E3 2008 Monster Lab at GamersInfo.net

From Oz,
"The hook that set me on Monster Lab can be paraphrased as, "Do you remember your chemistry sets when you were little? Don't you remember combining stuff, but nothing good ever happened, because nothing in there could possibly blow up? Monster Lab tries to revive that chemistry set, and let you experiment with things that COULD blow up!" Obviously, this caught my attention. I enjoy the blowing up of things, largely when I am responsible for it, but this isn't really necessary, as destructive fun is - generally speaking - a hoot. But what, specifically, could a very cool-looking (if oddly cute) cartoon game with junior mad scientists have to offer in that field? More than you'd expect, really, with a host of other features to create an appealing game for kids and adults, alike."

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NL: Monster Lab Review

Nintendo Life writes: "Despite a few minor shortcomings Monster Lab is a great 3rd party effort for the Wii which has solid controls that make great use of the Remote and will appeal to a broad age range. Kudos to Eidos and Backbone Entertainment for this excellent offering on the Wii, which will hopefully inspire other developers to turn out quality titles".

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KidzWorld Review: Monster Lab

Baron Mharti is large and in charge! With a nasty habit of being extra cruel, the Baron has taken over and it's up to you to beat the evil Baron Mharti and his band of wacky creatures. With the help of a few zany experiments, over 150 monster parts, and some crazy mini-games, create your very own army of twisted monsters and battle it out with the Baron.

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WorthPlaying: Monster Lab Review

WorthPlaying writes: "There are certain games that become the gold standard against which all other games are compared. With all of the Wii titles, the golden standard, surprisingly, has always been Wii Sports. For a free game included with the console, it served as the best example of how the controllers should function within a game. With Monster Lab, however, I think I've found a new benchmark."

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