
'No Man's Sky' Massive Details, New Images Release Unveiled at GDC 2015: Draws Inspiration from NASA

Fresh exciting reveals have emerged on 'No Man's Sky' release date, features, and more when Hello Games' director, Grant Duncan, appeared at Game Developers' Conference 2015 last week.

Foehammer3427d ago ShowReplies(11)
Fro_xoxo3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

I'll wait till it drops to see how it does.

For now, Just observing.

Gazondaily3427d ago

They already have my money. I want this so bad. This with Morpheus would be just incredible.

Aloren3427d ago

This is typically the kind of game that makes me want to try VR. I heard only good things about Elite Dangerous with Oculus.

Fro_xoxo3427d ago

A game like this equipped with VR would be sweet..

I just want to know what else I can do besides exploring.

Nekroo913427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

@Aloren, not sure if this is the kind of game you want to try it. When IGN played Star Citizen some members complained about getting motion sick with VR, remember a space ship is quite manubrable, but the earth exploration part is great with VR.

halfblackcanadian3427d ago

This is the reason I think the two gravitated toward each-other, even more than the instal-base. The guarantee of Morpheus and Occulus (now also Vive?) support os huge for a game like this.

@everyone above who's arguing

They have said it's timed, so chances are high this appears on Xbox One. The only difference between this and something like Tomb Raider is that, due to the larger PS4 user numbers there are less people constantly asking for clarification on this than there are for TR. Hello Games has no real reson to appease fans or manage negativity they way those who chose Xbox (timed) exclusivity do.

jebabcock3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

Wow.. it just dawned on me how huge their dev approach is and how it could really help revolutionize game development. Not talking about how the game looks or plays. Im Talking about the level to which they are procedurally generating the game. To make a massive game that doesn't take up a massive space on your drive or some server. To do what they are doing at the complexity level they are at is awesome. Hope the resulting game is a blast too. We will have to see.

zeee3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

Right on Septic!!! I can't wait to play this on Morpheus!

andibandit3426d ago (Edited 3426d ago )

Dont know if im being skeptical, but im currently playing E:D, and have to say that theres isnt a whole lot to do after a while.
Combat,Mining,Exploring, or Trading... New things are comming tho, but I wish it would come sooner and this is from Frontier Developments a company that consists of around 240 people.

Im worried that NMS will face similar problems especially since Hello Games, according to Wiki, consists of 9 people :O

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3426d ago
_-EDMIX-_3427d ago

Not sure what else there is to know. The concept alone has me already.

medman3427d ago

You observe Fro...I'm salivating and hyperventilating. Between the promise of Morpheus and the possibilities of No Man's Sky, Rime, and Wild, I'm beside myself.

frostypants3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

@TheFro: As opposed to what? Seeing how it does BEFORE it drops?

Bdub20003427d ago

Thanks for sharing? We all care you're just observing? Rolls eyes...

This game looks quite ambitious. I've been engrossed in elite dangerous for over a month, ready to try out star citizen, and can't wait to play this game. This generation is getting some serious space exploration love, and it's insane!

Azzanation3427d ago

Star Citizen makes this game look like a kids game. Honestly it really does. Compare the two.

llMurcielagoll3426d ago


Okay I do not see why people disagree with you. NO I DISAGREE YOU MUST PRE-ORDER DIS! YOU NO WAIT FOR RELEASE!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3426d ago
Thefreeman0123427d ago ShowReplies(1)
Grell5663427d ago ShowReplies(3)
EstSince88Gamerdude3427d ago

I'm looking forward to this game but unfortunately I can't read these exciting new details as all I get is a screen full of ads!!! Which is now the bane of the Internet!! Anyway I intend to get lost in space soon..

thorstein3427d ago

Get Chrome or Firefox. Install the add-on called AdBlockPlus. Get a good Virus/Malware detector. I use Norton (doesn't mean you need to.)

Then, download for free (and donate if you wish) "Spybot Search and Destroy" Use it to clean your browsers.

I forgot that "pop ups" even existed until I read your post.

Happy gaming!

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No Man's Sky is 1% away from a positive review score just eight years after its disastrous launch

No Man's Sky is only 1% away from hitting an overall positive review score on Steam, a monumental achievement 6 years post-launch.

Read Full Story >>
Dirty_Lemons8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Hello Games put in so much work with NMS. It's similar to CDPR, they massively improved Cyberpunk, Hello Games took that multiple steps further and have just poured everything into this title, rather than say f*ck it and move on.

