
Ori and the Blind Forest Review | ICXM

Ori and the Blind Forest is a mixed genre game with a strong platforming focus with light RPG elements all set within Nibel, a beautiful atmospheric world. Created by Moon Studios, an independent studio with developers located all around the world, Ori and the Blind Forest tells the story of a hero who must journey to find courage and confront a dark nemesis to save his home. The young orphan is destined for heroics through a visually-stunning action-platformer crafted by the talented people at Moon Studios for Xbox One and PC.

Featuring hand-painted artwork, meticulously-animated character performances and a fully orchestrated score, Ori and the Blind Forest explores a deeply, emotional story and love, sacrifice and the hope that exists in each and every single one of us.

3426d ago
magiciandude3426d ago

It's a beautiful game that looks very much like Rayman Origins. Tomorrow will be one fun day.

3426d ago Replies(1)
3426d ago
modelgod3426d ago

I'm off tomorrow so tonight would be one fun experience. I'm installing it now and it's at 89%. I'll keep you posted with a honest, non biased review. And being an achiever and accomplishing some pretty tough tasks, I find it ridiculous how some reviewers detract from their score for difficulty. Stay tuned, a REAL REVIEW IS ON THE WAY! !

gangsta_red3426d ago

Another perfect score. Great job on a great game.

It's unanimous across the board that reviewers and critics love this game, from the visuals, atmosphere all the way down to what is the most important, gameplay.

"Remember the first time you played Zelda or Metroid when you were a child? We hope that years from now people will also remember the first time they got to play Ori and the Blind Forest."

When you have a company that puts out statements like this then you know they are truly passionate about gameplay core mechanics.

Congrats to Moon Studios, the four years it took them to make this game is paying off big time.

Stiffler3426d ago (Edited 3426d ago )

Looking to be not only a gorgeous game that has some nice substance as well. I'll be picking this up on steam shortly. I hope everyone who gets Ori has fun!

starchild3426d ago

Yeah, me too. I've had my eye on this a long time and I can't wait to play it.

3426d ago
Xavior_Reigns3426d ago

This game is scoring extremely well and for the gullible ones who only buy through reviews, here's your next buy. As for me, if I had an XBO, I'd definitely be buying ( I will later this year.) Not because of reviews, but because I liked what I saw/ seen. So here's hoping the rest of the Xbox community picks it up.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3426d ago

Do you have a gaming PC?. If so it is releasing on that as well.

Xavior_Reigns3426d ago

Unfortunately no I don't, I'd love to game on PC but several factors hold me from doing so. I plan on getting a XBO this upcoming holiday anyways, so I don't mind the wait.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3426d ago

@Xol_Reigns: I was only asking because you wouldn't have to wait to play it if you did. Also the disagrees I got for my comment are ridiculous. Can't think of even one reason why I would get them for stating a fu**ing fact.

Xavior_Reigns3426d ago

You can't think of one reason? LOL! Come on dude it isn't that hard...

This is N4G remember, a site so toxic with fanboy garbage, that only the brave dare it's foulness. I'm sure I only got agrees because I'm getting a XBO.

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No Rest For The Wicked Will Not Require An Internet Connection To Play, Moon Studios Confirms

No Rest For The Wicked is a brand new action-RPG from Moon Studios, the team behind the Ori titles. While this new adventure can be experienced solo, a quick look at gameplay reveals how it was created with multiplayer gameplay in mind.

This has resulted in Moon Studios constantly getting the question “can I play No Rest For The Wicked offline?,” to which the answer is thankfully and unequivocally: yes.

victorMaje135d ago

I look at this game’s screenshots & I’m thinking this is one of those games where the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" applies.
I’ll be watching closely :)


Sales Of Ori Games Have Crossed 10 Million, Moon Studios CEO Reveals

Ori Games have now sold over a staggering 10 million copies since their release, as confirmed by the CEO of Moon Studios in a new tweet.

Fist4achin136d ago

Fun games everyone should try.

ZwVw136d ago

This statement seems like damage control after the company's recent comments about not benefiting from the games being on GP.


