
Rumor: Here's How Many Units Splatoon Sold in May

NPD results were released today, and Splatoon debuted in fifth place in the United States. Nintendo failed to release any sort of statement on the sales of either Splatoon, Puzzle & Dragons, or their hardware. As a result, the numbers were leaked by a well-known source on Neogaf.

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FallenAngel19843333d ago

They must not have done much in NA for Nintendo to not be boasting about them as soon as possible

wonderfulmonkeyman3332d ago (Edited 3332d ago )

Actually, it's doing pretty well.

"But May’s biggest surprise is probably Nintendo’s Wii U exclusive Splatoon.
The colorful shooter did not debut until May 28, which means it only had two days of sales on this chart.
Despite that, it was able to come in at No. 5 overall.
This is impressive for a new intellectual property that is not widely available on all systems."

Oh, and keep in mind that this is not including Digital sales or Phys+Digi in Europe, either.
Those combined, it may already be over half a million.

Source: http://venturebeat.com/2015...

Considering the popularity of The Witcher 3 across all platforms, it's an even better sign that Splatoon ranked that high with so few days tracked, as well as no digital or Europe sales counted.

rawrock3332d ago

One digital sale right here...

deafdani3332d ago

While I agree with most of what you said, I want to note that the argument of "not counting digital sales" is moot, because (as far as I know, I could be wrong), these numbers never count digital sales for any games on any platform.

Mega_Volnutt3332d ago (Edited 3332d ago )

Splatatatatatatatatatasplatooo ooon.

Spookshow3332d ago

I got my copy digital too! Loving the game!

3-4-53332d ago

* If people only knew, just how many of their favorite games only sold like 200,000-300,000 copies total.

Not all games need to sell a million to be a success.

* Splatoon selling millions won't happen until Splatoon 2 on the next Nintendo console(possibly), so for right now this is a good start for a new IP.

Philface3333d ago

Nice that Splatoon is doing well. Will get my copy soon.

gameboy13333d ago (Edited 3333d ago )

I was skeptical but it's a defo now for me getting it next week.....the squid form looks like it adds an amazing depth to tactics...

rawrock3332d ago

I was hesitant too, but glad I got it. Much more fun than I thought it would be.

jayzablade3332d ago

Anyone here struggling to get online??
Can't get Splatoon, eshop or anything to work...browser works but that's it! No Netflix, YouTube...?

iplay1up23332d ago (Edited 3332d ago )

You probably missed the system update. That is your issue more than likely. Go to tools and do the update. Also make sure you turn on automatic updates so you do not have the issue again.

jayzablade3332d ago

I am on auto update but it's working now so who knows?!

Evil-Gouki3332d ago

It's super fun and refreshing for a new IP, got that Jet Set Radio feel.

Concertoine3332d ago

Its honestly very impressive how influential Jet Set Radio was for such a commercial disappointment. The urban setting, unique soundtrack and counter-culture vibe were obviously big inspirations to both Splatoon and Sunset Overdrive.

I'd say the final boss of Splatoon was also JUST like the one in JSR

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