
Nomura confirms FF Versus XIII's development going slow

This week's Dengeki PlayStation issue features an interview with Nomura, which reveals some of the plans for upcoming events. Nomura mentions that Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Complete might finally be getting a release date, and that we should expect many more surprises. In addition, he admits most of Versus XIII's development team is currently working on other titles, something that delays the work on the title.

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supergamer5917d ago (Edited 5917d ago )

yes we know this already its been said some of the versus team are helping finish FF13. which is good thing that means the sooner FF13 releases

soul5917d ago

Actually S-E decided to "debunk" the last interview where Nomura said the dev. team is helping to finish FF13, I wonder if they'll debunk it now too. Seems like the rumor is turning out to be true.

thor5917d ago

It's sad that FFXIII is taking so long, I think we will only see 1 FF game this generation (well FFXIII and versus), I think they should have only done 1 game, and make it as great as possible, because whilst FFXIII may well be released in 2009, versus may not see the light of day until 2010, and it may be canned altogether.

Grassroots5917d ago

It's very doubtful they will can FFv13, they just want the finish FF13 because of the obvious demand for the title. I believe they are farther done with development than they ever will lead us to believe.

I personally pray they don't can Versus since I'm more excited for this title!

If they weren't such perfectionist with the Final Fantasy series, then I'm sure it would've been released already.

Fox015917d ago

why did they split the FF team? Usually it's almost the whole team that's in charge of developing numbered FFs. Square's becoming too greedy

Or maybe it just means that FFXIII is so huge that it requires more manpower than the previous FFs...

Panthers5917d ago

They didnt debunk the last rumor. The last rumor said that they stopped working on Versus to help with 13. Squenix just said that they are helping with 13, but only when they have free time away from Versus.

Still, I am looking forward to both and I hope they rock. Once 13 is done, I bet Versus will get done fast. Especially if the 13 team turns around and helps them.

TapiocaMilkTea5916d ago

Yes, focus, one at a time, so we get to play something sooner. If you release all at once I can't play them anyways....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5916d ago
Angelitos5917d ago

Poor Xbots

Poor Xbots, yall hating and removed my bubbles. Poor Xbots, but my fellow homies will help me out. Poor Xbots, you guys are lucky they are doing slow, we are showing you some mercy.

Poor Xbots

QueefyB5917d ago

hey angelitos have a bubble dont worry i think xbox 360 players are really slow so one comment is enough for them because it will take them a few hours to understand what you have said i think it is the radiation that hurts there brain

QueefyB5917d ago

this game will be the best game of 2009 it will be exclusive to the playstation 3 so it is already a success

LuHawk5917d ago

What ever your the dumbest person on this site

juuken5917d ago

And LuHawk, you're dumb for even responding to him.

Nitrowolf25917d ago

i just want this game to get finished
im hoping it comes out around december or early 09

tako20005917d ago

I would put my money on summer 09 if SE won't put more resource in there...

Nitrowolf25917d ago

well if it does come out summer 09 then at least i will have more money to save up for it. and if it does come summer 09 it will be another game that will keep me entertained for the summer

eagle215917d ago

This is all for Final Fantasy XIII to get released on time. Who would argue with that?

In his last interview, he stated that VERSUS XIII was still on schedule. So just be patient. :)

Nitrowolf25917d ago

if that the case
then i will be a very happy man come december (i think that is the schedule date)

Fox015917d ago

Why is FFXIII taking a lot more time to make than VS?

iamtehpwn5917d ago

That's Square enix's Trademark game.
Versus is a Side project to expand the concept of Fabula Nova Crystallis. Versus XIII probably won't as big or long of a game as the main XIII game, but you can bet your ass-virginity it'll Be Pure Pwnage.

eagle215917d ago

Final Fantasy XIII is their flagship title. The game will probably be 60-100 hours like previous installments.

@fox01. In his last interview, remember the translation was incorrect. It was translated as VERSUS XIII was put on hold for Final Fantasy XIII development. He later cleared that up and said that VERSUS XIII was still on schedule. Not put on hold.

He talked only about some of the members of the VERSUS team (probably the really talented ones) are helping finish the Final Fantasy XIII project. Hopefully, we will hear more next week. :)

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

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gold_drake160d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies160d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix159d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled159d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia291d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog291d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake291d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic290d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan291d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman292d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator291d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno291d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior291d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake291d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.