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ESRAM Performance Improves By 15% & DX12 Info For Xbox One | Analysis

The Xbox One will be receiving a nice boost in performance thanks to additional tools available for developers to profile the best way to use the ESRAM memory. Regarding Microsoft’s new API, the Xbox One has been said to benefit largely from lower overhead, a new API for running the ESRAM and greater parallelism.

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WCxAlchemist3430d ago ShowReplies(3)
Mr Lahey3430d ago

Hopefully dx12 is the end of sub-hd games on xone!

MasterBaker3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

Well, Technically 720p is HD lol

alexg5873430d ago

Lol good one.. in all honesty im cool with 900p cause sunset overdrive blows mind everytime I play....but 60fps is where its at halo mcc plays so smooth man

3430d ago
tuglu_pati3430d ago

In a nutshel,

"Covering old ground, it’s important to remember this isn’t going to give the Xbox One’s GPU specs a ‘boost’ the hardware still puts out 1.3TFLOPS of performance, thanks to the 768 shaders. It also still has fewer ROPS and TMU’s than the PS4. But what Microsoft can do is get more out of what they have in the system – and that’s the key point here.

Ironically, the PS4 will possibly benefit a little from all of this too – Wardell has confirmed the PS4’s API is already very low level. The API, (GNM) does also have a higher level cousin API, known as GNMX (which we’ve known for some time). We’ll delve more into the PS4’s API and how Vulkan will interact with it in the next few days, but for now it’s best to tackle one thing at a time. The PS4 will possibly benefit because multi platform developers (EA, Ubisoft and so on) will likely be more willing to invest in time to optimize engines which are multi thread orientated for rendering. We know that the Order 1886 uses multi core command buffer generation for example… so the impact of DX12 and other API changes will possibly be interesting to be felt on the PS4.

Still, it’s very positive news for both PC gaming and the Xbox One… which is good for everyone involved."

This summarized really well this whole topic.

GameNameFame3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )


In Vulkan slides, it says Sony funded(among others) Vulkan project.

So prob is benefiting from it.

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nicksetzer13430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

Idk how much it will improve things overall, but great to hear it effects (for the greater) the gpu, cpu and memory capabilities for XB1.

Bigpappy3430d ago

DX12 isn't for resolution,even though that may be a side benefit, it's for better more efficient processing of draw calls between the CPU and GPU. So thinks fps, lighting, texture mapping, independent ai, particle effects, physics... Don't know who the trolls are from who just don't have a clue. But that should help.

Stiffler3430d ago


Still banging that drum dude?

DX12 will help improve X1's performance and efficiency as well as PC, FACT.

I've seen you in almost every single DX12 article trying to downplay the facts while also trying to substantiate your claims with 1-2 year old tweets.

You're wrong and you're evidently desperate with some weird motivation to try and downplay the inevitable improvements on the way for both X1 and PC. Carry on though.

GameNameFame3429d ago (Edited 3429d ago )


Not me. And he did it again at this GDC. X1 fans kept saying wait for GDC.. wait for GDC... We did. What did we get? PC upgrades. Not X1. LOL

"“On the DX12 question, I was asked early on by people if DX12 is gonna dramatically change the graphics capabilities of Xbox One and I said it wouldn’t. I’m not trying to rain on anybody’s parade, but the CPU, GPU and memory that are on Xbox One don’t change when you go to DX12. DX12 makes it easier to do some of the things that Xbox One’s good at, which will be nice and you’ll see improvement in games that use DX12, but people ask me if it’s gonna be dramatic and I think I answered no at the time and I’ll say the same thing.”

Thats from spencer.

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PistolsAtDawn3430d ago

When was the last game on X1 to be under 900p? Also, typically when a game is under 1080p on X1 (esp after the launch window), it's cause it was developed with PS4 in mind first, then practically just ported over to X1. This is why you get all those eSRAM bottleneck/blessing discussions. If you don't develop a game with eSRAM in mind, it becomes a bottleneck and you don't get much out of it. If you develop a game with it in mind, it's a TON of help. So if DX12 makes it so Devs will find it financially beneficial to make a game ground up designed for X1....1080p already isn't a problem. I mean, how are games like Destiny, FH2 1080p, but pure pool wasn't? Even SSOD was running at 1080p on X1, but they decided to push it down to 900p so they could have more chaos on screen (the right choice for that gets REALLY hectic at times and is what the game is all about).

3430d ago
3430d ago
GameNameFame3429d ago

Uhhh. Most games are not fullHD. or true 1080P.

Instead of 1980 x 1080 resolution. Xbox One has 1500 x 1080 resolution.

Which is identical to 900 or 850P resolution.

LOL. 1500 x 1080 is not really 1080P.LOL

UKmilitia3430d ago

well it dont matter because with the 44% increase on ps4 ,xbox owners cant tell the difference between 720p and 1080p so it dont matter.
there is no point with dx12 because it resolution and fps dont matter according to xb1 owners.
yet the 15% increase on xb1 through new api/dx12 is a game changer??

crazy world

GearSkiN3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

Do you even have an xbox one to make all these claim?

Jesus, fanboy like u really need to stop being one sided.

UKmilitia3430d ago

@gearskin in every article talking about ps4 being 1080p and xbox being 900p xb1 gamers say it isnt noticable and it doenst matter.

also extra blades of grass on gta5 made no difference.
im not a fanboy and last gen it was same shit but different direction because when xb360 had extra blades of grass and slightly higer res it made a huge difference.

im not a fanboy its just xbox gamers have double standards it seems.

oh and last gen i was on xb360 from day one and loved my 360 but i didnt live in the world of bull like most.

