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Deck13 Officially Offers Kojima Job As Head of Game Design

It looks like Deck13 Interactive is actually serious about offering Kojima the 'Head of Game Design' position.

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Community3471d ago
odderz3471d ago

Couldn't help but find this one funny! Pretty sure every studio would like to offer Kojima a job. He really would have his pick of any studio he likes... Or so I imagine...

Imp0ssibl33471d ago

Indeed, I bet there's some kind of underground auction going on right now on Kojima.

Still, they were the first to voice their offer publicly and I bet Hideo won't just join a big team which already has renown designers, so...Maybe, just maybe they have a chance.

Mostafeto3471d ago

Yes it is like what happened with Lebron being a free agent. Now Kojima is up for grabs by anyone who will offer him the right thing and what he wants in my opinion is a new experience and anyway wherever he goes I think that the games he will make in the future will be even better than what he already offered us

vishmarx3471d ago

I hope he and his team join SCEJ

Army_of_Darkness3471d ago

If Kojima joins Sony and develops a new IP for the PS4, oh man can you imagine the damage it's gonna cause lol!

XBLSkull3470d ago

Kojima has many fanboys. Anyone would be smart to offer him a job. No matter what game he does next, whether it sucks or is awesome, is going to make money. "Of course I am buying it bro, it's Kojima"

Basically a guaranteed money maker. I'd offer him a job if I was in position to do so.

DarXyde3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )


It doesn't work that way. If people buy a Kojima game because "bro, it's Kojima", that's only because he's like Naughty Dog, Miyazaki, Miyamoto, and Ueda: they are masters of the craft. His track record is phenomenal and is highly unlikely to change just because he works elsewhere. The work and detail that go into his games are clear standouts.

It isn't blind fanboyism, it's trust.

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kraenk123471d ago

This was clearly only half serious and more meant as a joke. Deck 13 is a tiny german developer who couldn't even pay him a fracture of what he earned at Konami.

Alexious3471d ago

Actually I contacted them and they confirmed they are serious. Obviously they have low chances but it doesn't mean you have to treat them like an Android developer or some such.

boing13471d ago

They co-developed Lords of the Fallen. It's not a small game IMO.

madpuppy3470d ago

I should hope they wouldn't pay him in broken bones!!!


Gamer19823471d ago

Its not about giving Kojima a job he has been head of Kojima productions for years. Nobody is director of a gaming company anymore. Not one company has a game director he had a unique position at Konami. Most companies these days have to go through publishers and okay everything through them. So while a lot of big companies would love to take him on for his input not many will take him on and give him the complete control he had at Kojima Productions. I for this reason can see either a smaller company like this taking him as head OR him starting his own gaming company.

ZombieKiller3471d ago

I agree. Someone worthwhile better try n scoop him up. Honestly, I support him no matter what. I think that Konami was foolish and I hope that he bounces back tenfold no matter the choice of who he works with.

I feel like he would be a great fit for Sony as they've had a fairly decent relationship through the years. It would be cool if they offered him a position and studio after all this.

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ccgr3471d ago

Can't blame them for trying

Alexious3471d ago

Well said. Although Kojima might be like "Nice try"...

morganfell3471d ago

He has good friends at Ubisoft but I would rather he wind up at Deck13.

Using a small company to poke Konami in the eye would be much more satisfying.

In all seriousness I doubt he will join a company again but rather form his own, take truckloads of money from companies to build IPs for their platforms while retaining the IP ownership himself. Most developers could never do that, retain the IP, but then again Kojima isn't most developers. I don't see him ever surrendering control of a project or ownership of an IP again.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3471d ago

Lol that's great they aim high but Kojima will likely start his own company.

Alexious3471d ago

But he would have to start from scratch with the tech, meaning that we won't see a game for another 3-4 years.

Gamer19823471d ago

it takes 3+ years to create a blockbuster title anyway. As for engines theres plenty about he could use like unreal.

LavaLampGoo3471d ago

I reckon hes more likely to start his own, a name like his will attract a lot of talent...

Kumomeme3471d ago

better he form his own sakaguchi's mistwalker and let him going independent...let him get the freedom to do what he want without any restriction

SmokingMonkey3471d ago

Here's some money, do whatever you would like, just be a part of our company.

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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Community69d ago
OtterX71d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.


Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It's Hideo Kojima

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is the remake of the original title, which covers the origins of the Metal Gear Series.

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Hideo Kojima teases Tokyo Game Show appearance, and all signs point to Death Stranding 2

Sony last showed up to promote Death Stranding in 2019

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