
Final Fantasy XV's Story Has Been Changed from Final Fantasy Versus XIII; Stella is Gone

During the lastest Active Time Report Broadcast, Final Fantasy XV Dirctor Hajime Tabata explained that the story has been changed from the original Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

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pasta_spice3309d ago

That's a shame. I really liked her design and what few details we knew about her sounded intriguing.

comebackkid98913309d ago

Dammit. Beat me to it. Loved her character design.

crxss3308d ago (Edited 3308d ago )

honestly Stella seemed like a stronger female character versus Luna who looks like another helpless heroine. i prefer the former.

at least they're not cutting Himefu haha

SarcasticDuck3309d ago

Stella is literally the base to Luna, so you guys dont "lost" her

DillyDilly3309d ago

I guess Stella wont be getting her groove back

KwietStorm_BLM3309d ago

I'm logging off for the rest of the week.

Last_Boss3309d ago

Both +1, funny comment & funny reply.

-Foxtrot3309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

Why have they done that?

Wasn't the whole point of Stella that she was the romantic love interest for Noctis BUT she was the daughter of the rival house they were at war with. Romeo and Juliet kind of thing. That would have been interesting

Hajime Tabata is trying to change this game into his own thing as quickly as he can, so it's remembered as HIS game not Nomuras who spent most his time on it. Arrogance in my opinion, he already said he changed things because HE didn't like them

Sounds like they are trying to make it accessible....another FF13 in my opinion ¬¬

This could have been out by now if Tabata just finished it off.

never4get3309d ago

If it was another FF13, Stella would be the main character adventuring with Cidney and that dark hair girl.

Blacklash933309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

I think you mean Final Fantasy X-2

Eterna1Ice3309d ago

The way it seems to me, the idea and design got hit pretty hard. I liked Noctis from first trailers more and the whole dank atmosphere gave me chills. Now it seems kinda too bright.

-Foxtrot3309d ago

The tone shift is what I'm talking about when I mentioned FF13

Instead of this gritty, dark world at war they are trying to make it more colourful and light hearted.

I don't see why he's trying to change it into his own thing, if he just finished the game in Nomuras vision instead of deciding what WE all like then the game could have been released this year.

goldwyncq3309d ago

Main character falls in love with a female antagonist is a tired cliché. How does changing that made the story more accessible?

-Foxtrot3309d ago

I meant the other things which have been changed

"Character Switching is gone, you only play Noctis now.

Blood seems to be gone, instead there is an oil like substance.

Combat is no longer like Kingdom Hearts. Details here.

World Map seems to be gone, now it seems to be a more western style open world.

The ability to equip all weapon types is gone, or at least vastly changed so it is not the same (guns and such are out).

Manual in combat weapon changing seems to have been replaced with decks.

Character switching Combos are gone(You can combo your attacks across character changes — that is, you can keep your combo going when you switch the character you’re currently controlling.)

Three member party, it is now four.

Hitting enemies with your car seems to be gone."


Just a handful of examples

Sevir3309d ago

Nomura Changed that on his Own tho, the open world gameplay came when he decided to switch from PS3 to PS4/XBO. As the who scope changed. Tabata only took over late last year, so most of the things changed were implemented under Nomura's direction.

Don't forget the grand unveiling of FF15 was 2013 and by then the game didn't look much like it did in previous years, and at that time all the way till fall 2014 Nomura was in charge until he decided he wanted to lead KH3.

_-EDMIX-_3308d ago (Edited 3308d ago )

"Combat is no longer like Kingdom Hearts. Details here.

World Map seems to be gone, now it seems to be a more western style open world. "

Not sure what you mean as the Gameplay is actually more like KH as in KH you only play 1 person.

The game was always open world, where did you hear otherwise? Though he stated "world map" I think he means open world as he states Airships would be flying over the world map. Nothing we've seen shows some non-open world in terms of the PS3 footage...in fact the PS4 an XONE footage is very much like what we've seen years prior besides the enemy types or playing as other. I've also heard nothing about the game NOW being open world or them confirming its new or anything of that matter. I could be wrong, but I beleive it was always known it was an open world game, as to why it would have towns, cars, airships or even be only on PS3 (likely due to bluray based on the space needed for such a concept) but it could just be wording and I could be wrong.


and if anything, look at the differences on this site.


sorta like the link you posted.



or even in 2009, even if its cgi, its still showing a road as to suggest its very much open world and the video being shown would be shown after you drove to that spot (especially after that Airship comment).

