
Xbox One Automatic DLC Download Feature Under Consideration

"We're trying to figure out the best way to do that," Microsoft's Major Nelson says at PAX East.

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MegaRay3428d ago

Wouldn't it be easier if they made it a patch instead of a DLC? Or am I missing the point?

badz1493428d ago

missing the point big time.

patches are free and many DLCs aren't. so, there's one where you're missing the point.

with the rise of season passes nowadays, MS and Sony should really consider at least automatic DLC downloader foe season pass holders. I don't think it's THAT hard to implement.

stragomccloud3428d ago

I guess the Wii U does have a useful feature missing on the Xbox. Wii U will automatically download DLC if you have a season pass and patches. Also if you preorder a game, you can pre install like on Steam.

Immorals3428d ago

You can predownload games on the Xbox!

gamingisnotacrime3428d ago

I would like to see the automatic updates function like the PS4 has. Wanted to play forza horizon 2 in the morning and there it was, needs an update -_-

slate913428d ago

The Instant-On setting allows for automatic downloads of patches I do believe.

WCxAlchemist3428d ago

It does. Go to settings to enable. Its been there since launch

3428d ago Replies(1)
Jag-T10003428d ago

I don't want useless DLC ,that I'm never going to purchase, taking up space on my hard drive.

MSpence5163428d ago

It is for those that purchase season passes. The article states that sometimes people don't know when some of the content gets released. The XBO notifies you when something has been downloaded and is ready to launch.

The pre downloading of the DLC will let you know you have it without having to know when something is released in case you happen to miss that information.

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Mixer Won't Just Become Facebook Gaming on Console, Xbox Executive

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Mr Pumblechook1492d ago

If I was Facebook I would drop the branding as it is now associated with a failed streaming service.

exputers1492d ago

What do you think, why would Facebook partner up? They must be failing badly too lol

Stanjara1492d ago

While Mixer failed and didn't see any growth (or better, their traffic was going down), Facebook's gaming division (or whatever) was going up due to Oculus or chat or mobile gaming. More traffic on service, more ad revenue.
Increasing traffic also means that you have to go where there is traffic or where people are.
Since Facebook has money, and Mixer has money they went together to see potential growth.
Facebook goes for gaming because they have billions of people, who some of them are gamers, but they game on other platforms.
At this stage what ever they do they will se growth, but not from hc gamers or gamers in general, but from every day Joes who heard that fifa, gta and cod exists.

In other words, who cares :p

SpaceRanger1492d ago

Two companies that have been scrutinized for data collection practices, Facebook being the worst of the two. This is a partnership MS should have stayed away from.

Ausbo1492d ago

That was really the only option. Couldn’t have gone to YouTube because stadia would conflict with xcloud plans. Couldn’t go with twitch because amazon will be releasing their own answer to the streaming Wars.

The only other option was to not partner with anyone. If they did that, they’d be leaving their streamers high and dry. At least with Facebook they are offering partner status to those who had it in mixer and sign on bonuses

SpaceRanger1492d ago

It would have been way cheaper to just buy out people with sign on bonuses. The partnership with Facebook was probably expensive and will further tarnish their branding in the streaming space. Especially with so many companies boycotting Facebook right now.

And the likelihood of Facebook being integrated into the XSX at some point is super high now. Not sure anyone would want that.

MS can’t catch a break this gen when it comes to partnerships.

Ausbo1492d ago

The partnership is more about a gateway to xcloud. They want to push that to as many people as possible. They wanted mixer to be that, but it failed to gain traction.

This was more about xcloud than anything

Sunny_D1492d ago

I don’t know. His wording was cleverly typed. It feels like he’s saying it won’t be integrated for now.... Or get built into the OS someway or another.

1492d ago Replies(1)
RazzerRedux1492d ago

Sounds like this was all just a way to kill off Mixer and endorse an alternative that isn't Twitch or Youtube.

ColdSin1492d ago (Edited 1492d ago )

I think you are right. Amazon seems to have a game streaming service up their sleave and want it to go along with Twitch (click-and-play stuff). The same is true for Google with their Stadia streaming service.

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