
New God of War III Remastered trailer shows off full 1080p/60fps gameplay

By Aaron KaufmanCommunity Strategist, SCE Santa Monica Studios:

God of War III Remastered is ready for pre-order worldwide! It will be available in stores and digitally on 15th July (17th July in the UK and Ireland). If you pre-order now, you’ll get the brand new God of War – Fall of Olympus Dynamic Theme.

To whet your appetite for the epicness ahead, we have a sneak peek at the iron spike and chain hook-filled face-off against Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. The video is at the full 1080p and 60fps. Combat was smooth and responsive on the PS3, but the PS4 boost lets Kratos’ legendary battles against the gods of Greek mythology really sing.

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super_bruno3283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

This game looks so good and is a remastered last-gen game, can't imagine how GOW 4 will look like.

Transistor3283d ago

Cory Barlog says it looks better than this.


Cory's reply?

'challenge accepted! Actually the stuff we have now is topping that.'


So, yeah. Expect to be amazed again.

super_bruno3283d ago

if it end up looking like that on gameplay, it will be glorious.

AngelicIceDiamond3283d ago

"GoW is for 10 years olds" Says Bryan Altano from IGN.

Lol so in 1 more year my nephew will be able to pick up GoW games. In all honestly I get it he thinks this game is for the immature gamer. When a game is too mature its suddenly for kids.

TW are mature games with blood and sex why isn't bashing that? Sorry had to bring up how hilarious IGN is at times.

The game looks super silky. And getting that hype train goin for GoW 4.

bouzebbal3283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

GOWIII remastered will have GOW4 beta in it. You have seen it here first!
1080p60fps definitely makes a difference.. oO

saladthieves3283d ago

That was bloody gorgeous!

Army_of_Darkness3283d ago

WOW! the enhanced sharp 1080p visuals with the 60fps makes a massive difference for this game too the point where it looks better than most of these current gen games that are out now!! Damn! I'm gonna definitely buy it again when it drops a little in price :-D

comebackkid98913283d ago

I think he was referring to combat depth compared to say DMC and Ninja Gaiden

NuggetsOfGod3283d ago

If so cory is not making an open woirld game. Look at the graphics lol

miyamoto3283d ago

yeah it looks amazing at 60fps

3283d ago
Bobby Kotex3282d ago

I love how 60fps on consoles don't matter... until you get it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3282d ago
RpgSama3283d ago

It is impressive how good this game looks considering is not even a late generation game, it came out in march 2010, damn impressive.

Big fan of the series and i'm really hoping for a new GOW game announcement at e3, but one without Kratos or greek mythology, we've seen seven main games with Kratos as the lead, and add to that 4 more releases between collections and remasters, a new game with a new "hero" and a new and different mythology, nordic would be a good fit in my opinion.

BitbyDeath3283d ago

Kratos is the God of War, also don't know if you played God of War 3 but the story has not been wrapped up yet so how bout they do that first eh?

DOMination-3282d ago

What is there left that didn't get wrapped up??

Thunder_G0d_Bane3282d ago

So basically you want an entirely different game. How about you leave God of War alone and go play something different?

I for one would love another instalment with Kratos thank you very much. And the Greek mythology is amazing. We don't get many games with that mythology now do we?

oasdada3283d ago

Damn still looks good.. and lol to so many stealth disagrees in the comment section..

Christopher3283d ago

I forgot how long that boss battle was.

badz1493282d ago

and I forgot how many tries did that fight take me on Titan mode. chaos mode actually made me stop trying LOL! got the Platinum for GoW3 but if they have made chaos mode as one of the trophies, I think I wouldn't have gotten it.

it's kinda crazy to think that the game still looks gorgeous on the PS3 and now they are upping it to 1080p60fps. kinda make you think what kind of graphics is awaiting for GoW4

gedapeleda3283d ago

It already looks amazing on PS3. What they pulled of with that hardware was more amazing.

jb2273283d ago

It definitely is, but my eye can't tell much of a difference between this & the original title which already looked absolutely phenomenal. Maybe playing on a big screen instead of a laptop would help but I'm more of the camp that this didn't necessarily need to happen. A straight port of the collection & the vita titles would've been a better bet, if you are wanting to get new PS gamers on board the GoW train, whereas this is just a slight improvement on an already masterful title. Even as pretty as GoW3 is, the gameplay & story is so great that the amazing visuals are really just icing on the cake.