Your link shows a lot of the same differences too

as "The world map can be traversed using Cars, Chocobos and other means of transport" I don't think any of that is actually new, a car was confirmed years ago as being the main transport, chocobos are FF staples and Airships have been announced, wasn't listed.

@Sevir- No, it was open world prior to ever being made for next gen systems. Read the links and just look up what it was like prior to this. Its also likely why it was only being done on PS3 ie Bluray.

Edit- @Fox- I stand corrected.


on the bottom it shows a small screen of a overworld map sorta like FFVII, FFIX etc. Though this wasn't confirmed, its actually likely why they never stated FFXV was now open world as they formally never really stated FF Versus XIII wasn't.

Good eye Fox, disregard the rest above lol.

Irishguy953309d ago

Stella was never supposed to be a love interest...I think Luna has become a love interest. Nomura didn't want a love interest from what I remember. Or at least, the love side of things would be very minor compared to other games an romeo and Juliet.

Sounds like some massive changes there...I hope it works out. Although to be fair I didn't think it would make much sense fighting off a full invasion(Nifilheims full strength essentially) in Insomnia and then later when the characters improve fight the same thing. Something that always weirded me about FF.

trenso13309d ago

Did you watch the ATR? He explains that when they got the original story they wanted to make a game the could be self contained into one game, most likely to avoid making sequels like for example 13-2, and 13-3. The original story probably included her but explained her in detail through sequels and since they wanted a game that was self contained she was replaced with Luna. Luna has the same surname so is from the same family so can still play a similar role.

I wish they hadn't taken Stella out but if it mean we won't be seeing a 15-2 or 15-3 I'm happy with that. I don't want them to leave out story content like they did with 13 to make more games. And seeing as the original story was made when it was versus and at the time when SE went crazy with final fantasy 13 I think it could be for the better.

NoctisPendragon3309d ago

The ATR was awsome and the 2.0 update looks great , i think Tabata is doing a really good work with FF XV .

I don't really care about a story we never knew , now FF XV is 100% its own game , they may do FF Versus XIII later we never know .

Lore3309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

Taking Tetsuya Nomura away from this game will be the biggest mistake they ever made. His directing abilities and vision for games is astounding.

Next to the word "Nostalgia" in the dictionary is a picture of Nomura. In the picture is Nomura holding up the gross sales figures of Kingdom Hearts alone, compared with everything Tabata has directed combined.

DOMination-3308d ago

Nomura was doing a team ico with this game and needed a kick up the arse. Only since Tabata took charge have we actually got any info about this game. It still looks terrible imo but at least we can see theres a game here which we couldn't under Nomuras "vision"

_-EDMIX-_3308d ago

? His concept is very much still intact in this game. Its not as if its some different game. The overall idea being conveyed is actually still being done.

MOST of this game was done by the time Nomura left anyway, I don't think it will hurt the game in the slightest, design, characters, concept etc is still very much Nomura. They didn't just start over and make a new game...

iamtehpwn3309d ago

Considering we now have a new character named Lunafreya *Nox Flueret* to replace Stella *Nox Flueret*, and who look almost completely identical I don't think we've entirely lost much. Not to mention it seems that Luna is made specifically to be a love interest for Noctis, and this was probably a decision made as the FF main protagonist usually has a love interest.

averagejoe263309d ago

Way to jump to conclusions and be negative about a story that you barely know anything about.

This story could be way better, you literally have no idea.

Your post was absurd.

punctualdork3309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

What an obnoxious comment. The intent is to make Final Fantasy XV's story complete and enclosed in a single video game. It was speculated by a lot of people that the original vision was too expansive, and would sprawl out into another trilogy subseries. That's not a concern now.

Plus, a lot of games change from planning to execution stages, in the same way movies and books do as well. Sometimes compromises need to be made for a more well rounded final product. It's not arrogance -- it's a reality of producing anything of value.

I don't want to harp on about this, because your comment already annoyed me to the point of frustration, but let me just echo this:

Watch the video, make the comment. Not the other way around.

