
E3 2015: Final Fantasy 7 is a Remake, Not a Remaster

The PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII isn't just a simple remastering of the original, but instead will be an entirely remade version of the beloved PS1 game.

In an IGN interview, executive producer Shinji Hashimoto told us that the team tasked with bringing the JRPG classic to Sony's modern console is looking back at the original to see what needs to be changed.

The game will be more than just an update, in other words. It will be a full-blown remake. "We're putting in a lot of careful thought to meet" the expectations of fans, Hashimoto told us.

Kanako3248d ago

I wonder if they'll keep the traditional turned based strategy.

CaspuR3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

I hope not....

As much as i loved the orginal i really feel like ff7s remake should expand on ff15 battle system while retaining the ability to play with all ur party members. I love turn based games as much as the next guy, but it just doesnt work for every game anymore final fantasy is among them. And people please dont give me the excuse that turn base is more strategic than an action rpg because it really isnt. 95% of ff7 battles revolves around you waiting ur turn spaming ur strongest attack and healing if need be, limit break whenever u get it rince and repeat. Training is more laughable because all u really do is just spin ur directional pad in a circle waiting for a battle then mashing the O button till the enemies die, you dont even need to look at the screen.

Spotie3248d ago

Agreed. I won't be upset if they stick with turn-based combat(I don't believe they will), but not trying something else will be a missed opportunity, in my opinion.

CorndogBurglar3248d ago

What do you mean turn based doesn't work for final fantasy anymore?

It worked for Final Fantasy for over 10 games. Lol FF7 being the most popular.

dmixwell3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

To me the battle system isn't a deal breaker. From the looks of comments like yours and the out weighing dislikes, people want it to keep the old atb battle system.
It's not a thing square could do to this game that would prevent me from buying it.
With that being said I truly believe if they used graphics close to what was seen in the trailer, that whole random battle atb style would turn off newbies and it will look so strange

Griever3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

I do not think people will like it if they change the battle system. That will create a massive divide between the fans. They can tinker and balance the battle system by adding modern intricacies and technicalities but I think it should still be turn based. Turn based can be great challenging fun too. Recently, the Atelier Escha & Logy turn based battle system was awesome. Persona turn-based battle system is awesome as well. They fast, strategic and cool looking. IMO instead of dropping the turn-based system, they should upgrade it to modern times with increased challenge, strategy, improved camera angles, better animations and depth.

CaspuR3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )


Keyword in the quote you took from me is anymore, its been 14 years since final fantasy 10 and 18 since final fantasy 7 probably 20+ by the time this game comes out. Im not saying turn based games arn't good
But its time for Final fantasy to move on. In a modern game like pokemon I can fully understand why its turn based because your giving your pokemon commands to do so it fits the situation thus not breaking immersion. In Persona 4 it relies on trial and error in battles , You need to figure out ur enemies weakness in order to defeat them, there are to many things to consider in combat to make persona anything other than turn based. Final Fantasy 7 arn't bogged down by any restrictions it will translate well into an action rpg all they need to do is bring over the materia system and make it so you can use each of your party members freely thats it


I know people dont want it to be turn based as much as they think they do. Half of the people commenting probably havnt played final fantasy 7 since 2001, they are blinded by nostalgia and feel like the only way to do ff7 justice is to keep it the same. Im not surprised by there reaction to change, Most people arn't forward thinking, which isn't an offense to them, I just wish they would see the possibilities.

christian hour3247d ago


"probably havnt played final fantasy 7 since 2001, they are blinded by nostalgia and feel like the only way to do ff7 justice is to keep it the same"

Plenty of people playing FF7 on steam right now.

Personally, I bought FF7/8/9 psone classics on PSN 2-3 years ago and played them all recently.

Turn based is fine.

The people who have been asking for a remake for almost 2 decades, or the people who have been convinced each e3 we'd get one ever since that ps3 tech demo showed up, are definitely wanting a turn based system.

