d ago (Edited 3275d ago )

Same here since launch, I haven't got anything yet... (US account)

rainslacker3274d ago

If it's like any other time they send out emails, they usually don't send them all out at the same time. I've noticed they're spread out over a day or three.

crazysammy3274d ago

I have a feeling this will be similar to the "Loyalty" coupons they did last year. They sent them as a thank you to "loyal" customers but I think its more of a random thing... I never got a coupon and I have been a subscriber since the beginning and have bought SO many things digitally. Hopefully Im wrong though.

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yocdub3275d ago

So far this is for Europe only.

jackanderson19853275d ago

ha to be fair, US gets some awesome flash sales... Europe gets a personalized card (which i'm betting the US will get eventually)

i'd much rather the flash sales (not that i qualify even for this gift)

Voozi3275d ago

Well that'll explain why I didnt get any email. Thanks :)

1nsomniac3275d ago (Edited 3275d ago )

I'm in UK, been a PS+ subscriber since the beginning this is the first I've heard of this. Haven't received any email. Mind you didn't receive the one that went out for people that bought 1st gen Vitas either after Sony lost their court case.

jackanderson19853274d ago

the Vita one was US only if i recall correctly.... the PS+ one i'd say get onto someone from sony, they'd fix it

SmokingMonkey3275d ago (Edited 3275d ago )

I wish I had jumped in Day 1 for PS+. I didn't see the value.

Now I am swamped with PS+ games I will never play. Just downloaded Call of Juarez to the PS3 last night so I wouldn't miss Junes PS+ PS3 games....I will NEVER play it.

Too many games with PS+! not a complaint!

PurpHerbison3275d ago

It had a slow start so I don't blame you for not jumping in day 1.

ritchi453275d ago

Agreed. It was a slow start to begin with, but has evolved into quite a decent package imo.

PurpHerbison3275d ago

I feel like so far PS+ on PS4 has been the slowest.

_-EDMIX-_3275d ago

Agreed. My only regret was not getting it sooner. I'm mad too because ended up buying games that where already offered to PS Plus for free!!!

SmokingMonkey3275d ago

I've sat there and contemplated PSN purchases too!

These 1st world problems are a serious mess...../s

KilluaX33275d ago

Just finished Gunslinger. Very good game, play it.

SmokingMonkey3275d ago

I have barely played my PS3 since I got a PS4, even if I had Backwards Compatibility on the PS4, I probably wouldn't play that many PS3 games on it.

Fired up Portal 2 on my girlfriends account for some good co op split screen last week, but still it's tough for me to go back...

...I have a lot of Batmaning to do.

admiralvic3274d ago

"I wish I had jumped in Day 1 for PS+. I didn't see the value. "

Why? Early Plus wasn't that great of a deal and it wasn't until at least a year that it started to improve.

SmokingMonkey3274d ago (Edited 3274d ago )

For exactly what I'm going to miss out on if this deal does come to NA,

maybe the prestige of being a day-1 will earn you some cool stuff like Microsoft did with XBlive Day-1 subscribers?

This specifically;

admiralvic3274d ago

"For exactly what I'm going to miss out on if this deal does come to NA, "

I'll never grasp this logic. So, you're basically saying you wished you thought ahead and paid more for Plus so you could earn a loyalty reward, even though the prize is still hypothetical and could potentially cost you more money in the long run? Yeah, hard to not see the value in this.

"maybe the prestige of being a day-1 will earn you some cool stuff like Microsoft did with XBlive Day-1 subscribers?

This specifically;

Not to be rude, but I'm going to take a stab in the dark and assume even if you had Plus since day 1 you would not earn that prize. The console was awarded to select people and be it random or merit (like PSN level), I'm willing to bet you would not win, so you would end up with a prop or a print, but you would be out $50+ bucks. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it just doesn't seem worth it to me. -shrugs-

SmokingMonkey3274d ago

I suppose it may as well be nothing at all but a thank you.

Plus, PS+ has "payed for itself" ten fold and counting. Every single month you have it, it "becomes cheaper" So even if the 1st PS+ line up was weak (which it was hence why I didn't jump in) I missed the total over all value that PS+ offered and whatever this will be.. if anything at all. I guess we will see.

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PlayStation Store introduces paysafecard in 19 countries – pay for PS4 games without bank card

A new method of payment on the PlayStation Store has launched that doesn't require a debit or credit card.