Blaze9293283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

I dunno, it looks exactly the same to me. The 60FPS didn't even make that much of a difference IMO. However, this is a remaster - not a remake.

someOnecalled3283d ago

the guy whos playing suck. i hate when i see gameplay videos and they make kratos look like a mere mortal

otherZinc3282d ago

Is this the exact same God of War 3 that is on the PS2, PS3, & now PS4?

kenshiro1003282d ago (Edited 3282d ago )

...What? When was God of 3 on PS2?

It never gets old with you trolls does it?

callahan093282d ago

Damn! I forgot how long that Hades battle was. Haven't played this game in years... I remember that battle being very difficult on the hardest difficulty. I almost gave up at one point. I think when I play the remastered game I'll skip the highest difficulty and not try for another platinum, haha. That game was freaking hard.

TrollsBringer3282d ago

It's funny how you all would gladly pay to play the same game again with increased resolution and FPS while on PC it's all free. Well played, Sony.

gosukyomomma3282d ago

Oh so God of War is on PC now? /s

OT cant wait to rebuy this game one of my ps3 favourites!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3282d ago
Erik73573283d ago

Pretty sure we are gonna at least get a announcement for god of war at e3.

PANDAB3283d ago

Remaster all of them and give me in one package damn you!

JJShredder3283d ago

Totally agree. I don't mind tastefull remasters and this isn't one of them.

Either needs to be all games or at least include a bunch of new content such as Master Chief Collection or Kingdom Hearts Remix.

_-EDMIX-_3283d ago

...they still need to actually fund those ports. Plus we don't really know how taxing it is to actually bring over a title like God Of War, it may not be as simple as Halo MCC, even that game needed other teams to help its development, ie United Fronts.

Even your own example of KH remix didn't just have all the titles released....they made a 1.5 and 2.5 version.

I'm fine with them doing this as GOW I, II and the PSP games have been put in 1080p 60fps before on PS3 and would likely be an easy job to just port over to PS4, only GOW III and Ascension will actually take a large amount of work to bring over. I think they should use GOWIII to fund Ascension's inevitable port.

Soo this concept of "tasteful" remasters makes no sense, they really don't have reasons to just always make huge collections for you. You could always just wait til the next one releases too.

Clogmaster3283d ago

I think they should do this, and they could import character models from this remaster and put them in the old games. Would save them a lot of time.

The animations weren't as good in the previous ones as well, so maybe they could import those as well. Kratos' twirl of death looked silly compared to how awesome he rotates the blades in the latest iterations.

Oner3283d ago

You get Free PlayStation Now rentals of GoW 1&2 as a pre-order bonus, so that is definitely a step in the right direction.

3283d ago
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Video Chums Top 10 Remasters on PlayStation Plus

"There are new PlayStation Plus tiers and I've been enjoying many remasters after subscribing to Premium so here are my 10 favourites." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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PlayStation Store Games Under $15 Sale: Over 400 Games Under $15

Daily Video Game writes: "PlayStation Store has just launched another new digital game sale that has over 400 games under $15, including many AAA games titled "Games Under $15 Sale" for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 gamers right now!"

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anast706d ago (Edited 706d ago )

Dragon's Dogma and XCOM 2 are the best deals. The rest of the games are still overpriced. I would say 8.99 is good for AC: Origins, but you need to put $10 more into MTs to avoid the grind that slows down the story. So, the game is actually 18.99.

It's not on this list, but Pathfinder: Kingmaker is only $9.99. This is a deal if you have a current gen. consoles, as it runs poorly on prev. gen.

hangdang705d ago

I beat AC origins without grinding or spending any money on MTX?

anast705d ago

I had to grind for side missions. So, did many other people.

HeliosHex705d ago

Has anyone been able to login in to the ps store on ps5 I haven't been able to in days and my network is good.

RedDevils705d ago

Reset or shutdown your PS5. I always can go login to PS5, in fact just a moment ago.

HeliosHex704d ago

Hey thanks again. Although the shutdown/reset didn't work i found that resetting the mdm and hub did the trick. I use a Lan network instead of wifi. In case anyone has a similar setup and problem.

RedDevils704d ago

I forgot to mention about the router reset, that usually do the trick when it come to network problems happen with iphone/android. btw np


God of War Will Run up to 60FPS With Performance Mode on PS5

Santa Monica have confirmed that God of War (PS4) will run up to 60FPS on PS5 with the performance mode selected. Additionally save transfer for both God of War (PS4) and God of War 3 Remastered will be supported.