Skate-AK3430d ago

If people can't see the difference between 720p and 1080p then they need to see an eye doctor or put more carrots in their diet. I remember the first time I saw a Blu Ray movie. It was the Simpsons Movie. It blew me away. Was so clear and colorful it actually hurt my eyes.

DLConspiracy3429d ago (Edited 3429d ago )

You keep saying 720p in these articles and post comments to point out some sort of hypocrisy. DX12 is more about the CPU. I seem to recall a lot of those people you are pointing a finger at also saying that frames were more important to them than resolution anyway. So this would be well within that same point. As this will help out the physics and frames of games.

Personally I would love there to be more parity on resolution so that people would stop shoving 720p in peoples faces in every article that threatens them or every chance they get. It does tend to get pretty old.

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MSBAUSTX3429d ago

But there have been some 1080P games for XB1 so I dont understand your statement

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Blackleg-sanji3430d ago

I'm so lost on this dx12 stuff. Is it 50%(I believe I fan said that not an actual developer can't remember) it's 20% or it's 15% which one is it? If any of u guys could have a non tech guy out it's appreciated

Fireseed3430d ago

Just know its an improvement. The yield varies between developers but everyone is seeing an improvement.

OC_MurphysLaw3430d ago

@blackleg-sanji DX12 has impacts on PC and Xbox One...and as stated by Fireseed it will vary between developers based on what they are trying to do. DX12 also has a varying degree of impact on different components. So for the CPU they are seeing upwards of 50% improvement of its performance, again depending on what they are doing. GPU also is seeing gains of up to 20% performance increase depending on the situation and finally.... the Xbox One ESRam is seeing a 15% efficiency boost (as discussed in this article).

Bottom line DX12 is a tool set that makes software running on it use the different components of your computer much more efficiently than any previous tool sets.

Blackleg-sanji3430d ago

Thanks for ur help and my God what's with the disagrees what's wrong with you gamers?! Jus trying to find out how this works this site man..

PistolsAtDawn3430d ago

As of right now there is no solid answer, but this article is just specifically about the eSRAM aspect of the system, just one small part.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry as much about the hardware efficiency %'s as much...any gain will be nice, but the real advantage to X1 will be the tools helping devs make it easier to make games designed specifically for X1. If Devs use it like it was designed, it's already a great system. That's why all these quotes and things are about "if the dev uses them".

bleedsoe9mm3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

"For the PC, Wardell points out that “Ashes of the Singularity” (a new title from StarDock, his studio) has received a 70 percent boost in performance on rendering the same scene. "
holy crap

"Ironically, the PS4 will possibly benefit a little from all of this too"
if you just love gaming on every platform you can get your hands on , this is just great for gaming in general

Death3430d ago

Here's the rest of the quote if anyone is interested,

"Ironically, the PS4 will possibly benefit a little from all of this too – Wardell has confirmed the PS4’s API is already very low level. The API, (GNM) does also have a higher level cousin API, known as GNMX (which we’ve known for some time). We’ll delve more into the PS4’s API and how Vulkan will interact with it in the next few days, but for now it’s best to tackle one thing at a time. The PS4 will possibly benefit because multi platform developers (EA, Ubisoft and so on) will likely be more willing to invest in time to optimize engines which are multi thread orientated for rendering. We know that the Order 1886 uses multi core command buffer generation for example… so the impact of DX12 and other API changes will possibly be interesting to be felt on the PS4."

OC_MurphysLaw3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

So I do question this comment: "The PS4 will possibly benefit because multi platform developers (EA, Ubisoft and so on) will likely be more willing to invest in time to optimize engines which are multi thread orientated for rendering."

I say I question this because if these developers feel the PS4 is already at an acceptable level of performance that they are able to achieve fairly easily then why would they invest more money & time? These companies are all about the bottom line...I question what kind of additional investment they would make.

Death3430d ago

If multithreading is being performed on the Xbox One and PC via DirectX 12, then the chances of affecting the PS4 is pretty slim. If developers create custom tools for multi-threading than it's a pretty easy task doing so for the PS4 also. The low level API's are already doing this to a degree so the benefits for the PS4 aren't as great since they are already further ahead.

You are right as far as the bottom line goes, but if investing in better tools reduces the time to make games than it helps the bottom line in the long run. Microsoft is the company responsible for DirectX. If they can create the tools to make their platform more competitive and also more attractive to developers than the investment is well worth it. It's much harder for a single dev to justify the expense which is why we see some games struggle.

RegorL3430d ago

EA (Frostbite) already does this, they are one of the driving forces behind Vulkan API.

Any serious game engine for a console would use its lowest level API.

3430d ago
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Let’s School review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Well, this is uncanny. This school management sim bears a startling resemblance to Two Point Campus, especially when it comes to planning and decorating rooms. Be sure to add a window and a radiator, along with a plant or rubbish bin. Indeed, certain aspects are almost identical – it’s just like revisiting Two Point Campus, only something is…off. It’s the visual style that leads to the uncanny valley feeling, using a low-poly PlayStation/Saturn aesthetic. An odd choice, considering the 32-bit consoles didn’t have a great amount of management sims. The PS1 did have Theme Hospital though – with Two Point Hospital being Campus’ predecessor, so we guess we can give it a pass on its artistic intent."

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I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


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