
17 Weeks In, Halo: The Master Chief Collection Is Basically Working

Patrick Klepek writes, "I'd been reading the latest patch for Halo: The Master Chief Collection improved the game's notoriously bad matchmaking, so I decided to load up the game to see if this was actually true."

crazychris41243427d ago

Glad to see the game is out of beta, havent touched it in months. Too bad with GTA heists and other games coming out I wont touch this for a while. This has to stop I'm sick of buying games at launch only to put them back in the shelf because they dont work. BF4 was broken for a year, Halo:MCC was broken for more then 3 months, who knows whats going on with AC Unity I hear some saying its fine and others saying its still a mess. Just not gonna pre order and I wont buy it the 1st week unless I hear 90% of players reporting minimal problems.

otherZinc3426d ago (Edited 3426d ago )

17 weeks in and:

I have 1,475 Achievement Points for HMCC.

Since day 1, 17 weeks ago, it's been Campaign & Campaign Co-op.

Beat Halo MCC on Legendary in Halo 1, Halo 3, & Halo 4. Beat Halo 2 on Heroic, about to play on Legendary Mode.

Beat all Halo MCC games in Campaign Co-op, about to take down Halo 1 in Campaign Co-op next.

Currently playing Spartan Ops, on stage 5 now.

Also, the Movie Halo Nightfall was a fine addition.

Yeah, I've been enjoying some Halo Master Chief Collection! I've done a lot in 17 weeks with
4 great games, running on 5 different engines, + Spartan Ops, and soon to welcome Halo:ODST.

I must say, what a value for $60.

Naga3426d ago (Edited 3426d ago )

Agreed. With all the outspoken rage being flung about on the internet, I felt like a member of the silent minority... quietly content with some of the greatest FPS campaign content I have had the pleasure experiencing.

ThePope3426d ago

The best value in gaming ever.

nowitzki20043426d ago

But I have been there and done that with Xbox, and Xbox 360.

Naga3426d ago (Edited 3426d ago )

@ nowitzki2004

I didn't know you could play Halo 2: Anniversary on either of those consoles.

I definitely didn't know you could play all of those games in full HD at 60fps in one place without switching disks for only $60.

I guess if you've already been there and done that, you had a very different Xbox and Xbox 360 than everyone else.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3426d ago
Foehammer3426d ago

Congrats 343

You took games from gen 6 and gen 7 and made them all run on gen 8

Outstanding value

DemonSlayer4203426d ago ShowReplies(2)
spicelicka3426d ago

All run seamlessly in one system, that's 5 engines integrated into one that have to switch back and forth. It's not as simple as it sounds and i sure haven't seen it being done anywhere else.

OdieEsty3426d ago

To be fair the campaigns always ran fine, it was the match making that had issues. They ported 3 games, one of which never had match making and the other 2 had match making on different services, and then tried to compile them all together so you could swap from one to the other fairly quickly. Not only that, but the colelctionw as being developed by several different teams, AND 343i's main team was making their own game. It was a bigger undertaking than people give them credit for. Of course this doesn't excuse the problems of the MCC, but it gives some cotnext to them.

Gazondaily3426d ago

Tried it on the weekend and yup, its finally working as intended. Took way too long though. I think the community numbers have taken a massive hit.

Bennibop3426d ago

I moved on months ago, so do many other people I know. It has been appalling though, 17 weeks after release to get a game working which should have been from day one.

qwerty6763426d ago

well they're switching out the ACU Bundle for the MCC one

should be a new influx of players coming in.

pompombrum3426d ago

Yeah I think it took a huge hit, playing the slayer playlist and the general selections picked, it seems that the majority left are the long term Halo fans.

DemonSlayer4203426d ago

you do mean the rabid delusional Halo fanboys don't you?

DivoJones3426d ago

Yeah I expect a vast majority of the player base has moved on at this point.. and rightfully so. For a November launch to just now be stable/working is unacceptable.

Moldiver3426d ago

I stepped into some BTB goodness and yes indeed it works like its supposed to now. Finally! forgot how much I loved objective based game types like CTF on sandtrap :)

yesterday me and my team went and stole the other teams big tank base thingy. By the time we got back to our spawn the other team was making off with ours. Then madness ensued.I love halo.

christocolus3426d ago

Lol.Halo got me into playing fps on consoles. Its a great game and im glad the issues have all been fixed.

Bigpappy3426d ago

You are not alone in that. Before Halo, It was thought FPS could only be done right on PC. Pretty much every FPS that followed has copied that control scheme.

DemonSlayer4203426d ago

And this POS game has an 85 on Metacritic. If that doesn't indicate that Metacritic is more broken than this game's MP I don't know what does.