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NeoGamer2321296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

For sure this is awesome. God of War is my favorite Sony franchise! Played every God of War game to date including the remasters and on PSP! Can;t wait for the new game in 2021!

potatoseal1296d ago

God Of War: Ragnarok - 2021

It's enough to make you shed a tear

bouzebbal1296d ago

I'm proud for platinuming every single one of them..
60fps is worth a try.. Can't wait

Skuletor1296d ago

Even God of War: Betrayal?

NeoGamer2321296d ago

OK, not God of War Betrayal. lol.

I am not that great at the genre so I have not platinumed any of the games, but I enjoy them nonetheless. I remember chains of olympus as the first game when i purchased a PSP on a 9.5 hour flight to Italy from North America. I still think that PSP was the best portable gaming device I have ever owned.

Army_of_Darkness1295d ago

That's not really impressive considering how the pro can sometimes hit 60fps on performance mode... I want to see 4k mode at 60fps. The ps5 should be more than capable of that.

NealGamby1295d ago

I’ve never played GOW. Maybe I should try it out.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1295d ago
GamerRN1296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

I want 60fps in Resolution mode though! That's what I'm holding out for. I want 4k 60 with the graphics cranked up!

I've been waiting to go back and finish this game... I just got past the part where you see the frozen giant and do all that stuff... I want to finish the story!

cell9891296d ago

Whoa easy there let’s wait for the final details on resolution

1295d ago
1nsomniac1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )

Love this site. Last gen game only manages to hit up to 60fps on new gen console if run in performance mode.

If it’s an Xbox game it gets ripped apart. If it’s a Sony game it gets gushed over.

I agree with GamerRN I’m not interested in performance mode. This is next gen it should be 60fps in resolution mode!

smashman981295d ago

60 fps was already hit in performance mode on ps4 pro some I'm hoping the same thing.

1nsomniac1295d ago

After a little reading it appears they’re not patching it at all, it’s just running as is. Therefore the games frame rates are capped so it’ll only reach what the engine lets it.

So not sure how this was even news in the first place!

Teflon021295d ago

Not really, I see alot more of the opposite now. Pretty sure it could easily run 60 in performance if it was capped at 60. They'd just have to make sure it has a mode that carried performance mode features and caps 60fps. If the game is updated for PS5 features and such and only runs 1080p60 you'll see ppl complaining. The details on resolution hasn't been out so the assumption is it'll run a good rest if it's updated

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1295d ago
SamTheGamer1296d ago

So basically they said game will on backward compatibility mode and no next gen patch yet.

dlocsta1296d ago ShowReplies(8)
darthv721296d ago

Performance mode is a must have nowadays. Since getting the enhanced systems... I cant play any other way (on games that support it)

I_am_Batman1296d ago

The game already had that on PS4 Pro though. It doesn't sound like it'll take advantage of the increased processing power of the PS5 for now.

Nitrowolf21296d ago

only it will be stable rather than jumping between 40to60

I_am_Batman1296d ago

Hopefully. But "Up to 60 FPS" doesn't sound very stable to me. We'll see.

JEECE1296d ago

If it has an unlocked framerate, it should.
I don't like the "up to 60 fps" language either, but I get the impression it is them covering themselves so that no one can take footage of it dropping to 57 in one very specific instance and then do the whole "Sony lied" thing online. Remember the idiotic, "only 100 games will be backward compatible" nonsense, and how long it took for that to die?

FanboySpotter1296d ago

The wording is bothering me. "Up to" ig that's fair since it's not ps5 optimized and only bc.

JEECE1296d ago

Feels like insurance against twitter trolls to me. Because if they say it plays at 60 fps locked, even if that's true 99.99 percent of the time, some nub will record it dropping slightly once, then make a big deal about it.

I_am_Batman1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )

If it's 99.99% running at 60fps, that's for all intends and purposes as good as locked 60fps. That's generally accepted and I can't remember an example where framedrops this rare ever caused any backlash. I don't think they are worried about a vocal minority of console warriors making a fool of themselves, by claiming otherwise.

I think it's much more likely that they have to lower clocks to guarantee compatibility, which causes it to perform similarly to the PS4 Pro. Another possibility I can think of is that it runs at 60fps boosted most of the time, but some big enough chunks of the game experience framedrops due to some very specific low-level optimisation that is harder for the PS5 hardware to emulate.

It's all speculation though and hopefully we'll find out before launch when the embargo for backwards compatibility lifts.

