
Japan Only: The Latest Chapter In Square Enix’s Saga of Betrayal

Square Enix’s latest disappointing announcement about Dragon Quest VIII on the 3DS's exclusivity has us thinking.

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Rookie_Monster3422d ago

What do you expect, the DS is the best selling systems in Japan and it is a RPG and those two go together like bread and butter. Porting it to consoles is a waste of time.

thorstein3422d ago

The exclusivity is Japan only.

3-4-53422d ago

I love Dragon Quest, but I've never played DQ7 or DQ8.

I would love to play them.

Two of my most wanted games right now, I hope I get to see one of them over here.

* SE just doesn't see the pot of gold that is Dragon Quest sitting at their feet.....just starring them in the face.

robothouserock3422d ago

If you have a decent computer, Dragon Quest VIII is one of the most upscalable games from the PS2 for emulation. It looks beautiful in 1080p.

Kurisu3422d ago

Would have been all over this if it was a remaster for PS4, PS Vita or hell, even PS3. I played the demo on PS2 but for some reason I never got around to buying the actual game. I could buy the mobile version but...

...no. How could I even think that?!

gangsta_red3422d ago

As i said before, these Japanese companies are going to focus on mobile and handhelds for most of their smaller titles. That is where the money is, especially in Japan.

gprime3422d ago

Please read the article before posting. This has nothing to do with which system the game is on. It's about localization.

gangsta_red3422d ago (Edited 3422d ago )

I read it. My point still stands and it's in relation to the recent articles of other Japanese game developers focusing on mobile and handheld devices.

Square and other Japanese companies are releasing more games on mobile and handheld devices instead of their console counterparts.

Hexonimar3422d ago

While we both had different ways of getting around to it, it looks like we've both reached the same conclusion. It's a matter of Square Enix no longer making these games a priority and the mobile space is DEFINITELY a factor in that. Gotta follow the money, it's the responsible thing to do as a business. It's just a shame that things like this have to suffer because of it.

Ravenheartzero3422d ago

One game I really would like to see HD version of on ps4 :(

Hexonimar3422d ago

That would be an absolute dream!

ZaWarudo3422d ago

I would rather have DQXI tbh.

Xof3421d ago

After the single-player MMO that was IX, and the actual-MMO that was X, I really don't have any faith that SE is even capable of developing a decent DQ game.

So, yeah: I would much rather have anything else.

Except one of those godawful mobile ports.

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Remembering the Best JRPGs on the PS2

The list is as long as it would take you to grind through Dragon Quest VIII. Here are the best JRPGs on the PlayStation 2.

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RpgSama618d ago

Good list, kudos for adding Shadow Hearts, Covenant is probably the best Jrpg most people have not played and what an improvement over the first one (plus ties with Koudelka which is an awesome game as well).

jznrpg618d ago

I own all 3 of those games with 2 copies of Koudelka on PS1 just in case one of the four discs crapped out on me . Same with Legend of Dragoon. That’s one thing I want Sony to get back into , JRPGs , action and turned based

Melankolis618d ago

Yep, they should have at least 1 Japanese studio with 2 teams in it specialize in JRPG.

RavenWolfx618d ago

The amount of time I bring up Covenant when referring to amazing RPGs is astounding.

RedDevils618d ago

Still my favorite JRPG on PS2.

FinalFantasyFanatic617d ago

I wish I had played the other Shadow Hearts games, didn't know there was so many until later in the PS3 generation, at that point they hard to get for a reasonable price. I only got to play Covenant sadly, hopefully they'll all get ported to modern systems at some point.

618d ago
sadraiden618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

Take a look at the libraries of your favorite consoles. I guarantee you, other than a handful of fighting games better suited on the Dreamcast, PS2 still has the best, biggest, and most varied library. Literally something for everyone. JRPGs on PS1 and PS2 really were special.

Edit: the article basically just lists every single JRPG on PS2 lol

Terry_B618d ago

Nah..it lists only 33 of them. There are probably over 150 ;)

DrDoomer618d ago

Who's gonna tell them that Persona 4 came out on the PS2?

andy85618d ago

DQVIII would be so good to be added to the new service

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Dragon Quest VIII Should Come to Xbox Game Pass Next

Dragon Quest XI was the first Dragon Quest ever released on a Microsoft console, and the next title to come to Game Pass should be Dragon Quest VIII.

porkChop1212d ago

I've always wanted to play it, so I hope it does.

Vits1212d ago

Well it's already playable on a Xbox thanks to Retroarch. But being available through the Game Pass is more a matter of Square-Enix remaking it or at least remastering it for the current generation.

1211d ago
Snipelife151211d ago

If you want to play this game go and buy it then


A Super Smash Bros. Rundown of the Dragon Quest Hero

Do you want to play the Dragon Quest Hero in Smash Ultimate but feel out of the loop? Fear not, GI has you covered.

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