StarcrossedBits7h ago

Title says 8 years since launch, blurb says 6 years since launch. Videogamer's AI journos making weird mistakes as usual.

ChasterMies1h ago

No Man’s Sky launched on PS4 before it launched on PC and Xbox.

StarcrossedBits24m ago

Actually it launched on PS and PC at the same time ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... Xbox was later but regardless the article blurb doesn't talk about Xbox, only Steam.


No Man's Sky Sees Almost 500% Increase In Players On PlayStation 5

No Man's Sky's July 2024 update gave it a massive PS5 player count boost as new and returning PS5 and PS4 players checked out the Worlds Part 1 changes.

Read Full Story >>
MaximusPrime_17h ago

HelloGames must be one of the most patient and devoted game developer in history. All those updates since they launched the game nearly 10 years ago have been free.

Well-done to the team. NMS continue to impress

solideagle16h ago

it's because it always paid off, numbers increased, more people bought...They have done exceptionally well. I wonder what their next game would be.

KnightNumber8614h ago

It’s already been announced. “Light no Fire”, I believe, is what their next release is called.

MrNinosan13h ago

Next game is Light no Fire.
You should check the trailer for it, looks amazing and shows what they've learnt during NMS years.

Amplitude8h ago

Hopefully it's another Joe Danger. Those games were absolutely sick

StormSnooper11h ago

I remember when people were attacking them like rabid beasts because the game at launch wasn’t what they had been let to believe. Since that time, they kept delivering.

sagapo10h ago

Yeah, I got the game at launch, such a big letdown. You can barely compare the game as it is today. Big big improvements!

StormSnooper1h ago

Yup. That is what I meant. They really kept at it. Big dedication for a small team. They never stopped believing in their game/vision I think.

Jin_Sakai17h ago

No Man’s Sky may be the best video game redemption of all time. It’s also a better game than Starfield.

CrimsonWing6917h ago

Do you think in 10 years time Starfield can have a similar redemption?

outsider162417h ago

Nope. This is bethesda. Also..any improvements to the game will probably be the community through mods.

NotoriousWhiz16h ago

Fallout 76 is popular now too 10 years and numerous patches later. So it's possible.... though unlikely.

MrNinosan13h ago

FO76 is not even 6 years thou.

Vits12h ago

I think the issues with Starfield are on a different level than those with No Man's Sky. The latter lacked features, with many advertised elements missing from the game, and what was included didn't contribute to a fun experience. So fixing it was more about adding content than anything else.

Starfield, on the other hand, has issues with its foundation—ranging from the travel mechanics to how quests are handled. Everything seems flawed, so fixing it would be more akin to remaking it from the ground up.

Jin_Sakai5h ago

“Do you think in 10 years time Starfield can have a similar redemption?“

Absolutely not. Bethesda is lazy and wants modders to finish their games.

NotoriousWhiz4h ago

If we're going to be pedantic, no man's sky has only been around for 8 years.

MrNinosan4h ago

Okay? Did anyone say anything else?

Crimson just asked what you think will happen with Starfield after 10 years.

But yes, NMS turns 8 next week.

KyRo39m ago

It's Bethesda. They've re-released Skyrim a billion times and it's still riddled with bugs, terrible voice acting, dated graphics (even for it's time), poorly animated trash. The same for Fallout. What makes you think Starfield will be any different lol?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 39m ago
dveio16h ago

This game is simply amazingly polished right now.

I personally would still love a less 'cartoonish' approach in the art design of a space exploration game, but I am truly amazed of the indefinite space they are able to simulate in NMS.

If you're into space exploration, all with planets, galaxies, black holes, flora & fauna, huge distances, warp jumps, research, minerals, myths, chemistry and so much else, then NMS is a true gem of its game.

In all of this fields SO vastly superior to Starfield.

There's no comparison really. Let alone the excitment of freely approaching and landing on a planet the first time.

Hat's off to Hello Games!

It's a masterpiece in the genre.

Demetrius8h ago

Would be dope if more devs supported their games like this that fell a lil short when released smh. This one of the only devs

Zenzuu5h ago

People can talk about and praise how much of a good comeback Cyberpunk was, but it's nothing compared to what Hello Games has been doing for this game. The level of commitment, ongoing support and free updates, makes this by far the best redemption in gaming history.


3 Planets in Under a Minute: A Closer Look at No Man's Sky's Engine

Martin Griffiths proved once again that NMS's proprietary engine is one of the game's greatest strengths.