Playing Ori Games On Xbox Game Pass Does Not Help The Studio, Claims Moon Studios CEO

The Ori and the Blind Forest studio CEO has asked the fans to purchase the game instead to completely support it.

Terry_B143d ago

oh really. The Microsoft /Game Pass Dream Bubble is bursting, eh?

Outside_ofthe_Box143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

I've been told that this is an outlier and 99% of devs feel the opposite of what moon studios is saying right here.

thorstein143d ago

"It can be? If you're a smaller dev and get an upfront fee to put your game on gamepass and it blows up, that's great.

I merely pointed out that Moon would make no money at this point from people playing Ori on gamepass - so not the best way to support us!" - Thomas Mahler, Moon Studios

Asplundh143d ago

"This is the exact argument people have been saying about GP for years now"

It's not. Moon studios had no say in their game going on GamePass, because it's a 2nd party game and Microsoft own the Ip and games. Moon was paid for developing the games and presumably get a cut of sales, GamePass is hurting their sales but this is a different situation.

143d ago
Lightning77142d ago

Because it is. You can name on one hand the studios GP doesn't help.

GamerRN142d ago

They make no money because they were already paid an upfront fee. So they MADE money, but make no additional money.

Markusb33142d ago

yeah of course because people renting games and not buying them is so much better for studios.
Microsoft has conditioned people not to pay for their hobby or at least not to pay to own anything

Outside_ofthe_Box142d ago


"They make no money because they were already paid an upfront fee. So they MADE money, but make no additional money."

So it's a good thing that they make no additional money despite their game having continued success well after the initial payment?

Einhander1972142d ago


"Because it is. You can name on one hand the studios GP doesn't help."

Just in the past few months we have had statements from Larian, 2k and now Moon Studios (as well another indie studio that released it's game pass but I can't remember who it was) have made similar statements recently about the effect of subscriptions on sales and profitability.

Heck you recently saw in Insomniac's leaked slides that after games were put on subscriptions the sales of the games almost totally dried up, which is something they have publicly been saying for years. And on top of that even though xbox fans constantly deny it, Microsoft leaks as well as their own statements and actions (like putting thier games on rival platforms) clearly show that putting games on subscriptions lowers the potential profit of a game.

It's time to accept the reality that the long term effect of subscriptions has been lowered revenue and profit for game sales almost universally across the board.

Credible research and information keeps showing that people don't buy games that are on subscriptions and more and more people don't buy games they suspect are coming to subscriptions.

RGB142d ago

Look into Outriders situation, unless you are a very small indie dev, gamepass loses money for everyone involved, including Microsoft.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 142d ago
Obscure_Observer143d ago

"oh really. The Microsoft /Game Pass Dream Bubble is bursting, eh?"

I don´t think Sony agrees, because they´ll continue and release yet another brand new MBL game on Gamepass day one for the fourth time in a row!

Crows90143d ago

Because they have a choice right?

143d ago
Christopher143d ago

That's not by Sony's choice... This is a poor argument.

notachance143d ago

dude just randomly mention sony out of nowhere lol

Obscure_Observer143d ago (Edited 143d ago )


"Because they have a choice right?"

Yes they do. They could say no. Nobody is forcing Sony to make MLB games to Xbox at gun point, especially day one on Gamepass.


"That's not by Sony's choice..."

Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did.

Besides, It´s a GaaS title after all and one of the most played on Xbox. So it´s not really hurting Sony in any way, and I´m 100% positive that they relly love those fat checks from MS.

"This is a poor argument."

You can say that, but, the Interesting and undeniable fact is that after four years making MBL games available on Gamepass day one, nobody from San Diego studio got fired in Sony´s recent wave of layoffs.

Just food for the brain.

143d ago
Elda143d ago

That's not a business choice that was decided by Sony, that decision was decided by the MLB. Sony will reap the rewards only because Sony's first party developers (Sony San Diego Studios) develops The Show. If it wasn't for the MLB licensing contract of The Show the game would still be exclusive to PS.

outsider1624142d ago

"Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did."

Well this isn't EA, they lost the license to Fifa, not Fifpro, or the premiere league or champions league or the euros.