As someone who can remember rushing home to play FF7 as an excited ten year old all them years ago, I would prefer a turn based system over an action rpg. I honestly don't think this FF7 remake is for this new generation that have grown up with mostly action-rpgs. If you want to play a terrible final fantasy go play FFXIII or some crap.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3247d ago
Arxios3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

For me, if they don't try to keep the battle/materia system basically the same (maybe have the option of turning off the summons animation) then they shouldn't call it a FF7 remake, but instead have it be another entry like Crisis Core. I think by calling it a remake will give them flexibility with the game, but it shouldn't come at the expense of a function that was the core part of the original experience...IMO.

kingdomtriggers3248d ago

Nomura has gone on record several times that he doesn't really like turn based combat, so there is that….Advent children-like combat, oh the possibilities.

Simco8763248d ago

If they don't, it won't be a remake.

christian hour3247d ago

Exactly, the resi remake on gamecube couldve easily done away with those tank controls. But it didnt. BECAUSE IT WORKED! The clunky controls made fighting the undead all that much more terrifying.

The recent resi games done away with all of that, now they're not even terrifying, too action packed and gun ho, and anyone who's been with the series since the beginning HATES them. Kinda like what happened with recent Final Fantasys. Yes, change is good, but that doesnt mean things always change for the better. Sometimes people change the wrong things.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3247d ago
greenmiker3248d ago

Its time to replay that epic game after years!

Mr_Luke3248d ago

Mh... i guess i misunderstood then. Not "remaster" (revamped graphics and some extra) but "remake". They're really going to change things then? As long as they don't ruin the whole FF VII feeling and the story... well... fingers crossed >_<

At least it's not FFVII Reboot, that would make me worry a lot more.

I really hope to see something more and soon, i'll be happy even with just a screeshot of a fight or something =D But then i'll want more, and more and... i want it NOW!! O_o

3248d ago Replies(2)
Edi0073248d ago

I hope for ff 15 combat and engine

NoctisPendragon3248d ago

I really want the engine , even more since the FF VII AC team made it (partially) .

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda4d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman4d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda4d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Original Final Fantasy 7 - Is it Worth Playing in 2024?

Final Fantasy 7 has come back under the spotlight thanks to the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but is it worth replaying the original?

ravens5231d ago

Got to Zacks part in 7 Rebirth. Said f it. Finishing my game in 7 og. Just got to part 2 yesterday. I also got Crisis Core... So it'll be a while before I'm back to Rebirth. I just keep thinking about it too smh, want to get back to playing it. Not till I know Zacks story though. I beat 7 og sooooooo long ago, it's crazy going through it again and remembering things.

MrNinosan31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Got to Zacks part in Rebirth?
You mean you started the game and turned it off?
The game starts with Zack...

ravens5231d ago

... Really 🤓 lol. His second part, I've played for 80hrs lmao. <---- PS5 Run time, probably not all game time. You guys know how it goes.

VIK212130d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Did you not ever play the OG FF7? After you recruit Vincent, later in the game, disc 3, return to that basement and look at the pod, there's a whole Zack story that'll trigger as a memory.... it's well hidden in the game and a lot of things regarding Zack are cleared up. FF7 Crisis Core is basically an extend feature of that hidden flashback... It took me years to discover it back then lol


MrNinosan30d ago

80 hours in Rebirth by doing everything, and you should've reached Zacks story about 5 times 🤣

ravens5230d ago

Ye I kno that's y I said not all gameplay time. But also I am very anal when it comes to exploring.

ravens5230d ago

Not to mention fighting Titan at his full strength. Hours spent trying still haven't succeeded. Found all 3 ruins but I'ma masochist when it comes to games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 30d ago
Barlos31d ago

Very much so. Graphically it's dated but the story and the gameplay haven't aged a day. It's still one of my all time favourite RPGs and for me is better than Remake in some ways.

Barlos31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

It always takes me back to Christmas 1997, I got it as a gift and I was blown away when I played it. I couldn't believe games could look that good. The combination of pre rendered backgrounds and FMV really made it stand out. It definitely still has a certain charm that modern games can't replicate.

I can't imagine people will still be talking about Remake and Rebirth in 27 years.

Tapani30d ago

Fully agreed. To me the atmosphere, pacing, gameplay and music are all better than in the remake.

Rebel_Scum31d ago

Yes, play this, skip remake, start rebirth for new players.

I_am_Batman31d ago

Skip Remake? That's terrible advice.

leahcim31d ago

Remake is so amazing, pure FFVII Love, play it on PS5 please! aww the graphics the battles, the music... a dream come true.

Rebel_Scum31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I disagree Batman

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