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Bloodborne's New Screenshots Shows Awesome Katana and Wheel Weapons, New Armor & More

With Bloodborne getting really close to its release, more screenshots are emerging, showing some very interesting details.

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Christopher3475d ago
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Abriael3476d ago
TheOneWhoIsTornApart3476d ago (Edited 3476d ago )

Hey abrael I really love your articles and I'm not trying to sound rude but can you please not put spoilers in your titles anymore?.

Edit: Let me clarify that what I mean is that putting name of the weapon in the title is considered a spoiler for many people. We would rather not know there is a katana until we find it in the game. Would have been nice to stumble upon it and be surprised.

die_fiend3476d ago

Yeah I agree with this. A lot of articles naming weapons and stuff isn't appreciated at all!

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3476d ago

I really don't want to hear about every single weapon and outfit in the game and I feel that far too many have been spoiled this way.

Muzikguy3476d ago

I don't click on Bloodborne articles anymore for that reason. You're right. Too many games are getting spoiled because sites want more clicks. I'll try and selectively forget what the title just said. I'm still hyped for this game! I need to quickly finish KZSF before Tuesday

Forn3476d ago

I agree. Guess I need to stay off N4G for a this week so as to not ruin anything Bloodborne related for me.

peshkavusCA3475d ago

Good. Because the headlines all over the gaming sites will be covered with Blood... Good or bad reviews for this game.

SilentNegotiator3476d ago

Wait, are the weapons acquired like the other Souls games, or is this a God of War type deal where you collect weapons at very specific parts in the story as part of the progression?

Because if its like the other souls games, I don't think that's really much of a spoiler.

wsoutlaw873475d ago

What did the title really spoil for you? Were you really questioning if there was going to be a katana type sword? I don't consider that a spoiler at all. Its fine that you do, but I don't think you can blame the author, it's pretty obvious there will be swords of different types in the game.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3475d ago

I already explained in my comment what it spoiled and why I thought he shouldn't put specific names of items and things in the title. As a huge Souls fan part of the fun is exploring the rich worlds that FromSoft and Myazaki create and finding all sorts of unique and interesting weapons and I don't like knowing what all the loot in the game is before I play it. Also your comment " it's pretty obvious there will be swords of different types in the game." is missing the entire point. This game has a completely different weapons system than the other Souls games in that most of them transform and it is a surprise to me to find out that there is a katana in the game.

wsoutlaw873475d ago

It doesn't say katana is the name and finding out the name of the weapon couldn't matter any less to the vast majority of the people who play the game. What, do you think the name of the weapon is " awesome katana"? If part of your experience of bloodborne is legitimately spoiled by finding out one of the weapons is like a katana when the game contains swords, then I don't know what to say to you. Should people also not mention there are these monster things that will try to hit you with swords? I just don't see how the title gives anything away that anyone would seriously be surprised by or excited to find out in game.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3475d ago (Edited 3475d ago )

@wsoutlaw87: Wow dude are you being purposely obtuse or what?. Did I say even once that the whole game is somehow ruined for me because of the katana being revealed?. I said nothing of the sort. I have already explained why I said what I said so go reread it if you don't understand it. The amount of agrees that I have says otherwise to your comment about the vast majority not caring about spoilers in article titles by the way.

wsoutlaw873475d ago

You need to work on your reading comprehension skills before you respond because i also never said anything about the whole game being ruined. It helps if you respond to things that are actually said and points that are made. Lol you actually put weight in agrees/disagrees? Obviously no one wants spoilers in titles. The point is, saying katana isn't really a spoiler imo. But hey, maybe you would be sitting there with anticipation, wondering whether or not there would be a sword in a game with swords. Seriously, nothing about the weapon, or what makes it fun to find for you, should be spoiled by the title, but thanks for all your replies.

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PurpHerbison3475d ago (Edited 3475d ago )

I hope the title has changed, cause seriously, "Awesome Katana and Wheel Weapons"? Was that really it? Lol... How devastating.

d--keller3475d ago

I wish you hadn't told me that there would be lore in this game. I like to find stuff like that on my own.

