
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Review | GES

GES Writes: "Initially I thought that Code Name Steam was going to be a simple game but, I shocked to see how much they added. The game reminds me of a XCOM game but only form a third person perspective. The game is set in a comic book style and it opens up in a lush full Steampunk version of London where later on you will travel to other places as well. You play as the protagonist Henry Fleming voiced by Adam Baldwin, the world gets invaded by aliens and it is up to Henry and a secret government agency called (you guessed it) S.T.E.A.M. Along with other members you meet along the way, you take on the alien invasion and try to save the world!"


Five years later, Code Name S.T.E.A.M. still holds up

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is a game that is divisive, to say the least. It’s an underappreciated classic that regularly appears on clearance racks. Which is a shame, given the involvement of Advance Wars and Fire Emblem developer Intelligent Systems and the sorcery it works to get an XCOM-like experience onto the Nintendo 3DS. Especially since now, as it turns five years old, it holds up so well.

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Outlawzz1552d ago

The game was great. It would be cool to get a sequel on switch but I'm not sure if it sold well enough to warrant that.


Top 10 3DS Games That Need Switch Ports

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "as we prepare to retire the ol' dual-screen handheld we wanted to take a look at the games that defined the system and which should make their way over to the Nintendo Switch."

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Hroach6161818d ago

I’d just like the remasters of Ocerina of Time and Majoras Mask. Those were both great ports that looked nice and smooth. Would love a proper camera control in OoT that was implemented in MM3D.

Poli_Games1817d ago

Majoras Mask! It’s a must!


Portable fun with Nintendo's toys-to-life - Top 10 3DS Games with amiibo Support

"Nintendo's 3D dual-screen on-the-go console has been around for an impressive 8 years so here are the system's best games for putting your amiibo collection to use. Carrying case not included." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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crazyaejay1913d ago

I loved using amiibo in the Fire Emblem games. Makes me want to play them again.