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Community3055d ago
Wintersun6163055d ago

As per usual, Finland not included.

SolidStoner3055d ago

sadly yes.. but hear out my story!

Latvia isnt even included in the register country list and dont have a store at all.. :) thats only one example, neighbour countries like Lithuania and Estonia suffer from same stuff.. and that is Europe! The list gets really huge so we need this sort of payment method!

I'am registered with fake account from Finland (have nothing to do with that country) just have no other choice to pick up the closest one available!

Nice start would be that I could just pick up my real country and country flag so I am represented correctly, this far people like me are forced to hide our real identity with fake accounts.............

pompombrum3055d ago

A step in the right direction but really in 2016, two factor authentication should be an industry standard in an optional capacity for absolutely anything which stores bank card details. I hope Sony plans on adding that down the road sometime this year.

tanukisuit3054d ago

Hit up the PlaystationBlog and forward that as an idea. A lot of PS owners visit it, so you should be upvoted to the top in no time - I know I'll vote for your idea!

MachuchalBrotha3163055d ago

All I did was sign up for an American Express Serve. And I use that for all my online transactions. Its prepaid and you just load money when you want to use it. They are so many options but good to see Sony come out with their own. For gamers seeing a logo they know like Playstation could be more reassuring.

MasterCornholio3055d ago

I usually just buy PSN cards but this is a pretty good option as well. Not to mention you can pay a lot more than just PSN with them.

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Community4387d ago
Trenta274387d ago

I know, right? Where's my cross play?!

TheGamingArt4387d ago

Cross Play already exists... so what are you talking about?

Trenta274387d ago

For what? 3 or 4 games? It needs to be way more then that to take off. Sure, future games might have it, but it needs to be on older ps3 games as well.

WildArmed4387d ago

Honestly, if I could remote play all my PS3 games via Vita, I'd get a VIta in a heart beat.

Atm, they keep touting Vita as a extension of ur ps3... but you can't even remote play the games -_- so much for 'continuing the game where you left off'

It was understable for PSP, but Vita has enough keys to be able to act as a DS3 controller.

Man what I'd give to be able to play Red Dead Redemption from college via my Vita

ThanatosDMC4387d ago

I want to be able to add all my PS1 games into my memory card all ready... i have 22gb of free space.

xAlmostPro4387d ago


Cross play is a developer choice.

MaxXAttaxX4387d ago (Edited 4387d ago )

It is up to the game developers to implement these features. Take it up with them!

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Pushagree4387d ago

When was the last time the ps3 got a GOOD update. How about a mini in game xmb and a real web browser?

joeorc4387d ago (Edited 4387d ago )

give the people there making the d@mn software some time; God if any of you was even in the armed forces, that is a prime example of "hurry up and wait" you would not last 3 min's there with that kinda attitude you have; god your worse than little 4 year old children.

Even a 4 year old get's a lollypop in their mouth and shuts up every now and then.

they are working on it. BUT..BUT WE NEED YOUTUBE, and it's getting released the end of the month..but..but it should have been on the system aready right from the start. Really? and why is that? did you make the d@mn thing? did you pay for the people to make it's software?

IF no than you do not know what was to be released on the d@mn machine from the get Go.

you may say my Attitude sucks, and that im a fanboy defending Sony. No where am i defending Sony; Im simply saying the people who make the d@mn software and work on it every day is not your d@mn slaves. for $249.00 to $300.00 one time payment does not give you the express right to sit there and keep looking over their shoulder crying about features that they are working on , but are not being done fast enough for your impatience.

how about people stop harping about it over and over, they did not forget about your request the last 1000th time you asked about it last week!

instant gratification generation


you know there's a problem when there is a whole subject on the matter right now.

but my cell phone is sooooo slow...the signal there sparky is being shifted through a satellite
the cellphone was not even created until 1973 and the first mobile telecom phone was not yet commercially available until 1983. How many of you were born before 1983? if so you are older than the d@mn technology that was created.

Of course i get a disagree...but yet many on this forum still think it's overun by PS3 fanboy's defending their console of choice. When no it's just over run by fanboy's period.

CaptCalvin4387d ago

Actually we did pay for the people to make the software. It's a part of the $250 - $300 each of us had to pay when we got the system.

SpinalRemains1384386d ago

Yeah, cuz you need a good web browser on your console lol. Seems you have no trouble considering you're online right now posting. You probably have 4 browsers. PS3, phone, Vita, laptop, etc....