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equal_youth3476d ago

Oh man i cant wait any longer :( and i even have to wait another week to play because i have to go on a trip next week...

Is that a crown the character is wearing in one of the pics?

Tripl3seis3476d ago

3 more days baby can't wait for this bad boy to drop on Tuesday let's go

VJGenova3476d ago

3 days? I'll be playing it in 48 hours from now when I get home from work.

Tripl3seis3476d ago

Dude the waiting is killing me bro seriously I'm getting the physical I need that in my collection of games haha

Deividas3476d ago (Edited 3476d ago )

I agree, stop putting specific weapons and stuff in titles. Just please keep it more vague (Ex. New Weapons and Armor) No need to be that specific cause that just ruined it for me before I ever even played the game. I want to find out for myself exactly what type of weapons I am going to find. Putting them in the title is 100% spoiling, please let people decide for themselves if they want to know the weapons, and not have it ruined before even clicking on the article.

FullmetalRoyale3476d ago

He will put whatever he thinks will get those clicks, regardless if it is unpleasant for some of us. It is incredibly shocking how little respect he actually gives people.

PurpHerbison3474d ago

Sounds like you should be avoiding the internet then.

MWH3476d ago

these days one can complete a game by news and screenshots.

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Bloodborne's Level Design May Be the Antithesis of Elden Ring's

Though nearly a decade old, Bloodborne's spectacular level design seems the flip side of the same coin as Elden Ring's own stunning visuals.

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Community11d ago

Bloodborne Is Now Playable On PC, If You're Patient Enough

New improvements have been made to Bloodborne PC using the shadPS4 emulator, allowing the title to run at 20 FPS already.

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PrinceOfAnger37d ago

I am more interested in infamous second son and perhaps driveclub.

PrinceOfAnger35d ago

Yeah it need more time for fixing the graphics.

Zombieburger63834d ago

Give it 6 months. It’s not like Sony will do anything with the ip so what’s waiting a little longer. Btw screw sony.


Official PlayStation Account Posts About Bloodborne, Gets Everyone's Hopes Up

PlayStation just posted about Bloodborne on its Italian Instagram account with the hashtag #PS5... anyone else getting their hopes up?

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Community38d ago
Elda38d ago

I'll believe it when Sony PS announces it.

38d ago
darthv7238d ago

I assume they got a team working on an official remaster, or at least a patch, that improves things overall. We know its possible. A 10th anniversary edition would be nice, with a cool themed controller as well.

purple10138d ago

You love a controller 😂

purple10137d ago

Previous posts about controllers probably.

TheEroica37d ago

How about bloodborne 2 and we stop dumbing gaming down with remakes.

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MinnesotaFatts37d ago

I'll believe it when I have the game in my hands.

TheEroica37d ago

Sony fans are so thirsty for anything right now let alone their most beloved game of the past decade. Will Sony ease their pain?

37d ago
37d ago
pwnmaster300037d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Didn’t helldivers 2 stellarblade ff7 just came out this year?

I never understoood the fanboy logic of 3rd party exclusive don’t count because it’s not first.
Can you play it on the other console??? No….okay, that means they have an exclusive game lol

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DarXyde38d ago

I'm gonna go ahead and get my hopes up.

Sony has been really weird this generation, but I refuse to believe they're going to just shrug and pass on Bloodborne.

I might get crushed, but it's worth it for hoping on Bloodborne.

derek38d ago

It would be cool if it was a sequel to the first co- developed by From and Sony using one of Sony's proprietary game engines. I'd take a remake demons souls style.

neutralgamer199238d ago

It’s amazing how many gamers want this game and this would be easy money. I don’t know what’s taking Sony so long. Just make it 60FPS and upres. Release it on PS5 than later again at full price for PC

anast38d ago

Hyped! I don't mind being let down. The hype is fun.

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