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Xbox One Needs To Come Of Age In 2015

It’s been nearly 18 months since the release of the Xbox One; just think about that for a second. It’s quite a long time, when you get down to it. The Xbox 360 had a lifespan of around 9 years, so by that reckoning we’re, what, 16% (or just under 1/6th for the fractionally-minded) of the way through this generation, if that longevity continues to this one.

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StrayaKNT3474d ago WhoDisagree(3)Agree(1)
StrayaKNT3474d ago

Forza Horizon 2
Halo MCC
Sunset Overdrive
Killer Instinct
Forza 5
Ori and the blind forest
Titanfall and
Dead rising is not a whole lot then this guy clearly has no clue what he is talking about. Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive were my fabourite games of 2014 and both redefined their genres and at the moment Ori is the best platformer i have ever played.
Then we have
Halo 5
Quantum break
State of Decay
Tomb raider
Fable Legends
Forza 6
and hopefully a Gears collection.

Xbox is going stronger than ever and is sucking in every dollar i have. But i have enjoyed every second from day one.

WeirdShroom3474d ago

Amen. Now let's watch those salty disagrees pile up as always.

NatureOfLogic_3474d ago

I disagreed because that list of games looks boring and mediocre imo. Xbox One sales are mediocre for a reason. Tomb Raider is the only upcoming exclusive that I might be interested in, everything else is meh.

christocolus3474d ago


Spot on. Xbox one already has a good number of high quality games available and im certain many more will come this year and beyond.

Just look at SO, Halo Mcc, FH2, Titanfall, Ori and D4.


Wth?? Lmao. You are in many xbox articles downplaying and hating so your comment doesn't actually surprise anyone here&you aint fooling nobody either. Lmao XD.

Professor_K3474d ago

Typical nature of logic, lol

as if your opinion held any weight.

AngelicIceDiamond3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

@Shroom Yep, they're coming. Its funny because people will stealth disagree but will have NOTHING to say lol happens every time.

Gotta love some of these articles that are stuck in 2011 when refering to Xbox.

@Nature Many AAA's with two big time MOBA's hitting the console doesn't interest you I'm so shocked..But Ok then list me those AAA PlayStation exclusives for me then.

Let me start you off Bloodborne tomorrow, Uncharted a year from now.

Now go.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3474d ago
poppinslops3474d ago

A little TOO well said... Soon you'll have one bubble.

Soon you'll be one of us... gooba gobble.

Gazondaily3474d ago

Yeah agreed. I think, sales comparisons and resolution debates aside, the console is doing rather well. I am struggling to think of any real failings or it being stuck in the past.

THe author mentions the X1 having its big 'Halo' moment. Well I think all new consoles are looking for that. For the PS4 it most likely will be Uncharted 4 in 2016 (unless E3 surprises us). Also there is a lot on the horizon for the X1.

The X1 is definitely getting stronger day by day. Great, ferequent updates to system, great library of high scoring games, more robust indie support, online environment settling, Windows 10 potentially really bolstering the X1 and then you have some very interesting looking games like Quantum Break, Phantom Dust etc and games from great studios like Platinum Games (Scalebound)...a lot of potential for sure.

The X1 has already come of age. It is a far cry from the doom and gloom many pictured when it was first revealed and the months thereafter.

GriffinCorp3474d ago

Well said, the Xbox One is bring the heat. It's not taking the backseat like Wii U.

RosweeSon3474d ago

It's competing with the Wii U? That's where they've been going wrong Nintendo are doing their own thing and whilst it may not be Sony's level of current success still a great console with loads of great games on but ah xbox one is getting there luckily they have good 3rd party support otherwise with that list at the top which is barely a game a month and a few titles that are mediocre it's hardly been a blazing first year for Mircosoft but I'm sure they'll survive and sure they'll keep trying, hopefully they'll have a good E3 otherwise xbox one will be 2016 for me, not in any rush got a 360 if get desperate.