Godmars2903309d ago

Isn't Square still talking about Sequels? Either separate games still connected directly to FF15's world, or DLC content that act as pro or post logs of other members and characters in the party?

punctualdork3309d ago

DLC is a possibility, but Tabata has been quoted as wanting to contain this story to one game.

Godmars2903309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

"Containing this story to one game" is not the same as "not making other games around this story". With the potential to diminish if not remove the urgency or value of the "main" story, like what happened to FF13, also further unsaid.

Then again, we don't really know what FF15's main story is or what real value it will have. I mean, to me, while FF13 supposedly revolved around gaining self-determination and freedom with a subtext of familial bonds, the sequels tore up and stomped on that worse than the first game's poor delivery.

And with FF15 looking overall like nothing more than buddies on road trip, what is there really to mess up?

never4get3309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

Contrary to your belief, Hajime Tabata more likely rushing the game "Completion" thru "Director's Cut".

if he just finished the game in Nomuras vision, with the current staff probably around ~300, would probably took another 2 years to complete the game, far from your allegation that "the game could have been released this year". Even GTAV took ~1000staff and 4 years to complete.

Its probably Episode Duscae that makes you think that the Game's tone change.

The real questions, is the "Directors Cuts" would effect the "game" and "gameplay", Forget the everywhere-wall-scaling mechanics from versusXIII, none of their existing programmers manage to write such mechanic. Hajime - Tabata the guy that made a game that you switch between 3 different characters, decided to "Director's Cut" Prompto third-person shooting mechanics, because "it takes to long to do it"

Romeo&Juliet/Hamlet/TheTe mpest like story, isn't a problem because you can read it online.

The question is, would "Directors Cuts" lessen the emotion that the story wants to deliver.

Hajime Tabata making multiple "Director's Cut" and add Coleman camp product. Yup, that's his "Game". 9 years in the making and rephrasing the Story Writer Mr. Nojima "i just want to play the game".

Plus Hajime Tabata already mention about releasing the release date. Probably confirm FFXV release holiday 2016. I'm more worried about Hajime Tabata rushing the game release with Director's Cut.

gninja923309d ago

when was he planning on finishing it??, this game has been developing almost as long as Duke nukem forever. they released 5 different versions of FF13, first it was ff13, then ff13-2, then ff13 ligthing returns, then ff type-0 Hd, then ff14, when is versus 13 coming out, it was supposed to be a PS3 game, not it may even skip the ps4 line. just like KH3.

Adrian_v013308d ago

Nomura back then promised the story would be dark and more mature than in the FFs we had in the past few years. I don't see that anymore and that's an indication that this is a completely new game and not what we have been promised. And Tabata can seem arrogant with his comments sometimes, yeah.

I wouldn't have a problem with this game if they made a FFXV from scratch, I mean they seem to have changed so much they could have done it. I'd rather see FFversusXIII disappear than turn into something it wasn't supposed to be, cause as good as FFXV might be it will always be the game that wasn't supposed to be that way because of that.

Eiyuuou3308d ago

Tabata assured us recently that it would still have those dark and shocking moments. If we are to believe him, the majority of the original plot is still the same.

rainslacker3308d ago

I remember when SE scrapped Xenogears as a FF title due to it being too dark and mature. It went on to become one of their best RPG's, even surpassing most FF games themselves.

MegaRay3308d ago

Look at the bright sight, KHIII will come sooner now.

rainslacker3308d ago

This game has changed so many times since it's concept phase I can't even keep track anymore. I liked what it was doing with the FFXIII mythos, since FFXIII did a terrible job of it, but now, I'm not even sure it should be classified as a FF game outside of it having Bohemeths, some summons, and chocobos...so I guess it still keeps a lot in common with FFXIII.

But who knows, maybe I'll be wrong when it finally releases.

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Sora_19943309d ago

Stellllllllaaaaaaaaaaa!!! this game man is looking completely different then versus.

NoctisPendragon3309d ago (Edited 3309d ago )

It's a good thing , it is FF XV now and not FF Versus XIII shadow .

If the game could do 2-4 big jumps forward like the 2.0 update it could be the best ARPG ever .