RonsonPL1296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

Don't be worried. Be certain
that there's no stable 60fps mode :( if they use words like this. This means it wobbles and is 60fps at times and it's not at times. If we talk about a PS4 game, this is absolutely horrible news.
There's 0,00001% chance it means 60fps 99,9999% and a drop for half a second once per game walkthrough, but first, it's so unlikely I'd say it's impossible, and secondly, if it means drops even in certain rare scenarios like some alpha effects in exlosions (I know, it's God of War. Just using an example) and stable 60fps otherwise, it's still a very bad news, cause it means either the devs are stupid or PS5 doesn't have the power to even run PS4 games at doubled framerate. The stupid dev scenario would require them to go for locked 1440p res or something significantly higher than PS4pro in performance mode, possibly with some unnecesary additional details or quality settings. PS5 should be able to maintain rock solid 60fps in GoW at 1440p. Now I'm scared it's too slow for that.
Backward compatibility mode doesn't matter much as it's like playing the PC game on a faster PC with a different CPU architecture. In the end, you either have the power needed, or you don't.

This also means there will be no rock solid 60fps mode for God Of War 2 or the GoW 2 won't be designed with PS5 in mind. If it's designed around PS4's limits, then it's not totally impossible but uncertain at least.

RonsonPL1296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

About the performance:
There's a question of how fast the train goes vs. how many waggons it can pull. PS5 optimizations might help adding some stuff but not necessarily allow to process the same amount of objects faster. Even x360 -> Xone meant easy 60fps ports of pastgen games with significant improvements. Now it's not clear by now if we'll even get the same between PS4->PS5 and PS4->Xbox X generation jump.
Whatever the GoW 3 on PS5 will be, I don't think there are any chances for rock solid 60fps mode in that either, especially when raytracing will leave gaps if turned on, if there are not assets prepared for non-Rt lighting. GoW 3 will be PS5 only.
This is a very stupid and it's yet another step in wrong direction in my opinion as I preferred Gow 1-3 60fps and action focused gameplay rather than all that cinematic and narrative stuff which meant a regression in terms of gameplay. Simply put, GoW PS4 is less fun to play than PS2 and PS3 games were for me. By far. It was a Slasher. First they changed it into a TPP game, then poisoned the gameplay even more by abandoning 60fps gameplay (to be fair, I was already disappointed with drops in GoW 3 on PS3, but at least that was default (and only) mode and the game kept 60fps in many places allowing at least to get the feeling and "wow" factor coming with 60fps. And of course the gameplay mechanics were designed around it too, allowing for more variety and more enjoyable gameplay mechanics and visuals.

Sad to see the once great game series ending up like this. I'm sick and tired of "narrative is the only thing that matters!" approach. I wasn't a fan of ND, Insomiac, Sucker Punch, Sony Santa Monica, back in PS2 era because I cared about the stories. I was yelling "those guys are the best!" whenever I played their games because they were super fun to play, with gameplay being the priority, a game made by gamers for gamers. Not by some people who'd rather be in Hollywood, telling stories and who think movies and stories are a higher culture than gaming, who think they are so much better when they make cinematic experiences. And about the last part, "for gamers", it's probably why this comment will get 100 disagree score, but modern gamers often are not aware of what a gameplay oriented game can be, if done by one of those "best of the best" studios. It's because there are almost no such games nowadays. Even my peers tend to forget. PS2 was released 20 years ago.
Just look how many people were surprised how fun DMC 5 is to play.
But you won't get the praise on Twatter if you're just that guy who makes games (you know, that entertainment for nerds). You will get it if your game is reviewed like a movie. What is the character development, what's the story, what quality the narrative and screenplay is. Then you are above that silly gaming stuff. Now you are a serious artist. You are above. You are among those Hollywood hot shots.

Sadly many gamers love movies so much they don't even realize when they're getting robbed from gameplay. Then you see all the high scores for mediocre gameplay games, and 10/10 for GoW even despite the fact its gameplay is not even at 80% of what it could be if the game was focused on it. Yes. I dare to say it: GoW gameplay score is 7/10 or even lower. Same goes for TloU 2, Detroit: Become Human and many others.
None of those games hit that top level of quality for gameplay and fun factor. And just look how it looked back in PS2 era.
ALL of the "god tier" devs delivered gameplay for 9/10 and 10/10. ALL of them.
Now none.
60fps on PS2 vs 30fps on PS4/5 accidentally overlaps with these differences.

MrNinosan1296d ago

This must’ve been the most silly trollpost I’ve seen on n4g, and that is on a site filled with trolls.

