
Killer Instinct Season 2 will receive new character 'Hisako', a Shadow and Story mode

During PAX East developer Iron Galaxy held a Killer Instinct panel for the upcoming 2nd season of the fighting title and revealed some new details for the title.

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Mikefizzled3429d ago

She looks awesome and if this shadows system is implemented properly it'll help me how to improve my game like nothing else.

Sonyslave33429d ago

Her grab move is freaking awesome that shet had me jumping up and down.

Insomnia_843429d ago

Amazing how they managed to sell an unfinished FIGHTING GAME in pieces(seasons)

Tedakin3429d ago

Because it's frickin' amazing.

Sonyslave33429d ago

But I bet u love dead of alive 5 last round on your ps3 or ps4 .

Fireseed3429d ago

Because waiting to release everything at once would be sooo much better... /s Glad to play things as soon as they're ready.

PunisherRevenge3429d ago

Isn't Sony doing the same with Drive Club right now?

StrayaKNT3429d ago

Maybe because its one of the best fighting games ever made and us fans cannot wait for them to completly finish the game.

whoyouwit043429d ago

you mean like Sony did doing with Drive club? Oh wait KI worked day one.

christocolus3429d ago

Dude stop. you are in every xbox article trolling.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3429d ago
Fireseed3429d ago

Love the looks of that command grab, but my poor Aganos is gonna get his massive punches parried :(

aviator1893429d ago

the shadows feature sounds really cool.
it's like drivatars, right?

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NecrumOddBoy1851d ago

A blind guy beat the original Oddworld game. It's both a testament to a skilled dedicated gamer and the dev teams brilliant sound design.


Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition free to download on Xbox One

Neil writes "The base game may already be free, but now you'll find that the second season of Killer Instinct characters are joining it - and you can thank the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for that!"

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2748d ago
2748d ago
BizarroUltraman2748d ago

Nice, one of the best fighting game this gen.

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