
Fable Legends Trailer E3 2015

Fable Legends is a Free-To-Play Strategy game based off of the Fable saga, it will be available on both Windows 10 and Xbox One, the premise of the game is that two factions fight for the supremacy and yes, you can play in both factions

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Canceled Video Game Sequels That Never Happened

Anticipation can turn into disappointment so often in the video game world. Canceled video game sequels can feel devastating, especially those that promise to expand upon the thrilling stories of their predecessor. Wealth of Geeks runs down some of the most disappointing cancelations that kept anticipated sequels in the dark.

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shinoff2183111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

The orginal prey 2 better be on this list.

And it is. Man if could've got this instead. Wonder why no one's step up to do this kinda game yet. I think there's one in development for pc, it's cyberpunk Era but it takes place in some huge apartment complex I think. Anyway I'm saying this not knocking the prey that came out cause I did enjoy that to but really wanted prey 2 (canceled)

Skuletor110d ago

I wonder if they never happened because they were cancelled 🤔 (stupid headline)

Rockstar110d ago

Was just thinking the same thing...


10 Highly Anticipated Video Games That Never Saw the Light of Day

There have been so many games from major developers that we have been excited to finally play, that somehow, in some way, got axed before they were ever completed.

It's time to take a look back, and pour one out for all of the lost brothers and sisters of gaming that were taken before their time.

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FallenAngel19842204d ago

Deep Down is never going to see the light of day

porkChop2204d ago

Shame, it looked pretty cool.

IamTylerDurden12204d ago (Edited 2204d ago )

My top 10

Star Wars 1313 - This was my if Star Wars and Mass Effect had a baby, sorta..

Silent Hills - P.T. nuff said.

Deep Down - Visuals were stunning. Capcom, please.

Agent - it has become the R* version of TLG.

Bioshock VITA - It was legitimately planned and in the works, until it wasn't..

Visceral Star Wars - Visceral, Hennig, 3rd person Star Wars action.

Scalebound - Looked awesome early on, other than the Beats By Dre..

Prey 2

Infamous VITA (rumor)

IamTylerDurden12204d ago (Edited 2204d ago )

Infamous VITA was a rumor. It was to be called Infamous: Electric Souls and Nate Fox pretty much promised me. Darn you Nate.

The Santa Monica space RPG was a shame. Too bad SSM has such high standards, i bet it wasn't that bad.

gamerpop2204d ago

Star Wars 1313 and the recently canceled EA game were big upsets.

Raven7222204d ago

Fable Legends? Really? Every other game on that list I can agree with but that. That game never had hype. It had artificial hype from people who wanted it to be more than what it was looking to become. It was hardly ever spoken of outside of list wars and some poor schmuck who was forced to write about the game because it made an appearance at some convention. It wasn't what people wanted. They wanted a proper Fable game. They got a garbage asymmetrical multiplayer game in the vein of Evolve but even less exciting.

The 10th Rider2204d ago

Eh, I think the original concept was decent enough, even if it was nothing spectacular. However it felt like the more and more they showed the worse it looked.

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Feature Wish List for the Next Fable

Gamerheadquarters; "Fable is one of my favorite series, it was a great initial RPG for me to get into back in the day and honestly Xbox hasn't been the same this generation without it. "

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