How many browsers does 1 man need? PS3 is for gaming, not surfing. It does the web just fine.

JoGam4387d ago

Umm, If it was worthless, it wouldnt be a update right? EVERY update is for a reason. Nobody releases updates just because.

hellvaguy4386d ago (Edited 4386d ago )

Most updates are just to keep one step ahead of hackers so they arent of much benefit to gamers.

Nimblest-Assassin4387d ago

Some on on this site said

"Gravity Rush is just one mediocre game and MGS: HD is WAY better on consoles (Vita doesn’t even have Peace Walker HD). Vita is dead (how ironic) and Sony as a whole will soon follow, just look at their crashing stock and company value. F ‘em!"

Then another replied
Are you gamers or stock analysts?

I find it hard to believe that any real gamer who isn’t a diluted fanboy would want Sony, one of the only companies constantly pushing new games whose competition pushes other companies as well, to fail.

“MGS: HD is WAY better on consoles” Yeah? And so is Mario. Your point is invalid.
I’ll be enjoying great games like Gravity Rush while you wallow in hatred."

This guy deserves a medal for being a true gamer. Why would you ever want a company to fail? Do you get excited with hundreds and hundreds of layoffs? Fanboys are the scum of the gaming world, and they are all in good need of a swift kick to the balls

Xof4387d ago

We're inching our way to 2.0, which will give us partial PS1 support for the PSN's partial library.



Disccordia4387d ago

Just waiting now for the hidden features article!

ftwrthtx4387d ago

I spent a long time looking for anything new, and found nothing. LOL

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dazzrazz4387d ago (Edited 4387d ago )

In Sony language that means patching security flaws :P

Tomonobu Itagaki4387d ago

If it was, they would make it mandatory.

TheRealist4387d ago

Gravity rush 2moro! Vita is by far the best handheld ive played..

SandWitch4387d ago

Oh you lucky bastards who will get it tomorrow. It launches in EU June 15th and then I will have to wait for a week-long delivery :(

GuruStarr784387d ago

downloading it now.... can't wait for Gravity Rush tomorrow... might pick up metal gear also!

ftwrthtx4387d ago

I just want some real remote play already

TENTONGUN4386d ago (Edited 4386d ago )

yeah man ive had my vita since day one and that was the big seller for me. i developed alot of paitent waiting on the game industry to release shit, but i really want to enjoy my vita more and its hard to wait. right now im just playin my consoles. :/

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Sony: “NGP Is The Real Reason For PS3 Cloud Saves”

Joel Taveras of DS, "If you really thought that Sony would offer cloud game saves without an ulterior motive behind it, well then you’d be completely wrong. Sure its a nice perk but when you honestly sit down and really think about it, what’s the point? It’s not like a game save file is as big as a game install file (which unfortunately still exists) so where's the benefit of storing these files remotely especially if what we’re talking about is just a few measly megabytes. After speaking to one of our sources at Sony, it seems that the electronics giant may have something very special brewing for E3, an announcement that will make the NGP simply irresistible when it lands on shelves."

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Community4814d ago
plb4814d ago

Yeah, wasn't cross play already mentioned? How else would saves transfer over.

rabidpancakeburglar4814d ago

I would guess from the same games being available on both the ps3 and the ngp, that would make transferring saves over pretty easy. I don't think that I've seen anything about cross play but I've not being paying much attention

JoelT4814d ago

Cross play hasn't been mentioned yet. Just the idea of the same "1st party favorites" but not the idea of actually playing your same console game while on the go.

darthv724814d ago

someone who buys an NGP would need to be a paid member of plus otherwise they are SOL?

I can live with that. Pay to play has taken on a different form. Finally something that justifies the service. I may sign up for this if it's true.

DaTruth4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

I don't know about this. Games on the the NGP format are 2-4GB; try getting Uncharted 3 or MGS4 in 4GB, not gonna happen!

It's also unlikely this size will ever change, since these flash memory disks use Fat32 and can't exceed 4GB files! Although there is the possibility of having the game in split files or something.

Really can't wait for this thing!

Thecraft19894814d ago

DaTruth why do you think its going to fat32 ? It could just be same as ps3's main file system and that is linux file system.

