
Famitsu Weekly Sales [3/25-3/31] - Princess Peach, Dragon’s Dogma 2 + Winning Post 10 2024 in top 10

Sales ranking announced by Famitsu. This time, we bring you a summary of estimated weekly game software and hardware sales from March 25th to March 31st, 2024.

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ZeekQuattro113d ago

Hardware Sales (followed by lifetime sales)

Switch OLED Model – 42,957 (6,958,780)
PlayStation 5 – 18,272 (4,713,002)
Switch Lite – 8,302 (5,793,705)
Switch – 6,274 (19,755,912)
PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – 2,574 (746,561)
Xbox Series X – 938 (252,674)
PlayStation 4 – 679 (7,925,339)
Xbox Series S – 438 (306,446)
New 2DS LL (including 2DS) -6 (1,192,906)

VersusDMC112d ago

Rise of the ronin sold twice as much as Dragons Dogma 2 this week...but no articles about that. It's only news if a PS exclusive is being outsold.


Explore the top choices in Rise of the Ronin

See the popular choices players made in the game and start your journey with the demo today.

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Einhander19722d ago

This game is really good, 100% up to PlayStation standards.

I'm glad they added a demo because I fee llike this game went under the radar because people didn't know what it was.

Lexreborn21d 17h ago

It didn’t, I think they said it was one of their best sellers even more then wo long and that was “free” on Gamepass.

Even did better then stellar blade from what team ninja reported.

It is a very fun game, I have been playing in in spurts because well, summer time is usually for doing things outside for me.

I think the hate was merely because it was exclusive and wasn’t on GP. The people who wanted it bought it and that’s what matters


Princess Peach: Showtime! review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "All in all, Princess Peach: Showtime! is a cute game but is a tad overpriced for less than ten hours of gameplay in my opinion. It’s a fun game and there’s a lot of variety and charm. If you’re on the fence, there’s a demo available. It’s certainly worth picking up on sale."

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1nsomniac18d ago

A tad overpriced!! My 6 year old daughter wants it and I want to buy it her but I’m not paying that for a glorified web-browser flash game.

It’s games like this that unfortunately shine a light on how much the industry can take advantage of the nature of children playing video games.

Cacabunga17d ago

Problem is it will never fall in price..


Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch Improves Performance by up to 66% in Towns and Cities (CPU-Bound Scenarios)

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has gotten its latest title update with tons of fixes and a lower CPU overhead in NPC-rich towns and cities. The previous patches improved CPU performance and added DLSS 3 Frame Generation to the game (broken at the time).

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VincentVanBro26d ago

This game is my biggest disappointment of the year so far. So overhyped.

just_looken26d ago

they took there first game went ctrl c then to a bluray disc hit ctrl v.

Everything even how the environment's were handled is like the first one from over 10 years ago its crazy but this one you get to pay for a 2nd save game so that was there next gen advancement for the series.

It came it went no one is still talking about it in the main spotlight anymore not even the sales of the microtransactions.

bigfish26d ago

Most games come and go, it’s sold 2.5M in its first ten days , not sure about current sales figures. It safe to say it sold well and should have turned over a profit for capcom. Hope there isn’t as big a wait for dragons dogma 3

just_looken26d ago


Not talking about sales i am talking about every medium to big influencer talking about the game along with free codes being tossed out for good pr then the drama around mt's followed buy the save file deal then the performance/game length

3 weeks later at most hay bails its like it fell off a cliff

43 viewers right now on twitch 176k peak

in 3 months it went from quarter million to 3 thousand players on steam

Demetrius26d ago

Couldn't get into the 1st one and I knew this would be the same so decided not to get it

RhinoGamer8826d ago

I enjoyed DD2, but the new game+ blows. Same formula as other games, repeat all the finished missions with your accumulated weapons/skills. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

NotoriousWhiz26d ago

Is.... that not how new game+ normally works?

phoenixwing26d ago

I bought rise of ronin instead and can't recommend RoR enough. It's my game of the year.

jznrpg25d ago

I’ve seen a few people here says great things about it. I am playing it next after I finish getting the plat for Stellar Blade in a day or 2. After that Trails of Daybreak!

phoenixwing25d ago

If you find RoR too hard at the beginning choose a different difficulty. Also items help alot like poison coatings.

DustMan25d ago

Love how all the tests are done on a freaking 4090....why not a more practical card to truly show what impact it's had on cards people haven't recently dropped 2k on.