
Geeks Anonymous: It’s OK to not Embrace Every Popular Game Franchise

EB's John Fletcher writes, "Hi, my name is John and I don’t like the Fallout games.

Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate the Fallout games for what they are. I can admire the unique setting and visual commitment to it but ultimately, for all the strengths of the games, I just don’t have any fun with them. Maybe I’m just not as keen on 1950s Americana as other people, I don’t know, but whatever it is I have never really enjoyed a single Fallout game.

Wow, it feels good to get that off my chest. I’ve been carrying it around for a while now and I just can’t seem to get past the way I feel."

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avengers19783430d ago

I personally don't get into COD, BF, AC, or GTA... And sales wise they are among the most popular games. I mean I've played them at some point or another, but I rarely purchase any of them.
I know plenty of people that just love all these games but I'd rather spend my gaming dollars elsewhere.

HAMM3RofBUDDHA3430d ago

I tend to buy into the AAA mega franchise scene, but lately have shifted a bit more towards Indie. Do love Fallout though.


The Witcher 4 Dev Is Working Closely With Epic Games To Bring Structural Improvements To UE5

The Witcher 4 developer CD Projekt Red is working closely with Epic Games in order to bring structural improvements to Unreal Engine 5.

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cloganart10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

As a dev, I can tell you that with 5, Epic made quite a leap. It perhaps may have done *too much* of a fidelity leap that most of its target hardware (Both PC and Consoles) struggles to hit 60FPS with all the new cutting edge features they added.

It may have had some issues with this generation to find a good home, but by PS6 the engine will have matured and found a good matching partner 🙏

rlow110d ago

Now that Sweet Baby is involved in this game. I’m really concerned it’s going to turn into a woke agenda poster child. I hope not but after what happened to the tv show, I won’t be holding my breath on this one.

Demetrius10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Folks are so mf afraid to tell the sweet baby inc weirdos NO we don't want your involvement lol

jznrpg10d ago

Hard to say. Maybe they are welcoming them?
I know I wouldn’t hire anyone from the outside to give me advice on how to do my job but we don’t know that they feel scared and they could be positive toward them. People have different beliefs and ideals and that’s ok there is 7 billion people you are going to have ideals that run the gamut.
If it was me I’d tell them to F off because I wouldn’t want to pay people to advise what I’m doing regardless of who it is unless I sought them out myself and that could be the case here who knows.

raWfodog10d ago

Give Bethesda some tips on how to work with new, better game engines.

10d ago

The Witcher Trilogy bundle just hit its lowest-ever price thanks to Steam Summer Sale

The Witcher Trilogy bundle is currently listed with an 89% discount on Steam, and you can save over $60 thanks to this Summer Sale discount.

anast24d ago

It's been cheaper on GoG and you can own the game DRM free.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Patch 1.040 Now Available for Download

Stay updated with the latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH news! Learn about the new Version 1.040 update, featuring critical bug fixes.

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M3talDiamond52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

No mention of fixing the audio issues the dialogue audio is too low this has been reported many times on social media the volume has to be turned up and music has to be lowered to hear the characters properly :(

Babadook751d ago

I have a question as someone who is considering buying the game soon. Is this a fixable issue? Can you just lower the volume for music and sound effects and keep dialog at default?

shadowT51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

yes, it is no issue at all. Just go into settings. Do you have already played the first Remake or the OG?

M3talDiamond51d ago

There are a few youtube videos and reddit tips with some tips on fixing the sound issues but sadly they didnt work for me

M3talDiamond51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

@Babadook7 There are a few videos on youtube with tips on how to fix the dialogue audio this but sadly they didnt work for me. There is an option to lower the music and sfx and keep the dialogue audio at 10 but you have to keep the volume up high (well for my TV I do) but when you are in battles and cutscenes the audio is higher so you have to adjust the audio again.
@shadowT The audio issues doesnt affect everyone there are some people on reddit complaining about the audio and there are other people saying they dont have any issues at all. I think it depends on the TV I have a Samsung QLED 4K and FF7 Rebirth is the only game I have audio issues with.

Babadook751d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Thanks for the answers all.

@Shadow yeah I have the Remake and finished it and loved it (loved the OG also back in the day). My understanding is this is even better than Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 51d ago
shadowT51d ago

GOTY contender got even better!