Of cause NGP games are going to be loads more smaller, high quality sound and and high resolution textures are what make them games so big.

shwiggity4814d ago


you're right about the 4GB files, but i have trouble believing that a game would come in a 4GB file, rather than multiple smaller files which doesn't make this an issue

sikbeta4814d ago

everything is pointing to cross-platform play and that's is so great that I can't wait to try it out, the whole idea is simply awesome...

nveenio4814d ago

Cross platform with a "Steam-type" system would be great. At first, I thought cross platform would be limited because there are still only two shoulder buttons on the NGP. But then, I remembered that the back touch pad could be used as analog trigger stand-ins. They wouldn't be perfect, but they'd work okay, I would think.

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MazzingerZ4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Well, we don't even need to predict anything. Kojima talked about that during tha NGP presentartion, that thanks to the specs and cloud storage it's finally possible to do something he had dreamed about, games you can play whether you r home or on the train...not PSN sorts games but games like a MGS title.... he promised to talk more about this on E3, just that fact sets SONY's press conference in the center of attention.

ComboBreaker4814d ago

exclusively for the PS3 and NGP.

Dart894814d ago

That's awesome i wonder if it will work with all old and current ps3 titles cuz i would love to play me some MGS4 when i'm not home.

Swoon4814d ago

True. It would be great if NGP owners get cloud saving for free instead of paying it! I suppose they would allow you to transfes saves over a USB cable, though.

darthv724814d ago

you cant expect everything that comes out for psn to be free. They have to have some items to make the plus service relevant. If you want to do cloud storage and (possibly) game saves from the ps3 to the ngp then you have to pay to play.

drunkonjudgement4814d ago

Define: "Hater's gonna hate"

Definition: comments, any article

While something like this may be "Pretty easy to predict", having confirmation from an internal Sony source(although anonymous) is pretty valuable.

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Chadness4814d ago

Oh, there's always a reason. I think cloud game saves is a pretty cool idea anyway - PS3 or NGP.

e-p-ayeaH4814d ago

I hope that´s the real reason.

4814d ago
allenhpark4814d ago

So does that mean everyone who buys a NGP needs to get PSplus?

JoelT4814d ago

That's a great question and an awesome angle for Sony to play. It's a trojan horse to get people to pick up PS Plus.

Quagmire4814d ago

Of all the features PSN+ had, cloud saves should have been free. Why should I have to pay just to save my games in case my PS3 YLOD's?

darthv724814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

there has to be something of substance to make paying for plus relevant. Otherwise it would just stay the current discount store with free samples. Kind of like costco.

If they offered game saves to be uploaded to the ngp via bluetooth, wifi or direct usb link then the notion of having plus becomes moot.

Just_The_Truth4814d ago

cloud saved my life i just got the YLOD while playing Demon Souls and all hope was lost when it first came out i put most of my game saves on it put haven't updated it since meaning I'd lose all my progress in DS and KS3. For those that haven't played DS it's the hardest most thought provoking RPG i've ever played and if you beat a boss, level up, etc. it's not simple to recuperate the loss and if you send it in to get repair it's sent back with an empty HDD (everything gone pic,vid,saves) so whatever the reason i'm glad we got the cloud when we did. I was also able to get my ps3 to turn on(using gilksy method on youtube) long enough to transfer my pis and update my save to cloud all i need is a PS3.

ash_divine4814d ago

Hey, I have a question about the cloud save thing. Can you save all of your stuff(music or vids) or just game related stuff(like saves and trophies)?

Also can you save game files for any game? Or just the ones that allow you to.(I believe Motorstorm prohibits copying the save data.)

coryok4814d ago

full length movies, no. small movie clips and pictures? i dont see why not. you do have a limit as to how much you can upload, so it makes it impractical though.

i think there have been two games reported that dont work with the cloud feature, i cant remmeber the names, but they were games that didnt sell much and werent big name titles. saves with save protection can be uploaded, so yes, motorstorm and other games such as demon's souls can be uploaded to the cloud

ash_divine4814d ago

That's good to know, thanks man.

Just_The_Truth4814d ago

right now no movies or pics that i know of and most games are compatible(copyrighted or not) right now but all future games will support it all of mines did. If your considering getting it PS+ is more than worth it you get a lot of betas and free games along with exclusive features like auto-downloading and the cloud and i'd expect most things in the future to be the same. It's 50 for a year+3 more months free and every month you get free stuff and discounted things but the later you sign up the more you miss out on in the free stuff department.

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