GameSpawn3474d ago


The WiiU is essentially a failure. It was on the market longer and its lifetime sales were surpassed in a few months by both the Xbox One and PS4. It's not a VirtualBoy failure by any means, but Nintendo should be doing better than they are after 2 years - hence them giving into the mobile market (this has more to do with gaming culture in Japan moving from home consoles to mobile gaming resulting in abysmal WiiU sales).

Regarding the Xbox One, considering the pre-launch fiascoes, Microsoft has done well to save their system from debauchery. They finally realized that shoving Kinect down peoples' throats was getting them nowhere. Microsoft still has some sour taste to get out of peoples' mouths and travel the long road to rebuilding trust, but at least the Xbox One is on track to be successful enough to keep investors at bay that wanted the division shut down or sold off (being #2 and way ahead of the WiiU helps a LOT in this regard, because they can say they're beating something).

Will the Xbox One surpass the PS4? At current market Sony will have to have major blunders worldwide for the PS4 to loose its steam and allow the Xbox to catch up. Sony learned to listen from the effects of the PS3/360 generation and listening has showed them great success.

Microsoft just needs to keep the reigns out of the hands of people in marketing that have no f-ing clue about the gaming market and what gamers want, because their idea of what gamers want is an assumption and driven solely by what they imagine without any basis whatsoever.

slappy5083474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

Agreed and there is a steady influx of quality exclusives throughout 2015, not just holiday, but holiday will be strong. Lookin forward to Smite and state of decay .
I'm also enjoying Rayman as a free gold game, playing it concurrently with ori it's nice that XBL gives us high quality stuff from time to time, like D4
My favorite exclusive still is Sunset Overdrive, I own both competing systems. I wish I did play Titanfall that looks like an interesting multiplayer

guyman3474d ago

Dont forget scalebound, crackdown and phantom dust

Gamer19823474d ago

only phantom dust has a 2015 release date.. Crackdown hasn't been confirmed for 2015 yet. But Xbox One has a solid line up of exclusives as does PS4 I don't think either side will be unhappy this year. I am happy with my PS4 as I get my JRPGs from Nippon Ichi and great games like Toukiden. Games I just cannot get on Xbox unfortunately. These aren't games people look at when they look at exclusives for consoles but they are the reason I chose PS4 over Xbox.

Blaze9293474d ago

"Xbox One Needs To Come Of Age In 2015"

really? Last time I check the Xbox One was doing just fine and improving gradually.

The PS4 however.

Allsystemgamer3474d ago

Was better at launch and still is.

Khajiit863474d ago Show
3474d ago
DLConspiracy3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

Should of left that last bit out sir. Not gonna win any friends that way.

Xbox One is the second best selling console. So in other words its not number One. Therefore it serves no purpose or enjoyment in society. Ones personal enjoyment is only based on whether or not a large portion of society agrees with you. If they disagree with you then you are labeled as an outcast and forced to forever play Ouya.

Also placing leeches on you will get rid of a headache and remove an evil spirit from your soul.

Blaze9293474d ago

@DLConspiracy lol yeah i own both systems, so as an owner I feel free to say that.

My PS4 library so far honestly consist of more multi-plats than exlsusives so TO ME, it's lacking in what just appeals to me vs the games i've bought on Xbox One.

So really it's just a different point of view

BlackTar1873474d ago

lol Blaze you're at least predictable

Professor_K3474d ago


i had no idea the ps4 had external hard drive support at launch/s

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littlezizu3474d ago

Xbox games need to be Xbox only, Ryse, titanfall, dead rising, ori and blind forest these games are in pc also and forza horizon 2 in future. Having a decent gaming rig i enjoyed those games in pc like many others, if only microsoft made it xbox exclusive, i would have bought X1 long ago to sit next to my ps4, pc, xbox360 and wii u.

tinynuggins3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

Support Microsoft anyway you want, either windows pc or xbox they still get your money and support. I don't think they need to keep all of their exclusives separate. Especially since they are trying to unify their platform. Most console gamers wouldn't play on pc's even if you gave them a gaming rig for free. Pc's just don't appeal to a lot of people when it comes to gaming. Everyone has their preferred platform and that's great.

