
FAST Racing Neo – Shin'en’s “Biggest and Most Beautiful Game”

HDWarriors asked Manfred Linzner of Shinen about the status of FAST Racing Neo and when we might see more of the game, since it’s been a while since we’ve heard anything. He had this to say:

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iplay1up23388d ago

Can't wait...Shinen makes really great games. You can see they take pride in their work.

kakashi813388d ago

I will shut my mouth about the Wii U capabilities from now on!!!

leemass243387d ago

worth noting aswell this game is 60fps aswell.

N4g_null3388d ago

Looking good. I can't wait till the new wiiu engine is released.

darthv723388d ago

this one and 90's arcade racer are what my wii-u have been waiting for.


Fast RMX Dev Shin'en Multimedia Teases Switch Announcement To Be Shared Tomorrow

Shin'en Multimedia, the developer behind Nintendo Switch launch title Fast RMX, has teased an upcoming announcement for the console.

thesoftware7302130d ago

Wow cant wait! hope its something different than a racer.

darthv722130d ago

Love for them to make a new shmup in the vein of iridion or nanostray

Copat2130d ago

I just hope it's regarding a physical copy!

EddieNX 2130d ago

I love the amount of effort these guys put into their games.

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Another video – FAST Racing Neo multiplayer footage

Multiplayer footage of Fast Racing Neo.

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Locknuts3251d ago

Holy crap how do they keep that at 60fps in split screen.

Nevers0ft3251d ago

Shin'en have always produced technically impressive games and it looks like they're keep up with that tradition here. Hopefully it plays as good as it looks... I think many of us need to scratch that F-Zero or Wipeout itch.

wonderfulmonkeyman3251d ago

Third parties could learn a lot about developing great Wii U games from Shin-En.

Nevers0ft3250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

It comes from a desire to hammer the hardware until it bleeds. Shin'en are ex demo-sceners from the Amiga and PC who went under the name Abyss: http://www.the-leaders-of-t... - similar to how some of the founders at DICE were members of The Silents, another Amiga demo group from the 80/90s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

It's in their DNA to push the hardware as hard as they can :)

Munnkyman3251d ago

Nintendo should really let them develop a game for them


Interview with Shin'en about How FAST Racing Neo Came Together

NWR:"In this interview, Daan has a chat with Martin Sauter from Shin'en. The team has brought various games to Nintendo systems and they are currently polishing FAST Racing Neo to perfect shine. The interview talks about the decision to make the sequel, the variety of content and the options that are available to the players.''

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