
Here Is Mario Running Around Various Unreal Engine 4 Maps

YouTube's 'aryoksini' has released a video, showing Mario running around various maps in Unreal Engine 4.

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masterfox3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

That looked so damn amazing i would buy a nintendo console right away if mario game looked liked that, im pretty sure the people or person who made this are not multimillionares or something, imagine a zelda game?, metroid, f zero, starfox using this visuals?. Sorry but i have to say it Nintendo right now are a bunch of idiots.

BlackPhillip6663372d ago

Nintendo nx is around the corner

sardines3372d ago

Around a long corner I hope
The lad didn't have a wii for long before we got him a wii u last Xmas. This does look great tho!


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eagle21281d ago

Super Mario Land (Game Boy) can't be that hard to port. How is that one not available? :)