Masterofwiiu3ds3474d ago

Of the games that are out right now on that list, you HAVE to admit that the following were unfinished and rushed out:

Killer Instinct (I think it launched with 5 or so characters, and no story mode)
Forza 5 (less than half the cars and tracks of Forza 4)
Titanfall (multiplayer only, which is fine, but the multiplayer lacked modes/varietry)

The following game was mediocre:

The following was an HD remake that couldn't handle a consistent 60fps:
Halo MCC

The following was good:
Forza Horizon
Dead Rising 3 (though this felt rushed too with all of the glitches, like stairs appearing out of nowhere as you ran towards them)

The following were great:
Sunset Overdrive

As an Xbone owner who actully owns and has played all of these games, you have to admit - at its current state, the Xbone is stalling. It needs more games. It needs better and more complete games.

3474d ago
Masterofwiiu3ds3474d ago

I get every system and every exclusive. Why should I sell a system because you think I should sell it?

Why can't I be justifiably upset with a console and the games? I'm not thrilled with the PS4 either, honestly, but it DOES have more good games as of right now.

Also, I never said I didn't like Halo MCC. I was just kind of shocked when I saw the framerate drop while playing Halo 1. I still love Halo 1 and 2.

Masterofwiiu3ds3474d ago

I find it funny that people actually disagree with me when I'm probably one of the only people here to actually play all of these games.

It's also funny that someone who spends their money on a console and the games (as I've done) can't be critical of the console when there are only a handful of games I like.

Some people just don't get rational logic. Hooray internet!

proudxgamer3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

It's not hasn't even reached full altitude dude. None of their heavy hitters came back yet...PS4 released The Order Tomorrow Bloodborne....soo chill 2015 will be great. I won't reiterate the game line up bx it's been done....u can't stall if u haven't reached full altitude that's all I'm saying they are ascending..... Yes!!!! P

DLConspiracy3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

These thoughts would be an opinion. So, if someone disagrees with you about your opinion then they will click disagree. I am still deciding your fate. Which way will I vote... Hmmm

t-hall7853474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

You say that but honestly the reason i'm ok with these games is because I'M STILL PLAYING THEM. I don't need to them to churn out games. i need them to not make another MCC period. EA Access plus games with gold has me backlogged something serious on the X1. Patience grasshopper. I honestly think the "exclusive" (yes i count the games on pc too. so i'll say CONSOLE exclusive)list is better than the direct competition right now.

I've PLAYED all of those games too btw. So my OPINION has some merit in this convo.

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modelgod3474d ago

@Aussiegamer1 I was trying to figure out why he didn't mention the HEAVY HITTER exclusives and kept mentioning watch dogs and destiny which were clearly Sony baby titles. Like you said, he never even mentioned the exclusive which most of us are waiting for. He has no console knowledge at all. If I recall; when ps4 was on record pace, they didn't have anything out but infamous 2 and and was pretty much resting on their laurels due to a few marketing mis-cues on behalf of Microsoft. This guy is nuts and please remember his name to spare yourself the agony of having to read any of his articles again. Both Sony and MS are just fine and have great games to look forward to. I do have something to add: don't mean to sound fanboyish but I think rise of the tomb raider will knock unchartered off if it's proverbial crown.

Letthewookiewin3474d ago

Im sorry but I still can't find a good reason to buy an X1 right now and that list Aussie put out doesn't help. Halo MCC almost does it because I love Halo, but the price needs to drop some more. 299$ and HaloMCC I'll pick one up, it's very obvious that many people feel the same (2:1 ratio) doesn't lie.