MLB I'm guessing (i don't play baseball) is the only licence to it. They have no choice, indeed. American gamers will want authentic teams im sure.

142d ago
142d ago
Futureshark142d ago

What an Obscure Observation!!?!!

1Victor142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

@christopher: “That's not by Sony's choice... This is a poor argument.”
Have you see him have a rich valid argument when it comes to Sony. 🤷🏿

@obscured: “Yes they do. They could say no. Nobody is forcing Sony to make MLB games to Xbox at gun point, especially day one on Gamepass.”
Sure buddy whatever keeps you happy same as no one is forcing Xbox to now and in the future release their games on PlayStation and Nintendo oh btw in the near future Xbox will go fully 3rd party like Sega 💵💰

Markusb33142d ago

do you understand the concept of licensed games? good lord the straw arguments or just lack of actual real information is astouding.

Terry_B142d ago

I don't think many of your comments are thought out.

Christopher142d ago

*** Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did. ***

That's an illusion of choice. It's not a choice. You're acting ignorant to try and serve up a bad argument.

Sonic1881142d ago


At it again huh LMAO

142d ago
142d ago
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 142d ago
Neonridr143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

you have to remember that these games are old now, they are given a fee upfront for their titles to be on gamepass, but for new people to play the games naturally you want to drive them to standalone sales as opposed to them playing on a service that they've already been paid for.

Outside_ofthe_Box143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

I don't understand what you are saying here. This is the exact argument people have been saying about GP for years now. In the short term the upfront cost is good, especially if your game is either trash or was never going to be popular in the first place, but long term and if your game exceeds expectations then it's not as good. Also if your game is AAA and is a sure fire going to sell millions day one, people want those titles day one on GP as well and think it's sustainable for some reason when logically that doesn't make sense.

Neonridr143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

@Outside - I don't know if MS has any incentives in place where devs get bonuses if games do well. You'd have to talk to someone in the know there.

Neonridr143d ago

I bought the collection on my Switch. Love these games.

darthv72143d ago

Same here. its a nice little compilation. Plus I have the XB special editions on disc (still sealed)... and it was all thanks to playing them in Game pass. I dont get why its so hard for people to understand how this service can actually lead to sales, not just blindly accept the few who complain about how sales weren't as good as they expected.

remixx116142d ago

Because not everyone is like you.

Most people wont go out and purchase a game on other consoles or buy special editions of games they already played if they can just try it on their cheap subscription service and move on once theyre done with it.

GotGame818143d ago

I bought Ori for Switch because it's on GP and wanted to be able to play it on the go. That being said, at 120fps and 4K on Series X, that is the way to play.

LoveSpuds142d ago

Fingers crossed for a release on PS5, I'd snap them up even though I have them on Switch already.

OneLove143d ago

No one forced you to put it on there wtf👀

Sciurus_vulgaris143d ago

Moon Studio had no choice. They do not own the Ori IP, Microsoft does.

rippermcrip142d ago

They didn't have a choice to partner with Microsoft for funding and create the game for them?

ChasterMies142d ago

I’m with OneLove on this. Don’t go begging to fans when you already took Microsoft’s money.

Kornholic141d ago

For smaller companies to even have a CHANCE to make some money on Xbox, they often have to put their games on Game Pass. Don't be dense.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

Anyone who wanted Ori has most likely already bought it. The game is not going to sell significantly anymore but GP will offer free exposure so that when Ori 3 comes out people may be willing to buy. If your game is good enough people will support in even if they can get it on a subscription. I still buy plenty of games that are available on GP and I also have played plenty of games that I would not have played thanks to GP. Bottom line is this, make a product people want and they will buy it.

badz149142d ago

Tbh, the game has never sold significant numbers to begin with.

Eonjay142d ago

I think what the CEO is implying is that the studio makes more money per copy sold vs a player on GP. But I think we know that as common sense. Even without being privy to Moon/Microsoft's contract, I think we can assume that because of the nature of GP, more money can be made per player at retail than via subscription. And honestly this would also probably apply to Microsoft as well. As in they would make more money too. Thats why the only way to maximize the utility of a subscription is to have a really large subscription base.

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