
Ship2Block20 Review: Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains

"Originally released in 2013, in Japan as Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind, this has been a long awaited release for AoT fans. I will stop you now AoT fans and just say that this has to be one of the best fan games ever made, and you should run out and buy a copy as soon as you can. I was shocked. For everyone else who might be interested in the series, and genuinely want to know how the game is, check out the detailed breakdown below." - Michael Jordan

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Technically flawed anime games are often still golden for fans

Matt Ferguson of G4@Syfygames is a sucker for licensed anime video games, regardless of their technical flaws. His feature takes a look at why even mediocre anime games are often still endlessly entertainingly for fans of the original media.

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Fro_xoxo3214d ago

This is actually true...

I remember investing countless hours playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja on PS2 versus my best mate.

The game use to be slaughtered by the media with ratings such as 3/10 lol..

rainslacker3214d ago

For me it was that Bleach game. Not that I can say I actually had that much fun with it...but for some reason I kept going and actually liked it.

Jmanzare3214d ago

same goes for any game really. i remember toe jam and earl on the original xbox got horrible reviews but i grew up with that game on the sega genesis and loved both games.

donwel3214d ago

It's the waifus, obviously.

Swiggins3214d ago

Too much Waifu will ruin your Laifu.

SilverClock3214d ago

Tales games don't usually get amazing scores, but I love them as I would a triple A game! :)

rainslacker3214d ago

Next article

"Technically flawed games are often still golden to reviewers" *

small print
*by flawed we mean broken. By golden, we mean how much we think we think we can line our pockets by giving it a perfect score.

On topic

Maybe people don't always look for every little flaw like reviewers do. It's also possible that the enjoyment one gets from playing a game outweighs those flaws, and for fans of a game or IP, anime or not, the idea of being able to have a new experience with that counter-acts the negative aspects of it.

However, if an anime game is complete trash, the anime fan is just as likely to complain about it as the gamer. Probably more so really because they can be pretty passionate about their anime. Some anime forums are quite scary when a bad game crops up. That being said, most anime games that make it westward are generally pretty solid. Probably have a lower percentage of technically flawed games than most western produced AAA games nowadays.

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Attack on Titan 3DS Game Finally Available in Europe, Albeit Under Different Name

Great news for European Attack on Titan fans as the 3DS game Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains has finally be released in the region, although it's not called "Attack on Titan."

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Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains review - ChristCenteredGamer

While the intensity and action is accurately portrayed from the anime, Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains has some fatal flaws that prevent fans of the show like us from enjoying it fully. The single-player missions are challenging and short with a ten hour campaign mode. Multiplayer is available and reserved for those who are patient with and good enough at the single player missions.

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Jimboms3375d ago

Oh man I really like the look and sound of this