Foehammer3474d ago Show
Automatic793474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )


Love the games you listed. But let as not forget these games a that are also digital and first party titles.

Max and the Cursed Brotherhood
Halo Spartan Assault
Crimson Dragon
Zoo tycoon
Dance Central
Project Spark
Ori and the blind forest
State of Decay
Disney fantasia
LA Cops
Dungeons and Dragon Never winter
World of tanks
Happy Wars
Elite Dangerous
And many more to come.

Xbox One has truly shined in the game departments. The article clearly has not provided the entire truth with games on Xbox One.

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Godz Kastro3474d ago

I currently own 56 games on Xbox. In previous generation I didn't keep more than 8. Love my box.

Gamer19823474d ago

56????? WTF?? I have around 30 for my PS4 not including my PS+ games how you get time to play that many games??? Thats like 1 1/2 weeks per game since release. I first though you can't work but thats not it otherwise you couldn't afford those games.. Or your rich and just buy games for the sake of it..

Godz Kastro3474d ago


Honestly, i dont have time to play all of them :( I do work. A few of them are GWG. But yeah, this is my hobby so i spend some doe on it. Just bought Hardline and Pre-downloaded Borderlands for tomorrow.

Re-versed3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

i agree with the article...Its doing far worse than the 360 for me...Of course big part of this was the really bad start in minds of gamers with all this anti consumer policies...I hope it gets better by the time... ps4 needs stronger opposition...Its good for all of us gamers... If it has greater genre coverage i think it will get reflected in WW sales instead of US and UK only...

nigelp5203474d ago

Its only March and so far

-3 Major updates
-Forza Motorsport 6 was announced
-Forza Horizon 2 meets Fast and Furious announced
-Conker's Big Reunion announced
-Fable Legends with be free
-Xbox One and Windows 10 streaming
-ScreamRide and Ori were already released

Re-versed3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

where are the games?No offence but i would have to wait a whole year to play more of the same HALO FORZA ect...I dont want announcements for games but games all year long...Not DX12 and cloud PR...
edit: nigelp520
which of them is released now?

nigelp5203474d ago

Rise of the Tomb Raider
State of Decay
Happy Wars
Conker's Big Reunion
Quantum Break
Phantom Dust

DeadManMMX3474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

I still have a huge backlog of games from last year. The GAMES are on my 4 TB HDD piling up. I have a better question. WHERE IS MY TIME??? I have literally every new game that was good that has come out. On all systems. I love the fact were only having 1 or 2 big releases on both systems in the first 3 months. Especially after a particularly dense fall/winter season. I need time to digest. More games will always come. Hell I'm kinda glad The Order only took like 7 or 8 hours to platinum. XB1 currently and since launch has had the most big games. PS4 is starting to hit its stride or it was before that Uncharted announcment. Either way I am content.

KarmaV123474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )

Games are announced at E3... When they are supposed to be announced.
Exactly what you stated, "games all year long". Did you finish the 15 AAA games that launched 3rd and 4th quarter last year? Multiple of them are meant to be played for the next few years. Your not suppose to just play a game for a few days then hang it up (unless it is single player only). Games like Destiny and Diablo are meant to be played for a few years. But people like you want a new game before they even finish the last one. Dragon Age takes up hundreds of hours, The Witcher will take up hundreds more. No matter what system you have, you should be busy playing last years games still.

EvilWay3474d ago Show
Automatic793474d ago (Edited 3474d ago )


Ori and the blind forest
Conkers Big Reunion
State of Decay
Forza Horizon 6 meets fast and furious 7
Dungeons and dragon. Never winter
Elite Dangerous

Plus more Xbox has games you just turning a blind eye. That to me is a solid lineup of diverse games for all gamers.

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gamer93474d ago

Great system. I bought for exclusives, the controller, the online. Zero regrets. Hope to get a PS4 some day to go through all of their exclusives as well =)

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