Write a diary about something you like instead man. That might help you get sane.

RonsonPL1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )


OK, Let's take the situation apart.

1. Who presented arguments and an subjective opinion everyone is entitled to?
2. Who wrote a pointless comment just to insult and express disagreement as if the downvote button was not named "disagree"?

Now. Tell me, but honestly. Who's the troll here?

I'm too old for this, seriously. Give me an argument or buzz off.

Harryvok1295d ago

Performance mode in the original had frame rates up to 60fps (that was the cap), but generally hovered around 45fps. 4K mode was locked at a 30fps cap, although it did dip of course. This game isn't getting a patch that changes the modes or resolutions, it's just running in BC mode with the performance mode going up to 60fps and 4K LOCKED to 30fps cap, just as in the original game. It isn't a reflection on the performance of the PS5 at all. It's just running the game as it always way in BC mode with the extra power pushing the performance mode up to its 60fps cap.

Also 'up to' makes sense. It will undoubtedly drop a couple frames here and there. Xbox 360 and Xbox One games with a 60fps cap are still dropping frames here and there in BC mode on the Series X. You're not going to notice a few frames here and there at 60fps.

RonsonPL1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )


""Also 'up to' makes sense.""

PS4pro was around 40fps as you mentioned. That's just +50% more raw power required. I understand what you're saying about the compatibility mode, but I disagree. it's not a full emulation, where you could actually make a very valid point that improving the performance by 50% might actually require much more because of the fact you're emulating things.
PS4 had x86 CPU cores and Radeon GCN architecture. PS5 has x86 CPU and a Radeon.
We'll disagree on what you can extrapolate from this, and I cannot be certain either as there's not enough information available yet, but I understand


""You're not going to notice a few frames here and there at 60fps.""

That's both 100% true and 100% false. Objectively this is both.

Depends on which display type you're using for gaming and then up to what are your priorities. If you can endure the horrible flicker but you simply are not interested in playing games with broken motion reproduction, then you'll not only notice instantly even drops to 57fps, but the the experience of playing the game will be significantly degraded. It's not possible to explain this without actually showing the game in properly working motion-friendly mode, so maybe this changes your mind and if not, at least makes you willing to allow other points of view as equal and valid: If the flicker is so bad in 60Hz mode, imagine how awesome are the benefits if some people are willing to suffer playing with it.
(and I suffered it gladly while playing God of War on PS2)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1295d ago
SmokinAces1295d ago

I think people are taking the wording out of context, it just means its select-able up to that number. I'll give you an analogy to hopefully help it make better sense. Say you get in an elevator of a sixty story building, you can choose to go to the thirtieth floor or you can go to the sixtieth floor, if you choose to go "UP TO" the sixtieth floor it doesn't mean you're going to go to the fifty fifth floor and then back down to the fiftieth and then up to the fifty eighth and so on. I dont believe the term implies fluctuation it just represents the highest choice you can go "UP TO". That's just my two cents hope it makes sense, guess we'll just have to wait and see though if that's the case.

UnHoly_One1295d ago


That's a bunch of crap.

It means it runs at 60, but not all the time. That is the ONLY reason to add those words in.

Now it could be that it might hit 59 a couple rare instances, or it could mean that it is mostly 45, but peaks at 60 occasionally, or anywhere in between.

The core of the phrase is that it is absolutely not perfectly locked at 60 at all times.

RonsonPL1295d ago

No. When the game runs at 60, it runs at 60.
When it struggles more often than rare and occasional stuff, like explosions or one boss fight per 20 hour gameplay, then it's called up to 60

Historically, looking at PS4 generation, up to means anything between "almost never" to "a bit" through "half of the time or a bit more than half".

Examples of up to 60fps which were totally NOT 60fps: Tomb Raider (the first new one on PS4). It was up to, but was nowhere near the experience you get from stable 60.
I never ever saw anyone complaining for calling it 60fps when you get a drop once per 5 hours. I call PS2 God Of War game 60fps. This one had some rare drops as well.
Up to means NOT stable 60. Period.

SmokinAces1295d ago


I appreciate your opinion and point of view, I dont appreciate the "bunch of crap" comment, I have no issue with a counter point but it would be nice if it didn't require the hostility. We dont know if that's the only reason for those words, we truly won't know it until an official analysis is done and in the end you might be right but it could very well be a stable and locked 60fps experience as well and that's what I believe it will be and I was just trying to give an analogy as to why I felt that way.

Happy gaming friend.

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