TheRedButterfly3426d ago

Or maybe it is a reflection of a game with four incredibly well-received single-player campaigns (H:CE=97, H2=95, H3=94, H4=87) that have worked from Day One, despite the broken multiplayer.

Did you even consider that? or were you to eager to jump on the already incredibly exaggerated hate train?

That's what I thought. GG.

LifeInNZ3426d ago

I was disappointed about the broken multiplayer however, i still have not finished replaying the campaigns! Even without the MP it was a fantastic value release however, for those that still play Halo MP its just the icing on the cake to have it all fixed.

I'm so looking forwarrd to Halo ODST as their way of saying sorry.

As for Demons comments it amazes me how someone can be so immature towards something they dont or will ever own.

christocolus3426d ago


Give it a rest already. you are the same person who said the order deserved a 9.8/10, atleast it shows metacritic is less biased than you are.

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Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly348d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast348d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125348d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx347d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro347d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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Best Xbox Game Studios Franchises

These are some of the best and most popular video game franchises now owned by Xbox Game Studios and Microsoft.

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Sciurus_vulgaris357d ago (Edited 357d ago )

Microsoft was involved with Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, Flight Simulator and Fable from early development, I will give them credit for those franchises. Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Doom were established franchise before being acquired by MS.

Crows90356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

Exactly. They had nothing to do with their most popular franchises now.

Their old franchises are dwindling and pretty much non-existent.

They've had perfect dark in the chamber this whole time and haven't done squat...that tells you the kind of company they are. Fable is another franchise that's been destroyed and ignored...let's see how the new game turns out.

Profchaos355d ago

Yeah perfect dark, banjo conquer ms seems to kill more franchises then they like to admit while pretending to care about others like hexen

Sitdown356d ago

Given the article specifically says "now owned", what made you feel the need to do a break down?

thesoftware730355d ago


Because it's N4G and any opportunity to shit on MS is never missed.

Rude-ro356d ago

Gears is not.
It was the same as mass effect:
Just contracted.

closed_account357d ago (Edited 357d ago )

Ah yes, feels like forever ago since Microsoft created Skyrim. So much so, I had actually forgotten they had created it and the other Elder Scrolls games! 🤔

*They really shaped my preteen years w the original Doom too!

ocelot07356d ago

Don't forget the original Elder Scrolls way back in 1994 or fallout in 1997.

Sitdown353d ago

So you don't understand the combination of "now owned"?

Crows90356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time.

Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made ...in that case the franchises should be fine. But then...they shouldn't really get credit.

DOMination-356d ago

"I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time."

Based on what?? Microsoft usually gets stick for releasing too MANY games in their franchises, to the point where it's quite a long-running joke - one I'm sure you've partaken in before.

Pretty much all of their major IP has had releases in the last five years or have upcoming releases scheduled so I see no evidence whatsoever for this claim.

"Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made"

But.. They HAVE been very hands-off for a long time and have drawn lots of criticism for it?

fr0sty356d ago

See: All of Rare's games

DOMination-355d ago

I really wouldn't say that MS have let Rare franchises die. They've just had the freedom to create new IP in Sea of Thieves and Everwild. MS are currently developing a Perfect Dark game, licensed Killer Instinct out, Rare themselves released several compilations and several Banjo games as well as PDZ in the past.

I'm not sure what else you could want. They can only make one game at a time. You can't say MS let all their franchises die but also be annoyed that they allow their studios to make new IP.

Profchaos355d ago

If that's the case where my banjo or conquer sequel why didn't I get sunset overdrive 2 oh yeah not enough bro in those games

ChasterMies356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

EA is a good example of what can happen to a franchise when a larger corporation buys up studios from a smaller corporation. Quarterly earnings should never matter more than quality.

wiz7191355d ago

@Crows that is the case , Zenimax is operating independently of MS and have full creative freedom to do what they want. Zenimax games aren’t being published under XGS ,

ravens52356d ago

Soon Microsoft will be known for making Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Candy Crush, Call of Duty etc. Lmao they know what they're doing. Especially with the archiving issue the gaming industry has.

closed_account356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

Microsoft built the game industry. Microsoft invented games. Didn't you know? ;)

**What a bizzaro world we live in where the losers can become the winners overnight.

Hypertension140356d ago


What are those franchises you're talking about?
Activision/Blizzard only makes Call of Duty and Bethesda has Elder Scrolls and Starfield only, stop making it seen that is much more anti competitive/consumer than it actually is.......

Profchaos355d ago

Zero creative vision and the ability to bankroll it by purchasing everything that everyone else had success with even Halo wasn't technically theirs Bungie had to sell it to them to become independent

Atari6052B356d ago

You mean any studio Microsoft could acquire to flog last gen games on game pass ... What happened to HD-DVD that Microsoft pushed so hard ...

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

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closed_account358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic357d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast357d ago (Edited 357d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.