Man_Marmalade3308d ago

FFXV is only the name though. They could have easily kept the original script and named it FFXV, but instead they changed the whole thing around.

rainslacker3308d ago

I dunno. I always saw verses as a proper FF game, outside the game play. They were taking the mythos and making into something understandable, and not the mish mash of ideas and changes that the actual FFXIII series decided to explore....poorly. At least that was the expectation based on what little we knew early on.

It wouldn't be the first time multiple FF games shared a single universe. FFXI and XII for example. The mythos of XIII was quite robust, more than FF games of the past, they just screwed it all up in the sequels making crap up as they went along in order to negate the story of the prior games. It was almost like the sequels started off as different games from the XIII series.

Dravidian3309d ago

Was that a Tales of Legendia reference?
I really hope it was lol

Sora_19943309d ago

you sir get a bubble for noticing well done

DeadManMMX3309d ago

Man FFXV is turning into a massive sausage fest. That's like FF7 without Tifa and Aeris, FF8 without Rinoa, Quistis and Selfie. I'm out bro.

Greyfoxdbz3309d ago

there's nothing wrong with having a cast that is centred around males. Why does it even matter what gender they are? also, this game is based off an old as fuck shakespeare story, hamlet i think, which makes sense. The gender of a cast should not matter. All that matters is that the game achieves what it wants to achieve, and that is to tell a good story and have good gameplay and characters.

pasta_spice3309d ago

Gender doesn't always matter, but one thing I like about earlier FF games is how well-rounded and realistic the female and male characters were always written. Women and men interact in the real world every day and the FF games always acknowledged that. So hopefully we will see some decent female characters along the road in FFXV besides just Cidney and Luna.

Greyfoxdbz3309d ago

My recent favourite character to come out of a video game is Ciri from the Witcher 3. A lot of the reasons i like her have nothing to do with her being a female. She is smart, mischievous, funny, powerful, stubborn and she feels real. I assume square enix took out the character for very good reasons, maybe she was boring, redundant and just didn't do justice to the game they wanted to make. I would rather them edit the game and remove any stuff that doesn't fit or work than just keep her in there for the sake of representation for women or whatever. the emphasis should be on character not gender, but hey that is just my opinion.

pasta_spice3309d ago

I get what you're saying Greyfoxdbz. I certainly don't think that characters should be kept in a game if they become redundant or no longer fit into the story. But I still feel a bit sad learning that a female character who looked to have an interesting role in the story has been dropped, because female characters in FF have (for the most part) always been pretty well rounded and realistically depicted. I don't think it's necessarily that people are arguing for representation for the sake of representation, rather than just wanting a realistic world with realistic interactions between people.

I know a lot of people don't like FF8 but I always think of that game as a good example of well rounded human characters. Sure when it comes down to it, characters like Selphie. Quistis or Fujin could have been male and it wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference to the plot (providing some of Quistis' flirty moments were removed lol) but it was nice to see a fairly realistic depiction of both men and women in that game; and how men and women interact, make friends, and form bonds.

Greyfoxdbz3309d ago

@Pasta Spice
That's pretty fair. I see what you are saying. A lot of female characters are handled quite poorly in video games so i respect your desire to see more realistic ones. I think people do a poor job because they want to emphasize the differences between genders which ends up creating a hard to relate to caricature. Like Bayonetta for example, i love the game and it's all in good fun but it isn't realistic, which is fine for the type of game it is. Characters like Ellie and Tess from the last of us feel real and therefore paint a better picture of the world they are trying to portray.
That being said there are times and places where it makes sense to not have females. Like in Reservoir dogs for example, i love that movie and sure they could have added females but it works out quite well the way it was done. Maybe square enix have similar ideas for not including her? I try not to get too attached to trailers and stuff anymore, you never know what will change, especially in a game that has been in production this long.

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DeadManMMX3309d ago

Haha I was just making a joke. I'm playing this game no matter what but I am legitimately saddened by the lack of diversity in the cast. All the greatest Final Fantasy games had such well rounded casts. I mean no love story? Variety is the spice of life. Someone should make an entourage meme with Final Fantasy XV.

rainslacker3308d ago

All FF7 needs is Yuffie. There is no other.:P

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake70d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies69d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix69d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled69d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia201d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog201d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake201d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic200d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan200d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman201d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator201d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno201d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior201d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake201d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.