
E3 2015: Capcom & Bandai Namco Showing New PS4/Xbox One/PC Games; Deep Down Probably Won't Be There

Looks like the eternal rivals of Japanese development, Capcom and Bandai Namco, will come with a few surprises at E3 2015

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Jackhass3371d ago

Good to know some Japanese devs are still making console games.

Benjammin253371d ago

I just want to see Devil May Cry 5 there. The true, Japanese developed Devil May Cry 5 there.

Brotard3371d ago Show
Lord_Sloth3371d ago

Let's keep the distinction, please.

Balega3371d ago

At what point do you cancel a game instead of just keep on investing in it?
Deep Down clearly has development issues, and direction issues. Once they announced it is Free to play a lot of gamers lost interest. Can't blame them.

LAWSON723371d ago (Edited 3371d ago )

IMO Capcom if they were smart would not try and tackle the difficult and dark 'souls' theme. They will never make anything near as good as what From Soft does. They even are making another F2P online game, Dragons Dogma, however it lacks the hype because there is no 'OMGZ them graphics' effect. If they want success with a MP game they have a little IP called Monster Hunter and with a new engine on PS4 (maybe Xbone but Capcom has not been a huge fan) it could blow people away. But it is Capcom so they will give console gamers an explosive RE7 trailer instead

Reibooi3370d ago

I personally think that Deep Down should have just been Dragon's Dogma online which funny enough is what alot of folks thought it was until Capcom came out and said otherwise. I know now there is a Dragon's Dogman online but it was not handled very well.


I have always wanted a crazy looking next gen Monster Hunter game that could really blow people away. It's sad because I bet that will never happen as Capcom can make tons of money without spending a ton on a real next gen looking experience. It's kinda like Pokemon for me. I would love to see a really big massive Pokemon game instead of what we get on the handhelds but why would Nintendo do that when they can make bank and spend so little in the process. One can dream I guess.

Majin-vegeta3371d ago

Capcom-more Info on SFV and when beta starts.I'm good.

Namco-More Info On T7 and see what's up with TxSF.

Yi-Long3371d ago

I want a new Power Stone from Capcom, for PS4 and XBO.

forgetmenot3371d ago

This should have been happen its capcom's answer to smash bros was a fun game back on the dreamcast.

NellyNel_7_1_33371d ago

whatever happen TxSF anyway? will that game ever come out?

mikel10153371d ago

Deep Down, the new Final Fantasy Vs. 13

HammadTheBeast3371d ago

Nah, that's The Last Guardian still.

_-EDMIX-_3371d ago

lol! Agreed. The Last Guardian is its "Last Guardian" lolz.

I mean...I can't wait for the game don't get me wrong...(I mean...I have to wait soooo)

Gority3371d ago

Can we have a new last guardian when the old last guardian hasn't come out? :-)

3371d ago
luis_spartano3371d ago

Couldn't care less for Capcom show.

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Capcom's Latest Shareholder Q&A Is a Terrifying Indictment of Capitalism

Capcom has released its latest shareholder Q&A, and while there are some smart questions in there, you'll find some not-so-smart ones too.

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TheColbertinator2d ago

Capcom is our hero and champion in the gaming industry somehow. Everyone else is straight up Dr Doom

Darkegg1d 15h ago

Somehow? You mean the people who put their money into the company and wonder how their money is being used? The hero borrows from others bc they are not using their own capital hence why they are public company. It’s a responsibility to communicate the idea, and having an open mind to bridge various opinion. Branding questions as smart and not smart is a terrible way to focus an article on. Rather, explain the concerns and the response to them intelligently and compassionately.

VersusDMC1d 14h ago

And most of the questions are what journalists and fans ask as well.

Why not release it this holiday season? Everyone complained it's 2025.
Why is MH Wilds not on Switch? There is currently an article posted here that Capcom abandoned the switch.
Where are the Megaman games? We all want more X games.

Truly terrifying questions...

OldDuffer1d 14h ago

This story is literally nothing, ? I should have expected as much from this 'source'.
Nothing terrifying and nothing that's an indictment of capitalism.
If you somehow believe a publicly traded company should only have shareholders who know the ins and outs of the business, then you may get a chuckle out of some of the questions asked. In general they are exactly the types of questions you would expect from someone with a stake, who does not understand the business well. Asking questions is surely the way these people learn more about the investments they have made? I wish I hadn't of bothered clicking! :)


Capcom Has No Plans To Discontinue Availability Of Games Via Physical Media

Capcom has announced that it has no plans to discontinue the availability of its games via physical media.

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shinoff21833d ago

Interesting. Then where the fk are the new moster hunter games , physically in north America. Hell I'd even import but the 2nd game is a digital code. What's up capcom?

VersusDMC3d ago

Obviously they don't mean 100% of their games are going to be physical.

And considering 90% of their sales were digital last year you're lucky they are still releasing physical at all.


Vits2d ago

90% is ridiculously high. I honestly wouldn't blame them if they decided to go fully digital. I still mostly buy physical copies for the PS5, but for Capcom games, I usually opt for the PC version, so my library is completely digital, so I can sort of understand why is so high. But still.

Cacabunga3d ago

I will support them going forward! No physical no buy

CobraKai3d ago

They got my continued support for sure

DarXyde2d ago

I generally agree regarding all games.

But I do make a carve-out for indies that don't have the budget for physical releases

shinoff21832d ago


Whats crazy is indies do a better job releasing physically then games from the bigger publishers.

QuantumMechanic3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Great news! I'd also like to see their PS VR2 experiences released on physical media.

ravens523d ago

👏🏽👏 27997;👏🏽㈇ 9;🏽. I will continue to purchase their games!

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Capcom's Old Game Engine Seemingly To Blame For Certain Releases Skipping Xbox

“Capcom has no pipeline for porting older MT Framework titles to Xbox's modern ERA system, which makes it more expensive to deliver the same titles than it would porting them to PlayStation 4, Switch, or PC.”

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Valkyrye36d ago

Phase 1 Denial
Phase 2 Excuse making
Phase 3 Indifference

36d ago Replies(2)
darthv7236d ago

did MS just stop supporting MT framework all together? I get that its not supported for Series (same with PS5) but the PS4 and XBO supported it. So, its just odd that there is a PS4 version (which would subsequently run on PS5 via BC) but not an XBO to do the same.

Unless there was some update applied to both XBO/Series that no longer make it compatible and only existing titles are it. I'm getting it for Switch anyways so I'm good. I have the other collections on there and I like to keep things together.

36d ago Replies(1)
DefaultComment35d ago

Nah, that's PR talking even with an outdated engine they can still port games from the early 2000's to their so called "max power" hardware.
This is just plain and simple ever since their game pass, is not profitable for Japanese companies to port their games for a montly subscription. They still are rooted into buy and sell their products, in contrast Microsoft is trying to FORCE us to consume gaming as a service and not a product.
The day that gaming industry becomes a service that's when I would most likely leave it and let it rot since that is a walking dead insutry and no longer consumer friendly like. Fortunatly we can still vote with our wallets.

Tedakin35d ago

How is MS trying to force you to do anything? You can buy your games. You can subscribe to them. They give you an option to play their games just about any way you choose. Why is that a bad thing?

DefaultComment34d ago

Game pass is imposed at this point, they insist and that's their big bet for them, hence why they were buying studios to make games for their gamepass library,.Baiscally making gaming a service like Netflix or Disney+. that's anticonsumer and hopefully we still got options.